This is our first trip to Rush Off Road this year. This trip will consist of doing some trail clearing/clean-up for a few hours on Saturday, then the rest of day/weekend we will have some fun!
For members: In order to be in the drawing for the Rush yearly pass (2020), you must either help work on the trail or carry a garbage bag and pick up trash for those few hours.
I'll be starting a list of who will be attending. Hoping we get good weather!
Kevin O'Bryan (93Krawler)
Zach Ferriman (liftedlongarmzj)
Robert Hull (WrenchMonkey) - Coming Saturday or Sunday?
Jeff Smith (JeepmanJeff)
Zach Smith (Smiddy24)
Brad Bean (blazerbrad) - Coming Saturday afternoon?
For members: In order to be in the drawing for the Rush yearly pass (2020), you must either help work on the trail or carry a garbage bag and pick up trash for those few hours.
I'll be starting a list of who will be attending. Hoping we get good weather!
Kevin O'Bryan (93Krawler)
Zach Ferriman (liftedlongarmzj)
Robert Hull (WrenchMonkey) - Coming Saturday or Sunday?
Jeff Smith (JeepmanJeff)
Zach Smith (Smiddy24)
Brad Bean (blazerbrad) - Coming Saturday afternoon?