View Full Version : I.o.k. Rock Race 10-27-07
10-11-2007, 08:40 PM
Just thought I would let you guys know about this event. Next year I will be racing at all these events so you have to be there!!!!
IOK 4 Wheelers
2007’s Last Blast
Bracket Racing & Rock Run
Friday, October 26th:
Racer Registration begins at 3:00 p.m.
Uphill Drags Time Trials are 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Uphill Drags begin at 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, October 27th:
Racer Registration begins at 8:00 a.m.
Jr. Division Time Trials/Flat Drags begin at 9:00a.m.
Rock Run begins at 10 a.m.
Flat Drags Time Trials are 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Flat Drags begin at 3:00 p.m.
All times are subject to change
IOK 4 Wheelers Gravel Pit
at US 50 & State Route 128, Valley Junction Rd, Cleves, Ohio
Visit for updated information.
Contact the Race Chairman if you need additional information
Thanks for the heads up, mind if I post this on the Terrain Stompers board?
10-15-2007, 07:58 AM
By all means spread the word.
Thanks Jim
10-18-2007, 07:49 PM
i made it out to the IOK swap meat and checked out the corse, well i think thats what i lookin at. It looks prity good , if thats what u r talkin bout. do you have ne input on the corse or class's, cuz this is new to me i've never seen this b4 out there:D , is it the first run? thanks and sorry bout the 50 questions im just relly insterested!!:confused: !
10-22-2007, 10:16 AM
These are the rules I received this spring, they mave changed a little but this will give you an idea. They have been doing this at the first and last race of the year for a couple years. Each year they are adding more stuff and more class'. Hope this helps. I have to put this in 2 posts because of the size sorry.
Event Scoring & Rules
Important notice
Rock Crawling / Racing is an inherently dangerous sport. Each competitor assumes that
risk when he or she participates in an event. The risk of serious injury or death cannot
be eliminated and, in fact, will always be present at a high level. Competitors are urged
to advise their spouses and next of kin, if any, of this fact. By competing, all competitors,
both spotter and driver, agree to the following. In consideration of being permitted to
participate in any event sponsored, promoted, or directed by I.O.K. ROCK / I.O.K. Four
Wheelers, Inc. the competitor for himself/herself, his/her personal representatives, heirs,
and next of kin, hereby releases the corporation, and their respective officers, directors,
promoters, sponsors, employees, agents and volunteers (“releases”) of all liability to the
competitor, whether caused by negligent act or omission of releases or otherwise while
the undersigned is for any purpose participating in such event. It is fully understood by
each of the competitors that there is some inherent risk associated with this event, including
damage to vehicles and injury or death to the individual.
In addition, the competitor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the releases from any
loss, liability, damage, or cost they incur due to such participation by the competitor,
whether caused by releases’ negligence or otherwise, and agrees to assume full responsibility
and risk for bodily injury, death, or property damage from releases’ negligence
or otherwise while the competitor is participating in this event.
Each competitor acknowledges and represents the following while competing:
1 - That he or she has read the foregoing release and waiver of liability and indemnity
2 - That he or she does at all times, while riding in a vehicle participating in an event,
wear his or her respective seat and shoulder belts and helmet.
3 - That the owner/driver certifies that he or she has inspected this vehicle and that the
same certifies it to be in proper mechanical condition for participation in competition.
4 - That the owner/driver has informed himself/herself about the event, either by prior
participation or by investigation into the sport and especially I.O.K. ROCK events.
5 - That the driver or any other person(s) in a vehicle participating in any I.O.K. Rock
event, may choose to bypass any obstacle and, therefore, assumes all risk and liability,
as indicated above.
Before each event begins, there will be a drivers meeting where officials will draw numbers
for the starting line up and go over any questions you may have.
Most points wins. Competitors start each stage with 40 points each and incur penalties/
deductions/earned points as shown on the next page. Explanation of deductions outlined
1 pt = Stopping - Tires not moving for 5 seconds or more
2 pts = Intentionally reversing course. A reverse after a stop is only penalized as a reverse,
not a stop and a reverse. Once a reverse penalty has been assessed, no further
reverse penalty can be assessed until the vehicle makes forward progress.
6 pts = Using rear steering per each stage
6 pts = Touching a cone
28 pts = Using a tool (winch, HiLift, strap, etc)
40 pts = Out of Bounds (OB)
40 pts = Exceeding the time limit
40 pts = Not applying a cover or weight to a winch cable when under tension
40 pts = Accepting outside assistance while on a stage
40 pts = Pushing, pulling, lifting, etc on the vehicle by a driver or spotter to aid progress
Earned Points
2 pts = Clearing an intermediate gate with both axles.
*Note: Option gates can be worth more than 2 pts.
Credits are awarded only after the stage has been completed.
Once a competitor receives 40 or more points in penalties, thereby dropping to zero
points, they are considered as having 'pointed out' and are through with that stage and
cannot earn more credits.
Rear Steer
Rear steering is defined as changing the alignment of the rear wheels in relation to the
axle, whether intentional or accidental. You will be penalized *6 points for using rear
steer during any stage. No additional penalty points for rear steering will be assessed
until the vehicle starts another stage. Once a team has been penalized for use of rear
steer, the team can use the rear steer as many times as they want during that stage
without incurring any additional rear steer penalties.
Use of tools
A team can be assessed a maximum of one tool penalty per stage. Use of a tool is defined
as readying or removing an item from the vehicle that could be used for aiding
progress. Whether the tool is actually used to aid progress or not, does not matter.
Once the tool penalty has been assessed, that tool or any other tool can be used as
many times as the team may want without further penalty. This also includes hand-tools.
*Note: For safety reasons, competitors must use a cover or weight over the cable when
using a winch.
Gates / Cones
A “gate” is a set of 2 cones and the invisible line between them. Starting gates are lettered
as the ‘A’ gates. Ending gates are lettered as the ‘Z’ gates. Intermediate gates are
lettered ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘E’, etc. There may also be “option gates” on a stage where competitors
can choose a more difficult route and earn extra points. Example: C1 & C2.
Intermediate gates must be cleared by both axles (wheel center to wheel center) to earn
credit. Only the front axle (wheel center to wheel center) must clear the end gate where
time is stopped. Start and end gates are just that - starting and ending points - and no
points are given for these gates.
Gates must be run in order and cleared in the intended direction of travel. Vehicles may
clear gates in forward or reverse. A vehicle may travel back through any gate cleared,
but must properly ‘re-clear’ that gate again to receive/keep credit for that gate. The ‘A’
gate must be cleared in forward direction, not in reverse.
Out of Bounds
A vehicle is considered Out of Bounds if:
a- Any part of the vehicle, a team member or tool used by the team touches a roped/
taped boundary on a stage.
*b- If more than 1 (one) tire goes over (on the ground or in the air) the outside of a
cone’s intended location.
c- A gate is cleared out of order.
10-22-2007, 10:17 AM
Breakdowns / Running Order
If a vehicle lays over on it's side, the competitors will be asked if they want outside assistance.
Any vehicle lying on its top will automatically be given outside assistance for
safety reasons and they are through with that stage.
Vehicles falling out of order may move back up in line, but no further than their starting
order, by getting permission from another competitor. Competitors will be assessed a 5
point penalty per position lost as recorded at the last stage completed on each course.
At their discretion, event Marshalls can change the running order due to breakdowns or
Stages will remain open 15 minutes after the last vehicle has run.
All competitors riding in a vehicle must wear a DOT/Snell approved helmet while competing.
Spotters must wear head protection (soft material not permitted) while on an obstacle.
(Helmets that continue to below the ear are Highly Recommended for Drivers)
All vehicles must have a fire extinguisher fixed inside the vehicle that can be easily
reached, released and used by the driver when the vehicle is any position, both rightside
up and upside down. The spotter must have also have a fire extinguisher outside of
the vehicle that’s at least 2.5 lbs in size that he/she places somewhere on or off each
stage when competing and can be quickly reached if needed.
Everyone is expected to conduct themselves in a proper manner towards spectators,
event officials, other competitors and anyone else associated with the events. Penalties
for poor conduct can be assessed by stage officials and event Marshals ranging from
-5pts to total disqualification.
Anyone considered to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be disqualified from
that event, forfeit any deposits made toward future events and refused entry to future
Most points earned at last Stage of the event, 2nd to last Stage of the event, etc
Protests will be heard and addressed up until 30 minutes after the last stage of each respective
class has been closed. All protests must be presented to an event Marshall.
Class Requirements
Modified Stock Class
Modified Stock Class is intended for well-built trail vehicles modified using readily available
aftermarket parts and being street legal. Any rules or restrictions needed to maintain
the spirit of this class will be implemented. The intent of Modified Stock Class is to
stay within factory designs while allowing aftermarket modifications that are normal in
the 4x4 recreation sport. There are no restrictions on engine, tranny, t-case, axles or
suspension. Bead lock wheels are allowed.
1- Vehicle must be Titled.
2- Maximum tire size of 35" as labeled by the tire manufacturer.
3- Frame is to be OEM or direct OEM design aftermarket replacement. Frame reenforcements
are allowed.
4- Wheelbase of the vehicle must be within 2.5" of OEM. There will be zero leeway
5- Steering will be completely of OEM design. Hydraulic and hydraulic assist is not allowed.
6- Equipped with a winch (strongly recommended but not required)
7- Lockers front and rear. (strongly recommended but not required)
8- Seat belts or harnesses for driver and spotter (minimum 4 point harness strongly recommended)
9- 2 Fire extinguishers (one for Driver & Spotter) -see Safety Rule above-
10- First Aid kit
11- Roll cage designed to keep passengers safe in the case of a multiple roll over accident
(minimum 4 points connected to frame strongly recommended)
12 - Bodies must be full width of OEM. Bodywork must extend a minimum of 24" past
the rear axle.
Super Stock Class
The Super Stock class has been implemented for the vehicles that are more modified
than our OffRoad Modified Stock Class, but, not as extreme as our Trophy Class.
1- 2 seats, mounted side-by-side
2- Maximum tire size of 37" as labeled by the tire manufacturer.
3- Engine mounted forward of the driver
4- Mass produced automobile/light-truck engine available to the public
5- Front axle steering only
6- Changes in wheelbase only from normal suspension movement
7- Equipped with a winch (strongly recommended but not required)
8- Lockers front and rear. (strongly recommended but not required)
9- Seat belts or harnesses for driver and spotter (minimum 4 point harness strongly recommended)
10- 2 Fire extinguishers (one for Driver & Spotter) -see Safety Rule above-
11- First Aid kit
12- Roll cage designed to keep passengers safe in the case of a multiple roll over accident
(minimum 4 points connected to frame strongly recommended)
Trophy Class
Trophy Class is intended for vehicles with very few limits on modifications. The only limitation
is that vehicle propulsion must be by 4 tires only. Trophy Class vehicles do not
need to be street legal.
1- Equipped with a winch
2- Real lockers front and rear. No limited slips Lockers front and rear. (strongly recommended
but not required)
3- Seat belts or harnesses for driver and spotter (minimum 4 point harness strongly
4- Fire extinguisher
5- First Aid kit
6- Roll cage designed to keep passengers safe in the case of a multiple roll over
(minimum 4 points connected to frame strongly recommended
10-30-2007, 10:22 AM
There are pictures here if you are interested in what you missed.
Click on photos at the top of the page.
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