Bear Chow
10-24-2013, 10:51 PM
This is a a copy and paste of the original post I made under the name red90yj on pirate4x4 / chit chat / with the title more prayers and wishes. You can follow it there if your interested or follow the facebook group Robyn's speedy recovery not sure how to get you to that though. I guess you could friend me. I'm still learning this facebook thing. Read the posts we've had some ups. But I'm still going to need those well wishes.
Eight months ago my wife told me she wanted a motorcycle. I signed her up for a three day training class with a HD dealer. I went with the HD dealer because they really cater to woman drivers, owners of the checkbook. And it was a full class beginning with basics and extended driving practices. After the class she decided she wanted the BMW c650gt scooter. It was expensive and she's worth it and it is incredibly controllable.
We rode as much as we could and logged several hundred miles. Tomorrow is our 20th anniversary. Last Friday we headed out on a small vacation. We were to travel from just north of cincinnati to lexington and then to nashville and return. We stopped every 45 minutes and were truly enjoying ourselves. We made it 15 miles outside of lexington taking all back roads and following speed limits.
She hit a guard rail nearly straight on while traveling 55mph in a 55mph road. I was in front of her and only saw it in the rear view mirror. I think it was target fixation. She lies here in front of me now with a breathing tube in her and several IV's.
One leg broken in three places she now has new titanium bones. She also suffered from a puncture wound and has a shortened colon. Two surgeries and hours of observation she still will not wake up. The nurses try every four hours it gets more intense each time. Barking orders and pushing their hands into her chest. The pain is so evident but as soon as they stop her eyes close again and she continues to sleep.
I have been here next to that bed not sleeping, barely eating, worrying about my children four hours away. I have to believe she will wake. And when she does she is going to need strength from others.
In ten plus years I've been here I've never asked for a thing until now.
We have a sign, it's a moose sign we use it for fun and to demonstrate we have no bounds in embarrassing ourselves. I'm collecting moose signs to run as a screen saver as we have a very long recovery ahead of us. Spread your fingers on both hands and place your thumbs just above your brow.
It looks just like below. I wish I had one of her to share.
Paul Kelemen
Single antler moose are also welcomed as are prayers and good feelings of any kind.
Eight months ago my wife told me she wanted a motorcycle. I signed her up for a three day training class with a HD dealer. I went with the HD dealer because they really cater to woman drivers, owners of the checkbook. And it was a full class beginning with basics and extended driving practices. After the class she decided she wanted the BMW c650gt scooter. It was expensive and she's worth it and it is incredibly controllable.
We rode as much as we could and logged several hundred miles. Tomorrow is our 20th anniversary. Last Friday we headed out on a small vacation. We were to travel from just north of cincinnati to lexington and then to nashville and return. We stopped every 45 minutes and were truly enjoying ourselves. We made it 15 miles outside of lexington taking all back roads and following speed limits.
She hit a guard rail nearly straight on while traveling 55mph in a 55mph road. I was in front of her and only saw it in the rear view mirror. I think it was target fixation. She lies here in front of me now with a breathing tube in her and several IV's.
One leg broken in three places she now has new titanium bones. She also suffered from a puncture wound and has a shortened colon. Two surgeries and hours of observation she still will not wake up. The nurses try every four hours it gets more intense each time. Barking orders and pushing their hands into her chest. The pain is so evident but as soon as they stop her eyes close again and she continues to sleep.
I have been here next to that bed not sleeping, barely eating, worrying about my children four hours away. I have to believe she will wake. And when she does she is going to need strength from others.
In ten plus years I've been here I've never asked for a thing until now.
We have a sign, it's a moose sign we use it for fun and to demonstrate we have no bounds in embarrassing ourselves. I'm collecting moose signs to run as a screen saver as we have a very long recovery ahead of us. Spread your fingers on both hands and place your thumbs just above your brow.
It looks just like below. I wish I had one of her to share.
Paul Kelemen
Single antler moose are also welcomed as are prayers and good feelings of any kind.