View Full Version : Fire extinguishers and mounts

01-07-2014, 11:32 AM
All the talk at the meeting last night about safety and fire extinguishers got me thinking. I've had a couple but they were all the cheap walmart ones with plastic handles that only lasted one day bouncing around in the cab. So I really need to get a decent extinguisher and a good way to mount it.

Where is a good place to buy a decent quality extinguisher?

Looked around online and found a style mount I like. Threw something together this morning of my own. Just need to get a few of them burned out to try. Anyone have pics of how theirs is mounted?

01-07-2014, 11:59 AM
I have this style mount, which is just a standard "heavy duty" wall mount made of steel instead of plastic. Also invested a few dollars more for the steel handle extinguisher.


It is fastened to trans tunnel with sheetmetal screws. Been there for probably 10 years and never any issues.

93 Krawler
01-07-2014, 12:44 PM
I have this style mount, which is just a standard "heavy duty" wall mount made of steel instead of plastic. Also invested a few dollars more for the steel handle extinguisher.


It is fastened to trans tunnel with sheetmetal screws. Been there for probably 10 years and never any issues.

Ditto. Mounted in the same place too. Easily accessible from both sides. Never had any issues with mine either.

01-07-2014, 06:08 PM

I use a mount similar to the one you posted, with the addition of a spring loaded knob to hold the extinguisher in the mount and allow quick access with just a pull of the handle. My only complaint is that I would like them to be sided so that I can have the hook in the removable mount in the extinguisher pointed down on both the driver and passenger with the quick release pointed outward on both sides. I currently have the hook on the passenger side pointing up to put the quick release towards the outside of my rig.

I bought mine from liquid iron industries and hold them to my cage with hose clamps


01-07-2014, 06:12 PM
I would recommend an all metal nozzle and minimum 5lb ABC extenquisher. There is a good write up on pirate...let me see if I can find it...

01-07-2014, 06:16 PM
...found it...


01-07-2014, 07:28 PM
Here are the ones I made for mine, hose clamps hold them to the cage.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/gperx4/Jeep%20stuff%20I%20made/DSCN3177.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/gperx4/media/Jeep%20stuff%20I%20made/DSCN3177.jpg.html)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/gperx4/Jeep%20stuff%20I%20made/DSCN3178.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/gperx4/media/Jeep%20stuff%20I%20made/DSCN3178.jpg.html)

01-08-2014, 07:13 AM

I have a 10lb Ansul remote mount extinguisher with this same style of bracket mounted on the back of my cage, and the latch did not survive a roll. I'd vote for some type of quick release lock like this:
