View Full Version : Request for Guest Run

Bear Chow
04-14-2014, 07:37 PM
I sent the below PM to FastFord I think he is the club president but not certain. If he is please forward this to him. If not please forward it to the correct person.


My name is Paul Kelemen, I'm actually one of the chartering members of C.O.R.E. but have been inactive for some time. I'm not sure I know you but it is possible. Your name is listed as the club president, Congratulations, so I figured I would speak to you directly.

I am the BSA scoutmaster of troop 930 in Oxford. As you can imagine or possibly you were in scouts, we encourage tread lightly and low impact recreational use of our wilderness. However; I also believe when used responsibly we can cause a little mud slinging for fun.

I currently have four scouts that are about to age out, reaching the age of 18, from the program. I would like to provide the opportunity for these young men to see a different use of lands the outdoors and recreation.

I want to take them wheeling, it's something they have never done and have zero idea what a vehicle can do when pushed. Could we arrange a trip for four scouts and one adult? I sold my jeep years ago and would need a seat as well.

If we could arrange a one day trip to haspin that would be an incredible for them. A weekend would be exhilarating. The scouts could provide meals, campfire antics, smiles and appreciation.

I would have to set down several stipulations to protect the scouts, (Seat belts "obviously", no alcohol, helmets) and I'm sure other details will arise.

Please contact me, either through the forum, email, pm or I can forward you my phone numbers. If you believe we can arrange something.



04-14-2014, 08:08 PM
I think it sounds like a great idea, assuming the club doesn't take on any implied liabilities...

For what it's worth, Kris (FastFord) is Treasurer. Big George (krawlin85toy) would be our Commander in Chief...



04-14-2014, 08:10 PM
I think it sounds like a great idea, assuming the club doesn't take on any implied liabilities...

For what it's worth, Kris (FastFord) is Treasurer. Big George (krawlin85toy) would be our Commander in Chief...


We have a release of liability form that would be required, otherwise I don't see why this couldn't work.

04-15-2014, 09:56 PM
If I am back up and running and it is my weekend without kids I am very much up for a Haspin weekend. If absolutely necessary I can haul a total of 8 around the trails but it would be a bit cramped inside. Shoot at this point I will wheel a gravel road for a weekend as long as im out somewhere

Bear Chow
04-16-2014, 06:54 PM
Haspin is just close but not necessarily the best place to wheel. I would even be willing to bring them to WV, Tennessee or Kentucky. I can assure you the scouts know how to put on a camp fire banquet.

If George is the George I'm thinking about he probably doesn't even own a computer. If someone could PM his phone number or send him mine I would appreciate it. 513-874-5340 ext 119.


93 Krawler
04-16-2014, 08:34 PM
If George is the George I'm thinking about he probably doesn't even own a computer.
This George has a computer and a smart phone.

04-17-2014, 11:36 AM
Here is the Liability form for everyone to review.

04-17-2014, 03:56 PM
When you say "reaching 18," do we know when? I'm just thinking it might be safer to take an adult who can waive and assume his own liability, rather than having to go through mom and dad.

It's a shame that everything comes down to CYA like that, but it is the world we live in.

I think something milder like Haspin would probably be better, for the same reasons. I took my sister's kids to DTOR last year, but I wouldn't take them to Harlan.

And while five two-seaters might be hard to coordinate, a couple bigger rigs would do it easier. Tony's Cruiser could comfortably seat four. Then we only need two more seats.

I think it's doable, and a great idea. (Just speaking for myself, though. We're still working on an official answer...)


04-18-2014, 08:01 AM
The Jeep Jam Muddy Buddies puts on they do offer rides there for a last resort.