View Full Version : What Locker?

Ky Mudhunter
01-23-2015, 12:30 PM
So the last time I was at Slade I destroyed my front locker. It was a Genuine Gear Quick Lock (same as a lock-rite) although Genuine Gear no longer makes them. It has served me well since 2002. A friend of mine has had two of them in his Jeep and both have had problems with disengaging under load. I took some of the parts from one he had and used them to fix mine. I now have the same problem, it won't stay engaged.

I am going to replace it with another "lunchbox" style locker. Even though my original one worked great I am nervous to put another one in with all the trouble my friend had. I was looking at either the Aussie or the Spartan locker. Anyone have any experience with these two lockers? I think I like the spring pin design in the Spartan better and was leaning in that direction.

93 Krawler
01-23-2015, 12:34 PM
I use the lock rite and it has held up for 6 years now. Don't know about any others. I would say they all will fail after years of abuse.

01-23-2015, 02:36 PM
I didn't break my last lockrite, I broke the big cross pin for the carrier, I just installed a new lock right with a Chromoly crosspin. My lockrite after years of service did show cracks in the housing where the pins sit. I plan to fix this and use as a spare. If your lock right won't stay engaged it could be a couple different things, the crosspin is broke, your washers are wore out that sit between the locker and carrier , or the teeth to the locker are not meshing correctly due to damaged teeth. Overall these lockers do perform well for the price.

01-23-2015, 02:39 PM
if you can get a aussie locker for your axle then that is what i would get. They are a drop in locker as well but seem to be made a little better. i have had both and ran them and had no problems out of my aussie for 2 years. when i took it out to sale it it still looked brand new.

01-23-2015, 05:03 PM
I run Lokka lockers in my junk. Holding up so far and cheaper than aussie. Bought them for that reason. Prior to that it was aussie all the way for me

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01-23-2015, 05:19 PM
Pretty sure a lockrite and a aussie locker is the same thing, if you buy aussie pretty sure you just buying the name. I just recently purchased a new lockrite and it is a little different than my old one and you can tell that it has been upgraded from my older 1. I did find out that the spartan locker is the same, only difference is the 4 pins are slightly larger.

01-23-2015, 05:22 PM
Aussie is cheaper Than Lock rite.

Unless aussie makes lock rite now they are not the same. Torque masters make aussie.

Lokka used to make the aussie until torque masters started producing them here in the states

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01-23-2015, 05:34 PM
Aussie is cheaper Than Lock rite.

Unless aussie makes lock rite now they are not the same. Torque masters make aussie.

Lokka used to make the aussie until torque masters started producing them here in the states

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No kidding didn't know that, I figured Aussie was more expensive, guess I should have replaced with a Aussie, could have saved a few bucks. Ha ha... O well, I will eventually replace with a Air or E-locker anyways. Love my air locker in the front, just need to save up for the rear.

01-23-2015, 06:15 PM
Aussie are generally 260- 290 new. Shipped

Lokka are 220 shipped

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Ky Mudhunter
01-23-2015, 07:06 PM
Runoveru2, What was different about the new Lock Right?

01-23-2015, 08:35 PM
I've been happy with the Lock-right in the front of mine. Probably 10 years old now and survived 2 broken 30-spline stubs and a third that was twisted. This is a D60 in a fullsize rig with 38's and then 40's. I do know two guys who broke D60 Lock-rights but both were in fullsize trucks with big-blocks, 42" tires, and a heavy right foot.

01-23-2015, 09:31 PM
Runoveru2, What was different about the new Lock Right?

Newer lockrite came with dual springs, (2 springs per pin compared to single in older version) lockrite housing where pins sit in is a little thicker than older version ( I cracked my lockrite housing where pins sit in) Also came with what appears to be a Chromoly carrier pin where the old 1 did not. Hell when I bought the last lockrite bout 10 years ago it didn't even come with a carrier pin......also forgot to mention the inner spacers were upgraded (new spacers are a cup now instead of a washer)

Ky Mudhunter
01-23-2015, 09:39 PM
Mine is the older version (12 years old) and cracked where the pins are. The holes are also very oval shaped where the pins go also. That is why I tried the parts from my friend's old one (of the same design).

So no one has used the Spartan?

01-23-2015, 09:55 PM
The new lockrite didn't look thicker where the pin sits in ? 2 holes on each part should be oval, did your new 1 come with dual springs and carrier pin ? I have setup 2 Spartans for a guy last year and I don't remember it coming with new heavy duty carrier pins. The 4 little pins are just a little bigger is all on a spartan...... so does your locker stay engaged or won't engage?

01-23-2015, 11:00 PM
Here is some info I found

01-24-2015, 07:14 AM
I had a lockrite. It didn't work with my 33s. Kept ratcheting Becuase the springs were not strong enough.
I think that's why they went double spring

That's when I went aussie and never looked back.

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Ky Mudhunter
01-24-2015, 10:09 AM
I didn't replace it with a new one, but some used parts a friend had. The parts were the same design as mine. Now it will not stay engaged. It pops under load and sometimes just free spins like it is neutral.

I know I am slightly over the recommended ratings. I am about 265hp with my LT1 and I am running 36 Iroks on my Dana 44. But it has held for over 10 years. My concern comes from the fact that the last two lock rights my friend bought did the same thing brand new - they would pop and not stay engaged. He is still running but has spacers wedged between the two halves so that there is no way for it to unlock.

Any way I ended buying the Spartan last night when I found A deal on it for just over $200. Hopefully it will hold up.

01-25-2015, 10:14 AM
People make a big deal out of the size of the pins but I don't understand why. They do not transfer the torque as the dog teeth cut in the gears do that. All they really do is provide a place for the springs to slide back and forth on.

My Lock-right came with dual springs and it was bought around '01 or '02. The springs not being strong enough would not be the reason it would not lock. The springs force the gears apart and therefore unlock when the torque load is removed. The gears lock together through the torque going into the crosspin which wedges the gears together.

01-25-2015, 10:30 AM
People make a big deal out of the size of the pins but I don't understand why. They do not transfer the torque as the dog teeth cut in the gears do that. All they really do is provide a place for the springs to slide back and forth on.

My Lock-right came with dual springs and it was bought around '01 or '02. The springs not being strong enough would not be the reason it would not lock. The springs force the gears apart and therefore unlock when the torque load is removed. The gears lock together through the torque going into the crosspin which wedges the gears together.

Well said....

01-25-2015, 11:45 AM
People make a big deal out of the size of the pins but I don't understand why. They do not transfer the torque as the dog teeth cut in the gears do that. All they really do is provide a place for the springs to slide back and forth on.

My Lock-right came with dual springs and it was bought around '01 or '02. The springs not being strong enough would not be the reason it would not lock. The springs force the gears apart and therefore unlock when the torque load is removed. The gears lock together through the torque going into the crosspin which wedges the gears together.

thinking on it i think mine was a ez locker. It was in 06 or so so I'm a tad forgetfuk.

I called then on the issue as it was a fresh install. They told me to remove it and return it Becuase the tires were to large for the spring rating. I had 33s and they only garuntee up to 31s. I replaced it with an aussie with no problem.

If the springs are weak force on the inner gears collapse then so they slip on the pins which tears up the pin

the Lokka I run now( only Becuase it was cheaper when I replaced the lockrite in my toyota. cross pin broke which took out the locker. Not at the fualt of the locker.) Is nearly identical to the aussie but from Internet research folks are saying they use chinese steal. So far it's holding

But I'm only on 36s with a 22re. I did have them in my chevette too on 35s with 225hp. No issues either.

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01-25-2015, 12:37 PM
Yes. http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/01/25/e4fe90b9c30cb08665809cbb30771367.jpg

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01-25-2015, 03:11 PM
I built the frame and everything for this. But I was 16 when I did it so it was crazy outdated build when I decided to start wheeling it.

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02-01-2015, 11:26 PM
I run lockrites front and rear on 38s with a 6 cyl. I have destroyed one rear so far but I bought both of mine used and the rear came out of a v8 fj40 and it was used hard from what I understand