View Full Version : Haspin

01-27-2015, 10:47 AM
I have never been to haspin.

It is 3 hrs from me as is rush and ivy.

With those 2 places being the same distance, and me having a toyota on dual cases, 36 inch swampers and lockers is it worth the drive?

I am more into rocks but off camber v notches and things are fun too.

Don't care much for rutted muddy hill climbs.

I do have a kia sorento on open difs and 32" mud tires for the less technical stuff I could take but I don't want to beat the body on purpose on it.

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01-27-2015, 11:08 AM
waste of fuel to go haspin when rush and ivy same distance. A little rain haspin is mudpit with no real rock obstacles. I probably wont go back to haspin, I will stick to slade, Harlan, windrock and rush. gonna try ivy in march

01-27-2015, 11:33 AM
If I took my kia woukd it be worth it? Or will I have it stuck on a side hill with no glass by the end of the day. I don't care about folks drinking and riding so that aspect doesn't bother me. But not a big fan of atv and dirt bikes flying over hills at me either. I ride atv so I have respect for atv riders just the same but when coexisting you have to respect each other. I've heard a few horror stories on that aspect.

Heck even powerline park is closer for me if I decide mud is what I want.

I've though about taking the kia over with some more mild type guys and see what's there. But to drive the kia will cost close to what it cuase to drag the yota to ivy or rush. So I haven't yet.

kia is more for exploring wv and ky back mountain roads that require 4wd but can be ran in a stocker. So I'd prefer to not destroy it

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93 Krawler
01-27-2015, 12:44 PM
There is no way I would drive 3 hours to Haspin. It is not worth driving that far. I go a few times a year with my rig, but I'm only 50 minutes away. I have more fun on my SXS there. Seems like the best time to go there is when the ground is frozen. Just don't be there when it thaws out...

01-27-2015, 12:55 PM
Thanks for the honesty guys. I've been wondering if I've been missing anything.

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01-27-2015, 03:36 PM
Choice of Haspin or Rush. Rush Hands down 100% :applause:

01-27-2015, 03:44 PM
Ok so now that we've discussed haspin.

How about dirt nasty. It's a similar drive aswell.

I still haven't done rush either. I get a ton of mixed reviews on it.

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01-27-2015, 03:49 PM
Yeah, I don't hate Haspin.

I don't need "XXXTREME AXXXTION!!!" to have a good time on the trails, and Haspin does have enough to entertain a street-driven rig. And I think the clientele there has improved the last few years. Not quite so many drunks or two-stroke maniacs.

That said, I'm with Kevin, I wouldn't drive three hours to get there. It's a nice day-trip, it's not worth a weekend excursion.


01-27-2015, 04:10 PM
I've been pondering the idea of heading west from here with my atv to check out big maples and thrashing trails. Maybe I will continue past them to haspin just to say I've gone. I like to spread offroadohio name as much as I can. But it definately sounds like I can ride what they offer here local.

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93 Krawler
01-27-2015, 06:55 PM
I've been pondering the idea of heading west from here with my atv to check out big maples and thrashing trails. Maybe I will continue past them to haspin just to say I've gone. I like to spread offroadohio name as much as I can. But it definately sounds like I can ride what they offer here local.

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If you take your atv to these places, you would have more fun, unless you like riding the trails over and over, these three probably wouldn't keep you entertained for a weekend. Big maples is 25 minutes away from my house, and I haven't been there in years. It is small, and might keep you busy for a couple hours. Never been to thrashing trails. Rush is 3 hrs for me, and I like the place. It gets better every time I go. Good people to deal with too. Definitely a park I want to see grow. There's still a lot of the park I haven't seen. I want to take my Rzr there and check out the whole 7000 acres. You should go with us to Rush in April for the trail clearing. We had a blast making new trails. There are a ton of valleys that need to be made trails.

01-27-2015, 07:42 PM
Wellsville is and always was a very grey area.

Noone is being arrested but noone has permission either. About once a year I go but it is farther Than ivy for me so I doubt I go ever again. There is some cool stuff there but I it's an ask your own risk type deal.

If you go with a group who know it and you stay off the places you have been told too you will be fine. But as said it's all tresspassing as noone has permission to be on any of it.

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01-27-2015, 08:32 PM
I made my first trip to Haspin earlier this month. Didn't think it was bad and plan on going back sometime, but it is relatively close in comparison to most other places. There are a few challenging places but overall it seemed like a decent place to go play if it wasn't too far away. I can imagine what it looked like when wet just based on the condition of the parking area. But as said above if it was 3 hours away with other parks the same distance I would choice something else.

I've been to Wellsville many times but it has been a few years. We were always with somebody familiar with the area that could take us to all of the good spots. There are some pretty gnarly ravines and climbs. We ran one ravine trail that everybody had to winch at some point in time. Everybody had lockers front and rear with 38 to 44" tires. Never had any problems there with drunks or stupid people, but usually the hard technical trails away from the main areas kept those types away. Of course I would never want to be out of sight of my rig there.

01-28-2015, 02:20 PM
You must have gone In via oak tree. Right before they sold.someone drove through the pay hut. That entrance is now posted. Wellsville is fun but not.worth it to me now adays. There are enough legit parks with good trails around the same distance these days.

Anyone hit dirt nasty yet?

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01-28-2015, 07:39 PM
I went to Dirt Nasty last April, not long after they opened. There were not a whole lot of trails at that time but a fair amount of potential. They do have some nice scenery. I drive right by Dirt Nasty to get to Rush and would gladly do it. The extra 1/2hr to get to Rush is worth the drive. You just don't find 7000+ acres of privately owned land that you can ride on anymore. It's pretty neat.

01-30-2015, 11:55 AM
I agree. If u like rocks u wont like it there. And their mud has a substance that sticks and wont wash off unlike anyother ive ever seen. Plus when its dry in warmer temps its a lung clogging dust bowl. Only reason I go is for tune and test in the dry colder temps. If It was any further i wouldnt go at all.

I go to Haspin because it is convenient not because it is awesome.

The mud there is some weird clay/sand mix. Not only does it stick like cement it seems to get into bearings and things like idler pulleys and ruin them. The water ends up with a muddy grit in it that seeps in everywhere. The last time that I cleaned my Jeep after Haspin I left a thin layer of it on the driveway & it dried before I tried to hose it away. Now I am going to have to powerwash the cement as the hose won't budge it. Even scraping it with a pushbroom after re-wetting it didn't work. Not worth the drive, Donnie.