View Full Version : Good conceal guns

93 Krawler
03-07-2015, 11:55 AM
I'm going for my CCW in a few weeks and I need a good conceal gun. I've been looking on the web at them, but want real world input. So what are you guys carrying?

03-07-2015, 12:59 PM
Glock 26 with 3.5 lbs. trigger, I don't CC much but when I do that's what I trust the most. It shoots anything you put in it and is damn near as reliable as a revolver.

Are you looking for a auto or a wheel gun?

03-07-2015, 01:19 PM
I carry either a glock 23 or a keltec pf9

93 Krawler
03-07-2015, 02:09 PM
Glock 26 with 3.5 lbs. trigger, I don't CC much but when I do that's what I trust the most. It shoots anything you put in it and is damn near as reliable as a revolver.

Are you looking for a auto or a wheel gun?

I want an auto not bigger than a 9. I rented a Ruger LC9S from the range. I didn't like the trigger at all. Felt like forever pulling the trigger before it shot. I am going to the range tomorrow and rent some different ones to see if I like them.

03-07-2015, 03:33 PM
That's the best thing to do. Go to the range hold a few at the counter. Pick a few that feel the best In your hand,then take them to the range and try them out.

mike shelton
03-07-2015, 03:38 PM
keltec 3.80 for me

03-07-2015, 04:25 PM
I started with a Ruger sr9 which was to big to carry but love the trigger pull. Switched to a sr9c since I loved the trigger so much. I would still have it but a cheap glock 26 fell in my lap and I've never looked back. My glock has a safety on the trigger too. Pull is a little longer than Ruger SR series but the glock with a shorter barrel was more accurate than the Ruger with a .5" longer barrel. I HATE Ruger lc9 like mentioned and for the same reason. The body guard sucks balls too. Best way to decide is first go to the gun store and pick up many of them and find what fits your hand best then narrow it down. These small compact guns are too tiny for whopper junior hands and you can't control them when shooting anything bigger than a .22.

The cool thing with Ruger SR_c series is the second clip is a full mag so you can have a full grip at the range. FYI glocks have more after market than anything else.

03-07-2015, 04:49 PM
I want an auto not bigger than a 9. I rented a Ruger LC9S from the range. I didn't like the trigger at all. Felt like forever pulling the trigger before it shot. I am going to the range tomorrow and rent some different ones to see if I like them.

I also had a Kimber Ultra II that was a work of art and just too pretty and pricy to knock around on my hip, it shot great and if the dollars don't scare you away I'd consider one. I also have buddies that swear by the Keltec 9mm but I've never shot one.

I'm a Glock fan but unless you put a little money into the trigger they suck beyond belief...their pull is so long and heavy it's ridiculous and when you add in the safety it fells like a 1" of creep.

03-07-2015, 06:58 PM
don't carry often but have a simple .38 snubnose. really want a ruger LCR in .357, just haven't coughed up the cash yet.

but as above, really comes down to what you like best.

03-08-2015, 06:57 AM
I carried an auto (Kel-Tec) for years,a good gun for the money and it's easy to conceal.A few months ago I bought a Ruger LCR (38+P) mainly for the simple reliablity.It's a little harder to conceal,but I'm very happy with this sub nose.


03-08-2015, 08:34 AM
I'm an xd fan... I have an xd .40 sc so far it's my favorite but still kinda wide with double stack mag I'm gonna look in a .45 xds compact I really like the .40 though it fits my hand well

Dad has glock 23 gen 4 and likes it.. It's bout same width as my xd but it's an inch longer
Both great guns for ccw

my toys
03-08-2015, 09:46 AM
I carry a Beretta px4 compact 9, 13+1. Double action trigger with a real safety. They make it in a compact, subcompact (15+1) and a full size (17+1). I love mine and it is very accurate and reliable. I put 200 rounds thru it yesterday.
I have a keltec p3at 380 for a pocket pistol and would not buy another one. I will be trading it in on a Beretta nano soon.
My wife carriers a S&W airweight hammerless and she likes it.

03-08-2015, 10:49 AM
I carry a sig p238. You may want to take a look at one of these.

93 Krawler
03-08-2015, 04:50 PM
I went to the range today and tried several 9's out. Tried 2 springfields the s&w m&p shield, a glock 26 gen4, and another I can't remember. The glock 26 shot good and fit my hand well. Without the speed loader, the clip sucked to load. I nailed the 10" target from 20 yards with ease. I definitely liked the glock the best.

03-09-2015, 12:33 PM
S&w 380

03-11-2015, 10:47 AM
Having actually fired a Glock in a life-threatening situation I found nothing wrong with the trigger. I have put thousands of rounds through various models and, right out of the box, can shoot 100% on most any pistol course. They are not sexy. They are a tool. They don't win brag-off's about how much money you have in customizing them. They simply do what they are supposed to do. When the **** hits the fan sexy does not save lives: simple, reliable, and accurate do.

I now use a G27. I also have a small .380 in the Taurus TCP that I carry most of the time, though. It is IMHO great as a not-wearing-much in the summer gun or anytime that you want a pocket gun. I must qualify yearly for my particular license and I use the TCP without any issue ( scoring 95% or better) despite its smaller size. I chose it over the Ruger LCP as the grip and trigger guard are more comfortable to me. Had Glock had the G42 single stack .380 on the market at the time I would have bought it instead. For those who argue magazine ( none of these guns have "clips" :d'oh: ) capacity I would point out that the average police shoot-out consists of 5 shots. Total. By both sides. The average police shooting with no return fire is 2 shots. Bullet selection and placement are the keys.

93 Krawler
03-11-2015, 12:56 PM
Thanks for all the info. I really liked the Glock 26 except for the extra width due to the double stack clip. My second favorite was the S&W M&P 9 Shield. It's a 1/4" thinner than the Glock, but only holds 7 in the clip. I ended up getting the Shield. Came with a 7 & 8 clip for $375.00. This should be easier to conceal. Heading back to the range Saturday to break it in.


03-19-2015, 08:12 AM
38 snub nose

03-20-2015, 06:09 PM
I carry a Ruger P95/9mm and occasionally will switch it up and carry the P345 .45 cal. They are both the same size, I use the same IWB holster. For those that I have wheeled with, I always had it on me. If you never noticed anything, then good. Point is, they are kinda large guns compared to the compacts. Carry what your comfortable with and what works for ya. Practice makes perfect or close to it anyway. I have over 1500 rnds down the pipe of the 9 and i am very confident with the gun. Opinions on guns is like opinions on rigs, everybody body has their favorite stuff for one reason or another. Buy lots of ammo and practice a lot. Join the NRA and and the USCCA and learn from the pro's not just a good buddy. The USCCA has a bunch of good, free downloadable info to help you hone your defensive skills. I can't say it enough, practice with what you carry a lot. Build your muscle memory and build your brain. The best defensive weapon you have is your brain. I think I have rambled enough. :thumbup:

03-20-2015, 06:11 PM
Since so many of us on here are "Enthusiast" maybe it would be easier to schedule a range day than a wheeling run? Whose in? Maybe someone has a safe location (property) where we could go?

03-21-2015, 07:20 PM
It seems that many .380's have some trouble feeding hollow points. I tried these out as they are designed to eliminate that problem. I have had zero issues with them. I have even been able to shoot an old ballistic vest with them and they do expand nicely.

Corbon Pow'Rball 70 gr for .380

03-23-2015, 08:22 AM
i am looking at the S&W M&P9c. i went to the range and rented a number of guns and liked how this one felt to hold and fire the best. second was the S&W shield, the wider gripe on the 9c i like better but not for sure how it will be like to carrying it.
anyone have or had either of theses?

93 Krawler
03-23-2015, 11:10 AM
I just bought the 9 shield. Shoots well and a good conceal gun. I take my classes this week, so I haven't carried it yet. I shot 150 rounds thru it last weekend and it didn't jam once. It comes with 7 & 8 round clips. Good gun for $375.

Ky Mudhunter
03-23-2015, 12:19 PM
I have a M&P 9c that I carry. I like how it fits in my hand as well but it is a little bulky for carry. I would have went with the shield since it is narrower but they were not being made when I bought mine.

03-26-2015, 11:25 AM
I am going by my personal observations having shot a Level 2 ballistic vest. It certainly is not the be all/end all round or caliber by any means. But for a self-defense pocket gun with a < 3" barrel & round I won't expect to be shooting through engine blocks or even at fleeing cars anyway. The compromise between a common feeding issue in this caliber versus acceptable stopping power is why I made my choice. I guess I will take my chances that if i ever have to use it it will be in one of majority of the instances were it is close quarters person on person for CCW-type self defense occurrences. Or I will try to conceal the 7.62. Luckily I am big and fatter than I should be if I go that route. :winking:

93 Krawler
03-27-2015, 01:32 PM
Finished my class. Going Monday to see the sheriff. :thumbup:

FYI. They shortened the class to 8hrs and eliminated the very important legal stuff you need to know. I feel it's more important to know the laws and not the types of guns and parts of a bullet. How can they call it a conceal class when all it is is a basic handgun class...