View Full Version : GMRS vs Citizens' Band (2-way Radios)

11-04-2007, 04:10 PM
So I'm wondering how long we'll be able to continue with CB radios on our rigs... They seem like a dying breed in the US...

I want a WATERPROOF (not water resistant) radio that I can turn the hose on if needed. Can't seem to find one. Heck, it's getting harder and harder to find ANY.

GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) radios are getting more and more range... but they're still "line-of-sight," but they are nice and compact, can be carried on a person instead of a rig... (might be nice security for those walks through the woods in the middle of the night to get to the "bathroom" ...watch your step!) but if you want to go legit... $85 for a 5 year GMRS license from the FCC??:eek:

Guess I'll just buy several CB radios and some quick-disconnect wire connectors... :o

11-04-2007, 05:07 PM
a bunch of peeps i know and talk to run race radios... FM i believe... say they are the whip.

i am looking for something like you are talking as well, but the problem is, yer only gonna talk to other people that have the same radio as you... makes it a little more difficult.

94Dodge Truggy
11-04-2007, 06:32 PM
I am tired of fighting cb's in the truggy with all the tuning or grounding issues and waterproofing.

11-04-2007, 10:27 PM
I have been running the same CB for about 4 yrs now. It is a $35 Midland from wal-mart. My rig sits outside with no top or windshield and it wirks fine. I put the quick disconnects on the wiring and have had to use it to switch from my first jeep to the current one. Antennas were a different story until I found a good location inside my rig where it would not get broken. Then I spent $20 or so on a Firestick, tuned it once and I have a great range with it.

11-07-2007, 02:31 PM
What is a firestick? Does it increase your range?

11-07-2007, 04:02 PM
its a very durable CB antenna, short and stubby, but allows long range, so they claim...


94Dodge Truggy
11-07-2007, 04:06 PM
Short and stubby huh? :rolleyes:

11-12-2007, 12:41 PM
Actually the Firestick is an antenna made by the Wilson CB company and they come in various sizes. Mine is 5ft. They are easily tuned to match your radios.