View Full Version : Led lights

10-31-2015, 10:09 AM
Is there anyone around here that sells them or am I stuck going to eBay?

10-31-2015, 11:18 AM
4Mudders up on 32. At Grays Towing.

10-31-2015, 02:13 PM
I am looking for some headlight bulbs to go in my projector housings. I had hids but they caused all kinds of electrical meltdowns so I stuck some halogens in there. I'm not happy with the halogens and I can't go back to regular headlight housings because you have to cut out the headlight panel to make the projectors fit

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10-31-2015, 02:16 PM
Do I just walk into grays towing?

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10-31-2015, 03:00 PM
Yep. Or hit up Adam Fertig on facebook, in TriState Jeeps.

10-31-2015, 03:58 PM
These are the housings. I'm guessing it was China hid stuff. Housings ballasts and bulbs were 150. Unfortunately I did my hid research after I had issues. I found out it takes a lot to get diesels to get along with HIDs. They ended up frying my injector module.

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11-01-2015, 09:29 AM
They were not tied into the factory system. Everything was separated but what I found out is the radio frequency The ballasts put out messes with the electronics. The ballast also pulls too much power on startup and the computer sees 0 volts. I tried running each light to a separate battery, both to one battery, both to the other battery, and both to the main lug on the fuse block. I heard it is a common diesel problem

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11-01-2015, 03:41 PM
I don't know the specifics on the why's but powerstroke forums are full of this stuff

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11-04-2015, 09:55 PM
Kind of. The hids were causing all kinds of goofy stuff. Once when I switched them on the throttle went wide open and stuck. Usually it killed the engine. Eventually the idm shorted. Maybe it was cheap hids but I don't want to deal with them anymore

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