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View Full Version : Body Control Module

11-15-2015, 03:26 AM
Im pretty sure the BCM is bad on my 96 Grand Cherokee, I swapped the one off my parts Grand and it got my power windows to start working but in turn caused a starting issue that kept me from going to Rush yesterday.

Ive been told that its a dealer part that they have to program and going to cost in the $500-600 range, was wondering if anybody had replaced one without the dealership being involved?

93 Krawler
11-15-2015, 06:20 PM
Gm's are the same way. Doubt there is a way around the dealer programming it. I would think you could get a used one and let them program it.

Ky Mudhunter
11-16-2015, 12:20 PM
Not sure about the Cherokees, but you can "re-program" the GM BCM for the anti-theft portion without going to the dealership. Don't remember exactly but it's something like - turn the ignition to run for 20 minutes until a light flashes, turn ignition, and repeat three times.

11-16-2015, 02:56 PM
Just found out after talking to a Chrysler mechanic that they can be swapped but where mine has theft the one out of my parts Jeep won't work unless I swap the key cylinder out.