View Full Version : Brakes

06-07-2016, 11:13 AM
I have ran into a snag with my willys project and am looking for options/ opinions. I had intended to modify the K5 brake pedal assembly to fit into my willys but the fabrication work seems a bit daunting now that I am looking at it. (time vs cost makes buying a set up seem better.)

I started looking at willwood pedals /mc and they seem like they would be way easier to install.
Anyone here running a setup like that?

06-07-2016, 12:56 PM
Can't help with the aftermarket stuff, but the XJ assembly is pretty popular with the flatfender guys. Cheap, common, compact, easy to mount.

06-07-2016, 04:07 PM
1974 Corvette master cylinder power brakes (no booster just the master mounted on the firewall) with disc all around is what I run on the same setup you have. I use jeep pedals and modified just the push rod for this. 3/16 lines up front - back is 1/4 to the splitter then 3/16 to the disc. Rubber flex line at the 4 corners.

I stop 44" boggers really good. 40" boggers on Zach's locks all 4 up in a heart beat.

very easy to use and to install

06-07-2016, 09:06 PM
Willys had a through the floor pedal system. so I'm looking to hang pedals more conventionally. Ive seen the xj set ups (on the web) MY problem is that what I have is from the k5 and needs heavy mods to mount up.

I'm sort of exploring the options that are out there. Im going out to Houk's tomorrow to see what the xj set up looks like. The wilwood stuff seems pretty inclusive but at the tune of $200 doesn't fit my budget build.

I should have been more clear. I'm trying to figure out hanging pedals and a mc system.

Getting way closer now though. finished my floors completely and have moved on to actual fun stuff.:thumbup:

06-08-2016, 03:03 PM
I would still use a CJ pedal setup and go thru the firewall. have any pics of the dash/firewall area?