View Full Version : 4x4 Van....should I try to buy it back?

11-30-2016, 10:20 PM
I had this van a few years back. I blew the 460 engine and I just left it at a mechanic's shop because I was too broke to pay him. Am I crazy, stupid or both to want to buy it back? Should I contact the guy? I figure he might be pissed.
http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d36/plance1/IM002908.jpg (http://s32.photobucket.com/user/plance1/media/IM002908.jpg.html)

11-30-2016, 11:01 PM
You sure he still has it and hasn't taken the necessary steps to reposses it to sell or scrap? If that was my shop I'd be beyond pissed. You do realise they can legally charge you a per day storage fee don't ya? Few years you say?

I don't know, I suppose by keeping it, it had some value that would have paid for any storage fees, but maybe not. He had a farm and from what I recall and had lots of vehicles around, lots of room. He spent some time on it though, and I feel bad about that but I lost my job at the time. I'd like to make it right if nothing else.

12-01-2016, 04:04 PM
I don't know, I suppose by keeping it, it had some value that would have paid for any storage fees, but maybe not. He had a farm and from what I recall and had lots of vehicles around, lots of room. He spent some time on it though, and I feel bad about that but I lost my job at the time. I'd like to make it right if nothing else.

If you want to make it right, then call him up and see what he thinks. Even if i were upset about a deal like that, if a guy called me to set things right, I would definitely be willing to let him get squared up. Things happen and being good enough to come back to fix it or even try is good. Don't be surprised if he lays a gigantic bill on you for storage.

12-01-2016, 05:46 PM
Most shops who value lot space only let them sit around so long before they apply for a unclaimed or abandoned vehicle title, usually takes two months once the process is started.

Did you give a legit home address so he could contact you ? Did he make attempts to call you or collect his money ?

I can tell you if that was at my dads shop that van would be long gone...whether it was through the title bureau or on a chain behind his truck it would be off his lot.

It's a shame if it's gone because that van could be cool as hell.

12-01-2016, 06:41 PM
Well... First, to answer Jeff, your point is a good one but he had an old farm with lots of vehicles so space wasn't an issue.

And to Monkeystrong's comments, you're exactly right, I simply called to set things right even if he didn't still have it and even if that meant I wouldn't get it back. I figured there was a 50 / 50 chance. There's a 4x4 van page on facebook that I've been following and I'd have to say that is what got me motivated to check into this.

So I called him and he was real polite. I had in the back of my mind that I would send him $500 just for his previous work. So he told me he'd check his yard and see if it was still there and that I should call him back. So I did and he said he still had it. So I offered to send him some money and he said $500! Great minds think alike I guess. So I sent him the money, he should get it tomorrow.

Maybe Ill get it back, I don't know. Regardless, I helped make a guy's Christmas a little better so there's that lol.

12-03-2016, 04:10 PM
Dang I'd be all.over that van

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02-09-2017, 05:58 PM
Did you ever get it back? That's a pretty sweet van

03-02-2017, 09:10 AM
Life's learned lessons are fantastic! For all that read this, this should apply to ones life in my opinion. Making things right is gratifying to the person done wrong, but more to yourself. This can weigh heavy on ones conscience and can be detrimental in the long run.

Off my soap box...did you get it back...that is a cool van!

12-16-2017, 11:24 PM
Reached out to the guy, called him, seemed real nice, sent him some money, called him a few times afterwards and never heard back.