View Full Version : March Meeting Minutes

03-09-2018, 08:26 PM
In Attendance:
- Brad Bean
- Kenny Campbell +1
- Robert Hull
- Andy Morgan +1
- Kevin OBryon
- Pat Patton
- Rich Santefort +1
- Jeff Smith +1
- Zach Smith
- Sam Strakowski
- Tim Taylor
- Chris Vaske +1
- Tony Vilardo +1

And two new Members:
Joel Benoit and his wife. Joel wheels a mild 2014 Rubicon Unlimited. Some folks met him when he joined us at Rush last year.

And David Wells from Miami Valley Four Wheelers. David has an old YJ on 38s, and recently bought Tim Taylor's old tubed-out Bronco that he's putting on 44s.

Treasury Report:
Yes, we have money. Specific Treasurer Reports in the Members forum here (http://www.cincyoffroad.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11120).

Trail Report:

- Super Sunday Fun Run, Feb 4th
The word of the day was "mud." Horrible, sticky, heavy mud, worse than anything I'd ever seen, even at Haspin. It clung to the trailer tires and filled up the fenders just driving though the parking lot.

No real carnage, because noone could get enough traction to break anything. We did almost lose the FLexus (LandCruiser) off the side of a cliff, and I thought I finally killed my front axle, but didn't...

Still a great day of wheeling, way better than a good day at work. All told, I think we had eight rigs show: Two JKs, two ZJs, my XJ, a YJ, the Flexus, and a bone-stock '07 4Runner that impressed the hell out of all of us.

Some pics here (http://www.cincyoffroad.com/forum/showthread.php?t=12082).

Upcoming Events:

- Spring Fun Run, Saturday, Mar 24th
Heading back to the Turtle to avenge the mud from last time. Chime in here (http://www.cincyoffroad.com/forum/showthread.php?t=12092)...

- Rush Trail Work * New Dates * April 27-29th
This was originally on the calendar for the 20-22, but that's the Anniversary Bash, so, no thanks.

This will be the first big trip of the year. We'll work a little, play a little, and get to help build Rush the way we want it to be. Tentative plan is to head down Friday, do a little trail work on "Unfinished Business" Saturday morning, then wheel Saturday afternoon and maybe a little Sunday. Look for a thread as the dates approach.

- CORE Tour 2018
Yes, this one is still quite a ways off, but it looks like we may be shifting the date. Currently, there may be a conflict with Miami Valley's Toys4Tots out at Haspin, and we don't want anyone to have to choose. Will update when things solidify...

Official Business:

- 2018 Dues
Renewals were due at the meeting last night. Anybody who missed the deadline will be considered a new Membership. Upside, now you'll get a tee shirt and sticker!

Other News and Happenings:

- New Meeting Location at Fricker's
This went well, and should go even better next month. We moved our reservation times up from 7:30 to 6:30, so folks can arrive early and eat ahead of the meeting proper. And, next month we should be able to use the actual meeting room, which should be much quieter and more private than being out in the general population...

The food was a little slow, but generally pretty darn good. This should work out nice!

- Tubing Order Thread
A few guys are going in on a bulk tubing order. Get in quick in the Members Forum here (http://www.cincyoffroad.com/forum/showthread.php?t=12097)...