View Full Version : Rush Pass Giveaway

01-11-2019, 02:32 AM
It's getting to be Membership renewal time again, and we like to show our Members as much value for their dues as we can.

We've traditionally done a Christmas Party and a casual summer Cookout, each as exclusive Members-Only events.

This year, we've decided to sweeten the pot and add a 4th of July Event at Rush, and a season's pass giveaway in March.

The rules are simple: Everyone who has paid or renewed their dues by March 1st will be entered into a drawing to be held at the March Meeting (on Wednesday the 13th). One lucky winner will score a year's pass to Rush Offroad, currently valued at $90: https://rushoffroad.com/permits/

New Memberships are $50 for the year, and include a sticker, tee shirt, the three Members events listed above, and a voice in deciding club runs and other matters.

Renewals are $30 if paid by March 1st, and skip the shirt and sticker.

Dues can be paid in person at any Club Meeting or Ride, or via paypal to Kevin@CincyOffroad.com

Thanks, and see you out there!

03-01-2019, 08:30 PM
Last minute reminder: Today is the deadline for joining or renewing, to be entered in the drawing for the year's pass to Rush Offroad. $50 new Memberships include a tee shirt and sticker, $30 renewals do not.

Paypal our Treasurer Kevin@CincyOffroad.com.

Good luck!