View Full Version : blocks

02-22-2007, 10:41 PM
i am thinkin of puttin blocks in my sammy but i have heard its bad to put blocks in the front is that true and can i put 2 or 3 inch blocks in without having to change anything thanks for any help

02-22-2007, 10:58 PM
blocks are BAD !!!! very BAD , they are ment for street trucks , not wheelers , I tried to go the cheap way a long time ago and put blocks under my first XJ , blocks broke ...... axle twisted ...... blew drive shaft. :mad: :mad: cost more to fix then lift springs would have cost .
Shawn Carder broke his blocks on the last trip to Livingston ..... same outcome. If you run them on the front and they break you loose steering ... this could be a bad thing... If you are on a budget and want to lift your sammy then go SOA and then add some budget boost helper springs if the SOA isn't high enough.

02-22-2007, 11:19 PM
Nice Sarge, why not tell us how you really feel... :D

tree_bashed... Welcome to the board... I would agree with Sarge...

"Blocks er bad, mmmkay"

02-23-2007, 12:16 AM
ok thanks it sits ok now i flipped springs over the axle already just rubs a lil if i run 33's but i gonna use tractor tires for awhile my buddies went great on tractor tires

04-17-2007, 06:08 PM
Ditto with Sarge. I blew a set of block and took out my drive shaft as well.

04-18-2007, 08:08 AM
ok thanks it sits ok now i flipped springs over the axle already just rubs a lil if i run 33's but i gonna use tractor tires for awhile my buddies went great on tractor tires

time to break out the BFH and the sawzall. :D
