View Full Version : Cumberland Safari Trail Ride March 14-16

01-18-2008, 03:13 AM
onieda ,tn
owned by flyinj (owner of Gotmudd.com web site too)

with talking with flyinj , i wanted to setup a group to go down and ride on his 46,000 acres 10,000 trails

open to all rigs and quads
he rents rigs too sami,trackers and rails
cabins sleeps 6 to 12 people
pm him for prices if you like

he said we could camp at his place and fish and bring out own rigs it would be free, or get room at hotel or rent cabin...

this place is only 4 hours from cincy.

if you want to check out with us add you name to the post and if you need to set up cabins or rentals contact flyinj.

from gotmudd.com

Most of you already know but for the ones who dont. We rent 4x4 vacations we have samis geos and sandrails. The package is as follows $500.00 gets you. Show up on friday afternoon all vactioners get together for a dinner you pay for dinner. Sat morning get up meet tour guide go on a 8hr adventure you wont ever forget. Sun get up relax check out by 3. all lodging included this is for up to a family of 4. You have my word you will not be diapointed that you chose to come spend your vacation with us. 1-423-286-7608 to book a tour. If you own your own ride and would like to see tennessee call we will show you any level trail you want to see guanteed.

02-03-2008, 01:35 AM
here is more of an update:

He is having a steak cook out and bon fire too.

He has the local newpaper and a film crew that will be filming the rigs and the ride to promo the park.
This will be a great right.
if you have any questions email stasha@gotmudd.com she will answer the questions and take reservations too.

here is the email she sent me:
Hey Phil,

Thanks for your interest in our Jamboree. We look forward to having you come down to our neck of the woods.

Cabin rentals are based on the number in your party and range from $150 - $200 per night. Hotel stay is $75.00 average based on double occupancy. I can take care of making the reservations for you if you like. Both the hotel and the cabins are about 15 minutes from the facility. If you want to take advantage of the camp ground facility, it is great, has electric and water hookup and does have very clean and nice bath houses. It is about 30 minutes from our facility. You are also welcome to camp out on Andy's property but no electric and water hookup.

Prices of our rides are $225 for a two person rig, $300 for a 4 person rig. Prices are per day.

A cookout, bonfire, slamming, jamming, grand finale will be taken care of compliments of Andy and Andrea. If you want something special, bring it along, just bring plenty for everyone

Look forward to talking with you more. Let me know what you need and we'll see what we can do.



02-22-2008, 12:27 AM
Hey guys! Ok here is some information on the cabins for the ride in Oneida. These are on a first come first serve basis. Check out their sites on the web.

3 cabins has been secured at Williams Creek Retreat, http://williamscreekresort.bizland.com/Home.chtml All cabins are modern with H/AC, satellite TV, 2 bedrooms with full size beds. We have made the deposit on each one. You will be required to pay remainder. Cost is $150 per night. Contact Stasha at stasha@gotmudd.com if you want one of these cabins. These are about 20 minutes from town.

Next is Tom T. Hall Cabin in Wilderness Resorts. This cabin can accomodate 4-12 people. Rate is based on number of occupants and ranges from $185 for 4 people to $245 for 12 people. You will need to contact Dennis Sheffield direct to book this cabin. Visit www.tomthallcabin.com or call 1-800-646-4209. or try www.wildernessresorts.com.

Grand Vista Hotel has extended a discount to anyone attending the March ride as well. Rate is $77.12 after tax per night. That's a pretty good discount. You can call them at 1-888-854-6300 or visit www.stanlodge.com. You have to tell them you are with the Cumberland Safari group in order to get the discount.

I will add more information as it becomes available.

See you guys in a couple of weeks.

02-29-2008, 03:39 AM
count down!

http://stuff.pyzam.com/toys/customcdown.swf?maturity=1205510400000:16646180:15 102:14846:ahfire911:FlyinJ039s032Grand032Opening03 2in032TN033

03-05-2008, 10:41 AM
cool little video of cumberland safari


03-13-2008, 06:21 PM
18 hours before the ride! Are you ready?:confused: :D