View Full Version : Learn your alphabet!
01-26-2008, 11:59 AM
Wanna really make those cops mad when they pull you over? Well I will tell you how if they want you to say the alphabet backwards.
ZYXW is the hardest part. mr VUTS went to the bait shop RQ because he was going fishing at the PON but the pon was made of MLK so he needed a special JIHG but then the FEDs issued him a CBA because he wasnt supposed to fish there.
You will be able to say the alphabet backwards on command with a little practice.
01-26-2008, 12:19 PM
Good work Tony. THat might actually come in handy
01-26-2008, 02:26 PM
Better idea:
While this is not "legal advice" (consult your own attorney), you are not required to submit to a field sobriety test. And, if they are doing the test, you're gonna blow in the tube anyway. I've never heard of a situation where they did the field sobriety test and then said: "Gee, sorry for the stop, you can get back in the car and take off. Have a nice day."
If they mess up the Breathilizer or in the unlikley event that you pass, they will still convict you because of the FST. Nothing good can come from a field sobriety test. Just tell em' "look if you're gonna arrest me for suspicion of DUI, lets do it but no FST.
Whether to blow or not to blow is the subject for another discussion. Same for why not to let them search your car.
01-26-2008, 06:02 PM
HA !!! that is great advise :confused: :confused:
I love when people refuse the field tests and better yet, refuse the BAC test it makes my job so much easier !! and you loose your DL for 12 months period! My in car video still plays in court :D :D
When you sign to get your DL you are also signing that you will submit to any and all tests asked of you by law enforcement.
I field test people every night ! I also let alot of the ones go that I test . A good officer uses field test to judge how intoxicated a drivers is . it is not illegal to drive after drinking ! as long as your not over the limit. A field test tells me if the driver is over or not .
Your attorney is a money hungry POS and sure he is going to tell you to refuse and call him . this means more court which means more $$$$$ in his pocket.
saying your ABC's backwards is an urban mith and is not used in modern day law enforcement .well maybe on Reno 911.
If you get pulled over and are drunk ( and you know when you are ) I would suggest doing everything the officer tells you to and play the odds. If you are truly drunk and get arrested then ... o'well you loose and I bet it wasn't the first time you played the game of ... can I make it home tonight ..... it's like cat and mouse!
Now once at the station you are asked to do a BAC test . you are read a 2255 form that advises you that if you take the test and are found to be over the legal limit and this is your first OVI the max. the judge/state can suspend you DL is 90 days . if you refuse it's 1 year .
If it is your second or more .... Well , your a Dumb ass and shouldn't be driving anyway.
94Dodge Truggy
01-26-2008, 06:24 PM
Good advice sarge!
01-26-2008, 06:33 PM
If it is your second or more .... Well , your a Dumb ass and shouldn't be driving anyway.
i got a brother in-law on number prison at the moment!! lol
01-26-2008, 06:59 PM
I had a cop pull me over once in my Jeep. Said I went left of center down the road a little ways. Then he tells me that he had a Jeep (so he knows they don't always steer the best). I told him I had a few beers that day, which I did. I did the pen test, the walk the line test, etc...Then he told me I passed. After that, he asked if I would take a breathalizer at the car "just to see how bad I really was". I didn't really think I needed it, but agreed after he told me that the result was not admissable in court. Turns out I blew a .065 or something. He let me go. I'm not sure what would have happened had I blew over .08. I'm sure I would have then been hauled in to take a test at the jail or something.
Sarge, maybe you can answer this one for me: What are you guys looking for with the pen test? I've passed this test twice now (and haven't failed yet) although the first time I was pretty drunk, and only 20 at the time also. The first time, the cop held the pen way out to the side. I couldn't even see it, but I just kept looking that way. I was just wondering what the cops are looking for with this test. Thanks.
01-26-2008, 07:43 PM
The PBT ( portable breath test) result is not admissable in court because te devices are not calibrated weekly . The PBT is no different then a finger to nose test or NGH or nine steps heel to toe.....
If you would have blown a 0.08 % BAC or over the cop could have arrested you on an OVI , however, he had just told you that he didn't think you were over the legal limit . So if he would ahve arrested you on the PBT reading would have been saying that he was wrong.
I would have made you get a ride and parked you vehicle .
The Eye Thing .... or commonly called the HGN test .
We are looking for the lack of smooth pursuit of the eye ball , and onset of nystagmas(SP?) ( uncontrolled shaking of the eye ) at or before a 45* angle. It is very effective at determining the level of intoxication . Some Officers can call the BAC numbers in the field just from the HGN results.
01-26-2008, 07:44 PM
Nobody is ever required to submit to a field sobriety test, EVER and nobody ever should.
You have a choice on the Breathilizer and, if you're way drunk and you're gonna get 12 months anyway cause its your second or third, REFUSE. No disrespect to Sarge, but if you blow a 2.4 or something, you will be getting a lot more than the little Administrative suspension he's talkiing about unless your a local in hill country. But in Ham County and all the major towns around here thats the way it is.
Frankly, anyone who has watched two episodes of Cops knows what I've said is exactly right but the police want you to hop around like a rabbit and answer a bunch of questions so they can charge you with obstruction or falsification, or have a basis to say you were drunk when the test is screwed up or comes back below the limit.
Keep you mouth shut and tell em to talk to your lawyer. Then you will at least have a chance.
Again, consult you own attorney.
01-26-2008, 08:52 PM
Go down to the BMV , and pick a DL application and read it . When you sign to get your DL you are signing the consent to take any warranted test requested by LE.
I really hope that you don't think COP's is really how it happens ( no offense Wilson ) but damn man ..... it's TV.
Lets look at it this way . you get pulled over by me because you were all over the road bouncing off the curbs and ran a mini-van full of kids off the road. I approach your vehcle and ask for your DL and ask if you have had anything to drink this evening . You reply with " nope and I aint taking your stupid tests . this is when I grin and say your under arrest. :D
Now comes court . the judge is going to be reading my report and states the facts and the facts about you refusing to cooperate with one of his officers ( not a really good thing ). Your attorney is already into you for what ..... about $1500.00 . All your attorney can say is .... you were not drunk . And the Judge says... then why did you refuse the test ?????? HMMMMMM !! Then I get to put my 15 years of OVI practice to the test . Then we schedule a trail , more $$$$ for the attorny and me !! Either way it goes you are the loser $$$$$$$$ , I and most cops could care less in the end who wins or loses. In fact I never check on the outcome of cases. I do not care , I did my Job and that was to get the Drunk off the street.
There are bad cops out there that pull people over for bogus crap to try and squeeze an OVI out of it. This is Crap, but what can you do .... there is bad apples in every walk of life. I have only had one person blow under, out of the hundreds that I've tested , and he was so screwed up on pills that he had to be taken to the hospital to get pumped ! I'm not bragging , I'm just very good at determining intoxication level.
In Butler Co. if you go to court on a 1st offense OVI and you blew over a 0.08 and cooperated you are very unlikely to get a OVI conviction. You will get a physical control or something else and you will be able to get work privledges. Refuse everything and good luck and may the judge have mercy on your ass.
Like I said above , if it's your second or more ........ well thats another story . It's kinda like being under suspension and refusing a BAC test ..... it really doesn't matter you aint got a DL anyway .
I can only say that this is how it goes in Butler Co. , Hamilton Co. may be different.
Bottom line is .. Attorney's are in this for the money , if you take the tests, you are more then likely going to court twice , once for your 5 day hearing and once for your court appearance . If you refuse then it's trail time and that means at least three court appearences and that means your attorny can charge you more. So you can bet your butt that they are going to tell everyone to refuse . I have several very big attorney's in Butler Co. that I go to , to better my ability to testify in court and behind closed doors they laugh at all the pieces of crap that give them big bucks to get them out of an OVI and have admitted that the above is very true.
Believe what you want , but, I have been doing this for a long time and witnessed many refusals and many tests. I would have to recommend that if it's your first OVI take the tests, and save your money for reinstatement fees and impound fees , anything more then your first and it really doesn't matter does it ?
94Dodge Truggy
01-26-2008, 09:25 PM
I can't afford to drink and drive so I don't! :D
01-26-2008, 09:48 PM
One thing for sure is I will be using my turn signals and checking my license plate light as I go thru Trenton.
And, Sarge, I don't really drive that Unimog around, its somebody else. :D
The DUI rules are ridiculous. Most people drive fine with a couple of beers in them. But you could pull over people at 2AM and half of them would fail the test.
Look, I don't drink and drive either. I had to learn the hard way and haven't had a drink in 17 years 4 months and 10 days to be exact. But lots of experience has taught me that the police aren't always right but they usually think they are right. I'm sure you are always fair Sarge, but we don't all live in Trenton. In Cincinnati, if you admit to even one beer, you are gonna blow. Trusting the officer who has you in the street is not the best plan, unless its Sarge who pulled you over of course.
94Dodge Truggy
01-26-2008, 11:33 PM
The dui law is a bit ridiculous with how little you have to drink to be technically driving impared, but we let the law pass and didn't raise enough hell about it. Kind of like the smoking ban. But I would still rather live in the U.S. !;)
01-27-2008, 12:09 AM
The dui law is a bit ridiculous with how little you have to drink to be technically driving impared, but we let the law pass and didn't raise enough hell about it. Kind of like the smoking ban. But I would still rather live in the U.S. !;)
X2 Scott.
Like a lot of things, a few morons screwed up everything. Really, really horrible DUI accidents caused these laws. And more sympathetic for the victims, I could not be. But 99% of all technically drunk drivers never have any problem at all. Its the 1% that head down the highway the wrong direction, pass out at the wheel, or try hill hopping, etc. that have us where we are.
And, the sad thing about it is that the chronic DD's that are usually involved in these horrible incidents are not really deterred from drunk driving by the fear of losing their license for a few months.
I'm glad to be here too, although I'd prefer to see a few more wild animals on the road and a few less cars.
01-27-2008, 03:24 AM
heres one for ya sarge. of course may be different being its ky and not ohio. if you live in a dry county like i do (grant) and buy alchol in a wet county (kenton), then drive it home unopened, call you be ticketed for something such as transporting alchol over the county line? ive heard a few people around me saying theyve had this problem. hell i heard one guy got drunk at first and last (bar right across the grant/kenton border), walking home and got charged for the same thing. not sure how true that story was but was worth a laugh.
01-27-2008, 04:01 AM
No you can not be charged . I spend alot of time in KY and TN consuming cold frosty ones and have asked the local law enforcement about the dry law. Being a dry county simply means that you can not sell it ! Now with that being said if you do go to a wet county and buy .... lets say a truck load of beer then you run the risk of being arrested for illegal transportation because it is more then the normal person would drink and they assume you are taking it to a dry county for resale. I have a buddy down at Dalehollow who helps us out with boat repairs and when we go down he used to ask us to bring him beer. I normally would take him 10 or so cases at a time. Last year I called him and told him I was on my way and asked for his order and he advised me to only bring a couple of cases. Apparently he loaded up his car at our camp site with 10 cases of beer and got stopped on the way home for speeding and almost got nailed for having more then the normal person would buy to drink. I guess he had to do some fast talking , but it scared him really bad.
When we go down with a group we normally transport 25-30 cases and a crap load of bottles , But we normally have 15-20 people in our group and stay for a week. Back in our house boat days when we would go on our yearly adult only bash to 76 falls we would have 6 couples on our house boat and have pictures of 40 cases of Miller Light stacked on the front of the boat:cool: it was a good trip :D
01-27-2008, 03:15 PM
thats what i figured it was some bs story, but still figured ide get your 2cents woth. thats y i like living in crittenden, i got a liquor store and a bar less than 3 miles from home.
01-28-2008, 01:47 PM
I'm not saying anything written above is right or wrong, just stating some expriences of my friends. Another friend is an attorney so he had provided the advice prior to these occurrences.
1. Guy was definitely drunk based on the legal limit, but nowhere close to being "sloppy drunk" and if you didn't know the guy previously you would probably of have a hard time even knowing he had been drinking. Got pulled over, refused FST, car impounded, arrested, etc... Went to court and a lawyer got the case threw out quickly. The cost of the lawyer was well worth it to him versus having a DUI on his record.
2. Guy pulled over for suspicion of drunk driving. He had maybe 2 drinks so he was most likely under the legal limit, however he had an as-yet undiagnosed medical condition which exaggerated the symptons (acted drunk, but really wasn't). Again, refused the FST, blah, blah, blah... case did not even make it to court before it was thrown out (before the medical condition was even used).
Now don't get me wrong, I am completely against people driving drunk (and when I say drunk, I mean drunk, not necessarily just because they are .081). I'm also very careful to not have more than a drink or two if I have to drive afterwards. My only point is that I don't think refusing a FST is quite as bad as described by Sarge. And as for the lawyer just wanting $$$, that wasn't the case because he provided his services for free because they were good friends.
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