View Full Version : Amateur radio's

01-26-2008, 08:46 PM
I just aquired a bunch of radio equipment from
an estate sale. Anyone have experience with
ICOM IC-275H Radio....... Ham?
also have a KENWOOD TR 751A.........Ham?
Some Palomar tube type amplifiers

Hard to get license?
do you need the amplification for the ham bands?
what frequencies do people talk on?
Is there much talk on the Ham bands?

01-27-2008, 07:08 AM
I just aquired a bunch of radio equipment from
an estate sale. Anyone have experience with
ICOM IC-275H Radio....... Ham?
also have a KENWOOD TR 751A.........Ham?
Some Palomar tube type amplifiers

Hard to get license?
do you need the amplification for the ham bands?
what frequencies do people talk on?
Is there much talk on the Ham bands?

www.qrz.com or www.arrl.org will answer all your questions.

Radio info here....Both are 2 Meter rigs.
The Icom is a nice all mode base radio.

Getting you Tech licenses is easy and the F.C.C. no longer requires morse code either making it easier. Both radio's you have are nice and I'm sure the amps and nice also. It's all older equipment but people still use it.

I have had my license since 1996 and love Amateur Radio. I have/own a 2,10,6 and 440 mhz radios now with beams,long wire antennas and copy sticks I use to talk on with newer transistor amplifiers.

Communication on certain bands say 2 meter you can talk 75+ miles on FM using a repeater (receive site/tower) and have clear and clean communication unlike a CB where your lucky to talk 5-10 miles and have to worry about someone else talking over you or interfering. Even simplex communication (car to car) you can talk very long distance's.

Its kinda like being a security guard in a mall or a MP in the military.
Both are good but one (Ham/Amateur) requires to be disciplined with many rules,regulations and restrictions where the other can be done by anyone if they want (CB) with no license.

Good luck, If you have any questions PM me or check out the sites above. They will answer all your questions.

Let me know if your ever interested in selling your goodies. I'm always buying new toys for my Radio Room. I'd be interested in the Icom all mode for SSB DX :D

Joe kb9qdi

01-27-2008, 09:40 AM
It is all leaving here
pmed ya