View Full Version : Carwash Crawler - Build Thread... again.
02-06-2008, 09:59 AM
I think this is the 4th time i have had to rehash this thread here, maybe that is some sort of sign or something... anyway, here goes, lets take a walk back in history, to a time when i had such unrealistic goals for completion time on this rig...
I have started this new thread and have forgotten the old one, as i need a clean slate to start with.
So, some details...
Chassis - 3 seat tube chassis, mix of .109, .120 and .134 wall 1.75 OD DOM. Front clip from a YJ (thanks Kargomaster). Other than that, no Jeep parts, sorry. Side panels from .125 aluminum or thicker lexan or hdpe (undecided still).
Axles - 2.5 ton Rockwell toploaders. Stock shafts for now, 2" shafts soon from OEM. Detroit lockers in both. Pinion brakes. Full hydraulic steering.
Wheel / Tires - Custom double beadlocks. 44 x 19.5 x 16.5 Boggers. Big meats.
Suspension - 18" Travel 2.5 Fox Air Shocks. Triangulated 4 link front and rear. Upper arms 1.75x.375 wall DOM. Lower arms 2.0x.500 wall DOM. Johnny joints at all ends, no threaded shank, no adjustment, no weak links.
Driveline - SBC 350, .030 over, 4 bolt mains, Corvette Speed Density TPI. TH400 built to the max by John Carr. STAK 3 speed t-case.
That about covers it for now i guess. On to the pics. You have already seen a lot of these, so just shut up. I will do my best to update this with every bit of progress i make. Be sure to offer any feedback or input you may have.
The base chassis build:
02-06-2008, 10:00 AM
And now back at my shop finally:
02-06-2008, 10:01 AM
Axle tear down and rebuild (well soon to be rebuilt)
Jury is still out on whether I will be running this twisted shaft of not, need to find someone to float me a stock replacement. I don't want to buy one as I will be doing the 2" soon.
02-06-2008, 10:01 AM
Gotta show off the STAK, it is such a work of art.
02-06-2008, 10:02 AM
And a pile of other miscellaneous build parts, shocks, joints, trans, unbuilt motor, etc...
02-06-2008, 10:03 AM
Pics of the BTF parts that arrived today...
Tube chassis winch plate, orbital mount, Rockwell 4 link mounts, and a pair of DIY diff cover kits.
02-06-2008, 10:03 AM
Fabricators mounts from DIY4x. Stout SBC block mounts and poly filled fabrication sets. Crazy stout and cheap as hell. check this guy's stuff out at ( .
I just gotta get out there and start putting this stuff together.
02-06-2008, 10:03 AM
Ok, made some progress this weekend. A lot of time was spent initially getting the chassis level. You don't realize how unlevel your shop floor is until you put a level across it. Had my buddy Bobb helping me on Saturday. It's amazing how nice it is having someone to help, it makes things go more than twice as fast. Some things one person just can't do.
Man, I really need to buy a notcher. It really sucked making all of these...
Made a nice little grill mount off the backside of the winch plate, utilizing the stock YJ body mount location.
Got the winch plate on, top tube of the double tube frame front, and the top inner fender tube with support. Sux, seemed like i got so much more done than i did...
The two tubes sticking out the front top will tie into a grill hoop. the bottom tubes sticking out, i'm still undecided on. Any suggestions? Im thinking of splicing and grafting a mini stinger onto it. It needs to be terminated somehow. It was designed originally to use a different winch plate that tied both bars into it. So, i gotta figure something out.
02-06-2008, 10:04 AM
Need suggestions on how to terminate this bottom tube. Originally planned to have it terminate into a winch plate, but not using that winch plate now, as you can see. so, i gotta come up with a way to terminate the bottom tubes.... what do i do?
Do i just cut it short up by the short vertical support and put a nice cap on it? Like this one...
Any other ideas? Make a stinger off of it. would have to be grafted... so not the strongest, etc.
02-06-2008, 10:06 AM
Well, a little late, but better late than never. I borrowed a Lowbuck Tools notcher from my buddy Travis. Got it home tonight and mounted it up.
Talk about some fast notching. CHOMP CHOMP and i get this...
and it fits perfect... a perfect notch.
Just wanted to share my excitement and time savings from here out...
(edit: I hated this notcher, and wouldn't recommend buying one. angled notches are near impossible, and found myself needing to grind every notch, even the 90 degree ones to get them to work well)
02-06-2008, 10:07 AM
Well, not a ton of updates, but here are a few pics...
Received my POB bracket from captainFab on OFN. Pretty sweet bracket, and necessary when doing multiple bends... I have already used it enough to make it worth twice what i spent on it.
Got the tubes bent for the fenders.
Finally got my shop PC going to run the bend-tech software... nice to have it close to operations now.
Put in a few more supports here and there, side and bottom of front fender...
Then, as I am bending the grill hoop, this happens "CHINK!!!"
I was so pissed. A blessing in disguise i guess, as it was 3:00 a.m. and i had already drank too much beer. So today i called JD2, and they told me they had fixxed that problem, and that it was happening quite a bit. My die is at least 2 years old, so it wasn't covered under warranty, but they did sell me a new full block for below their cost (he says). They made the holder wider to distribute the load better. Should arrive next week. So, only straight tubes being put in this weekend, oh well.
Really good customer service tho on JD2's part.
02-06-2008, 10:07 AM
OK!!! today was motor day. Bought my motor from a friend, a pull out from his jeep. Was a decent runner when he pulled it, but smoked a little at start up, so we decided it was the valve seals in need of some love. No big deal.
Well yesterday my buddy Bobb prepped and cleaned the motor and stripped it of all accessories, etc. And this morning, Brandon and I tore into it. Well we pop off the first valve, and there was no valve seal... we pop the other 7 off the one head, and not a valve seal on any valve. so, the valves were all disgusting and upon pulling them, none of them would seat and were all hung open... so off with the heads for a valve job. did it ourselves on the bench in about 2 hours. Ground them, reinstalled, light resurface, and slapped them back on. Cross your fingers.
Built up the tpi and stuck it on (no gaskets or anything, just stuck it all together with a few bolts), just to feel like i accomplished something the past 2 days. Got a few bars in the rear of the chassis as well... where is that new die, dammit. Here is a little picture recap of the weekend as well...
02-06-2008, 10:07 AM
02-06-2008, 10:08 AM
new die follower came... they did a big change in design...
that's beefy.
02-06-2008, 10:08 AM
I've been a busy bee this weekend, damn near have the chassis done minus the belly. Did a little redesign on the front a-pillar connector... When you are on a strict deadline, redesigning things is a definite step backwards, but i think it was worth it, as the windshield area looks much better (meaner) than before.
Also did a bunch of work to the cowl, well Brad (KargoMaster on here) did a bunch of work to the cowl. He was nice enough to spend the whole day working with me. Again proving that things go way more than twice as fast with two people. Had to cut the stock windshield area off of it. Then had to notch out the cowl where two of the front end supports go from the front end to the upper dash bar. Had to cut completely through it so i will cover those holes with some nothced tubing. I'm also going to have another buddy TIG the whole seem from the upright to the curved area, after i get rid of all the assembly putty in there. It will look alot better and be much stronger.
02-06-2008, 10:09 AM
He then DA's and grinded the whole thing to make it pretty and smoothe. He now has the red boogers.
02-06-2008, 10:09 AM
And here are some shots of how the chassis sits now... tons of new tubes in. Gussets, Gussets, Gussets, supports, etc... Only a few more tubes and i will have the upper chassis done. Then it's time to drop motor, trans, and tcase in for belly mockup.
02-06-2008, 10:11 AM
ok, updates updates updates...
Damn cold here now, got heaters pulling double duty. My bigger one keeps taking a crap on me, and the little one has a hell of a time trying to keep up witn the drafts coming in some of my huge gaps... but anyway...
My slide in clevis mounts are done, and installed. Makes a darn nice termination for that tubing. I love them. Utilitarian and takes care of my dead tubing issues...
02-06-2008, 10:12 AM
Put the dash bar in as well... where i put it will make an 8" dash. 9 seemed like too much and 7 seems like way too skinny
Had to figure out a way to locate the grill at the top as well so i busted out these little tabs and utilized a couple of the stock mounting holes in the grill. Pretty cool, I like them, and the grill is SOLID, it isn't moving.
02-06-2008, 10:12 AM
Then turned the chassis 90 degrees in the shop so i could get to all sides better. Kargomaster came over and helped me to day with all of this stuff. Also, Jeffhpk5 or whatever his gay screen name is stopped by as well and brought my fender tops and we talked shop and swapped steel all afternoon.
We managed to get the drivetrain in today, motor, trans, and tcase. Got them located in their final positions. This took a while and we are happy with their location. It's tough figuring out where to put all of it. How high? how far back? etc.
That STAK sure is a big pig, but i will gladly make room for it.
02-06-2008, 10:12 AM
Here is the line of how it all sits in the chassis...
The stak sits very close to passenger side frame rail. About a 1/2 to 3/4. Had to clock it to get it that far away. Also had to clock it so that the driveshaft would clear the trans pan, etc, and alleviate the need for a 2-piece shaft.
02-06-2008, 10:13 AM
Here are some wide shots of the drivetrain in the chassis. Next step is to make the belly around all of this.
02-06-2008, 10:14 AM
Got a little bit done tonight... working on the belly.
It's so nice when you bend up two pieces that are supposed to be identical, and they actually are... it's so rare for me it seems...
Got the sides of the belly on, and supports between them for the center link mounts... damn these things are beefy.
Mock fitted my BTF towers to get some rough measurements to put in the 4-link calculator.
This weekend the motor, trans and tcase should be final mounted, and i can raise the thing up to approximate ride height to finish up all the suspension...
02-06-2008, 10:14 AM
ok, this was my last weekend to work on the rig until after the first of the year. Next weekend is christmas and then we are heading to florida for week right after, and won't be back til Jan. 4th or so. So i did my best to get as much done as i possibly could this weekend.
My buddy Kargomaster came down to help both days, and Bobb came down today to help finish some things up. The whole day saturday was spent getting the crossmember/trans tcase mount together and mounted it. Got it pretty close to done by Sat night and finished it on sunday. Then got the motor mounts put in today as well.
The complete drivetrain is now sitting in the buggy without jackstands or any outside help.
The crossmember has four removal mounting points made with poly fabsets from DIY4X. This guy's stuff rules, and he charges way too little for this stuff.
How about some pics...
Making the center crossmember t-case mount. this was a *****, as the adapter/mount doesnt sit straight up and down, it has a slight rear pitch to it at the top, making guessing this angle difficult.
Kargomaster got a booboo. He uses a ***** guard on his grinder, and when he picked mine up and used it (no ***** guard), it bit him. He whined for an hour. jk.
Finished and installed mount. A work of art. I dont think this t-case is going anywhere. Braced everywhere... it will be the last thing to give.
02-06-2008, 10:14 AM
After getting the tcase solid, then moved to the motor mounts. Standard tube mounts, with a nice 1/4 inch gusset on the top. Should hold up just fine.
Some shots as it sits now, with the drivetrain held completely by the chassis.
02-06-2008, 10:15 AM
How much metal dust can you breathe in before it kills you?
Good 'ol PeteyG ran down the street from his house to the PRP factory and got some spy shots of my seats under construction. Crimson centers and piping, and slate gray on the rest. Hells yes.
So, last update i believe for a couple weeks. Oh well, better get hammering after i get back from Florida i guess...
02-06-2008, 10:17 AM
seats came today...
The colors turned out perfect. It's the exact red and gray i was going for. I am very pleased, and they are very comfortable. Got them from Scott at RBS, great guy.
02-06-2008, 10:17 AM
Very slow progress right now, vacations, holidays, laziness, etc...
Did get the rig at ride height (or as close as i can estimate) and it is scaring the hell out of me. I think it will come down a bit from where it is right now. but as it sits, its 6'11" at the top of the roll bar, 36" to the bottom of the rockers, 28" to the belly.
Built stands for my rockwells to get them at what i think will be close to my rolling radius, i built them about 19.5" or so. Finalized the numbers for my 4-link and settled on it. Not the best, but oh well, it's all i can do, see the other thread for discussion of that...
I also had questions about rear rockwell driveshaft offset, etc, that i started another thread about... blah blah blah.
A buddy of mine is turning the steel down for my lowers tomorrow and i may actually have the rear suspension in by the end of the week... will see i guess.
Here's a couple pics... I've lost my zest for taking pics of it now...
02-06-2008, 10:17 AM
Ok you impatient bastards... I finally got some time to work on this damn thing, and i got a lot done in the last two days.
Rear suspension is buttoned down, whooohoooo.
I also got the front mouont for the upper links higher, and got my AS to 94%. Still not great , but better than it was at least.
So, here are some pics...
02-06-2008, 10:17 AM
Rear airshocks at this point have about 7" of uptravel and 11" of downtravel. Seems to work fine, utilizing all the movement both up and down...
02-06-2008, 10:18 AM
Got a lot done today, thanks to the help of Kargomaster (brad). We banged out the entire front end, then started eyeballing the interior... another weekend i guess for that.
Finishe the upper links on the front suspension
Got the shock hoops built and braced in final position... can't believe the shocks wont have to come throug the hood, very exciting.
Finished the damn front grill hoop, this thing has haunted me for 3 months... done.
Jeff stopped down and chewed the fat for a while, also helping a lot with the PITA grill hoop... Thanks guys.
there is actually light at the end of the tunnel now.
02-06-2008, 10:19 AM
that t-case is mounted at all 4 corners by poly to the chassis. Is that not enough poly in a mount? You can see one in this top pic and then some in the other pics too... the case is solid mounted to that crossmember, but then the cross member is mounted with 4 poly bushings at the frame. I thought this would give it more than enough flex... am i wrong?
opinions on this? please discuss....
02-06-2008, 10:20 AM
A little bit done this weekend, not as much as i would have liked... Brad and i had a crappy day Saturday... couldn't seem to get into the groove, wasted a lot of time and a lot of tube... oh well, it happens.
Sunday turned out better... got all the stuff done i wanted to... interior is about half done, both front seats are mounted and rear is in place to be mounted.
And yes, the front seats are sitting at different heights. The passenger seat sits about 1.75 inches higher than the driver seat. It was necessary due to the need to clear the t-case. The only way to get it to sit any lower would be to extremely modify the seat frame, and i wasn't about to do that to my new seats.
The passenger (Rae) is about 6 inches shorter than me, so it works out fine, and i don't think it's too noticable.
The rear seat will only be safe and usable by a person under about 5' tall... so should be just fine for my daughter...which is who it was intended for.
02-06-2008, 10:21 AM
No updates for a while... because progress has been super slow... but here are few pics...
first interior panel made, the plate to hold the shifter.
Got the lower firewall done. 1/4" aluminum, threaded tabs, etc. Was very happy to get the lower done in one piece. Makes me feel secure. The upper firewall will be located on the outside of the firewall.
02-06-2008, 10:21 AM
Got my centers and rockrings from copperhead fab to recenter my hummer wheels. Not as pleased as i has hoped with them. The price is right but the cutting seems to be not the best. I guess it's what i should expect from plasma cut rings. I need to have the holes machined.
And i have a small concern about the gap between the hub and the edge of the center. It is about 3/8". While this will make it easier throw the wheel on the hub, it definitely will make the amount of meat on the inside of the lug holes less. I will have to see how it looks after i have them drilled and chamfered.
Probably won't do much more work on it until I move the rig and all parts to the new shop... stay tuned.
02-06-2008, 10:22 AM
I have contacted Kyle at Copperhead and requested he remake my centers with some tighter specs and no lug holes cut so that i can have my machinist get those perfectly centered and chamfered.
Like i said, they were very inexpensive.
02-06-2008, 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by JeffHPK5 (
I talked to Carwash on the phone earlier and we discussed how we can "sharpen-up" the fit of his replacement centers. We're going to machine the I.D's and lug pattern and combine Copperheads work and ours and hopefully make a nice set of centers.
I'm not a plasma expert but it looks as though these centers max out the machine Copperhead has or there running stacked stock to speed up production.
"your machinist"...
I'm more appreciative than you can even imagine Jeff... honestly.
Kyle says my new centers will ship this week. I'm having him cut the centers at 6.4", which is exactly what i measured my hubs at. We can then clearance them to whatever you think fits nice when you have the hub and centers.
There will be no lug holes in them at all.
Thanks again Kyle from Copperhead for GREAT customer service.
02-06-2008, 10:24 AM
Well, new centers came from Copperhead a couple weeks ago. Dropped them off to Jeff for the finish work. He is machining the center hole, the lug holes, and the outer edge... should be able to drop into the wheel and weld in... I owe him big. Pics of those soon... maybe he will chime in here and give me an update...
Spent the last couple evenings finishing up the chunks for the rockwells. Had to pull the one apart that Kargomaster and I knocked out a couple weekends ago... recall the thrust washer questions... Anyway, those are all buttoned down and ready to go.
the second chunk i got into had some serious pinion slop, maybe as much as 3/32". since i am running pinion brakes, no pinion slop is tolerable. I was dreading tearing into this, as i hadn't even looked in my manual yet, and assumed it was going to be a serious pain in the ass. Turns out it was very simple. The shims for preload are behind the retainer, and there was no need to remove the bearings or anything... so about an hour of off/on/off/on/off/on until i was happy with the preload and i was done.
Put on the rear high clearance skid on the housing tonight. I purchased the DIY kits from Blue Torch. Note to self, don't be a tight ass next time, and buy the welded ones. Here are a few pics of the process...
Starts of course with the bare housing, stock bowl cut off and the area grinded flat to accept the new cover...
I then tacked all the pieces together on the housing.
02-06-2008, 10:25 AM
Then i put the chunk on to test fit it, make sure that the gear clears it...
Then turn the welder up and burn the hell out of it...
02-06-2008, 10:25 AM
Then, grind it down and smoothe it out, make it all pretty.
Hope to have the axles back together by the end of this weekend... Will be moving the rig to the new shop as soon as possible...
02-06-2008, 10:25 AM
Im shooting for EJS 2012. Set your goals low, and you might not be let down...
02-06-2008, 10:26 AM
OK, a few more updates and a few more pics... i doubt it will ever be done at this rate... seems so far off when i work on it about 4 hours a week, ha!
Here is a shot of the 2 chunks wired up and ready to go...
I put in the removable bracing in the engine compartment. Not sure if it will have to come out to remove the motor, but will sure make it easier im sure. Will help provide a little protection for the intake in case of rollover as well. I didn't go directly over the motor, as who knows what kind of motor and intake will end up in this thing eventually... I know the 8.1 Vortec sits a bit tall, and i didn't want to get in the way...
02-06-2008, 10:26 AM
Also tabbed the fenders and put on the plates that were cut so nicely for me by Jeff (jeffhpk5 or something like that). Was going to just weld them and grind smoothe, but these "fender" tubes may come off at some point if they limit flex too much, and it will be easier if these bolt on and off. Also, they will look nice painted the contrasting colors just like the rest of the body panels.
My wheel centers are almost done. Created by Copperhead, finished by Jeff (again, this guy owns a portion of my rig at this point i think. Don't ask to borrow it tho jeff). they are done minus the chamfer on them as well as on the lugnuts. The nuts came with a radiused chamfer instead of a flat one. Making it difficult to match it on the centers. So Jeff is gonna machine both the centers and the nuts with the same flat angle. Will make for a nice seat on the rim, I'm excited. He machined the inside and the outside edge for me, as well as putting them in a press, as they had a bit of a warp to them. As they are machined now, I am looking at about 3.75" of backspace or so.
02-06-2008, 10:27 AM
Gotta get these axles together now i guess... gonna move this thing to the new shop...
02-06-2008, 10:28 AM
Have done a little on it... getting axles back together.
Getting my wheels together finally as well. Centers from copperhead, finished by my buddy Jeff (JeffHPK5 on here).
He cut the centers out for me as well, CNC. tried to chuck them up in a lathe, but the inner shells are too flimsy and warped when clamped tight enought to cut.
I swore that if i ever ran Hummer wheels again, I would tack-weld every stud on the shells. It never failed, it seemed every wheel would have a couple free up and spin when trying to change a tire, etc.
So, on this set, i cleaned up the insides real well, made it clean, and tacked them all. Peace of mind if nothing else. Now if i can just get them to hold air.
Tacked up once center...
I threw one onto an axle to check the runout. visually looked great, clamped a screwdriver to the shockbody to get a better idea. Looks like less than an 1/8 inch side to side and up and down. the worst spot is very centralized as well, leading me to beleive that it's not the position of my welded center, but more a banged spot in the wheel from it's previous life.
either way, i don't think i will feel that while running 44" boggers with less than 10# of air.
More work this weekend, hope to make some major ground.
02-06-2008, 10:29 AM
well, that's it... thread is current... more updates and pics after this weekend. gonna hammer on it hard.
02-06-2008, 10:30 AM
Holy cow Mike...those tires are sexy. ;)
Awesome recap..
02-06-2008, 10:32 AM
well thanks... they'd be sexier if they were covered in mud and climbing up some rocks... but as sexy as they can be sitting in the shop i guess.
at almost $600 a tire, they better be sexy.
94Dodge Truggy
02-06-2008, 12:04 PM
Are you running the stock width hummer rims at the 9.75 measurement? I am trying to keep my outside tire to outside tire width at 90". Hoping that with 5'' backspacing on a 10" wide rim with 42'' irocs will do. Mounting your 44'' boggers on a 9.75 rim will be a joy if that is what is to be used.
Glad to see this thread again! I love the direction in which it is going!
02-06-2008, 12:13 PM
i am running the stock width hummer rim, shouldn't be a problem mounting them at all.
Watch your 5" backspacing, gets mighty close to the steering arm on the knuckle. Also worried about my tires getting too close to my links at full lock. That is why i decided on 3.5".
I'd say my outside width will be 92-94".
02-06-2008, 12:58 PM
that t-case is mounted at all 4 corners by poly to the chassis. Is that not enough poly in a mount? You can see one in this top pic and then some in the other pics too... the case is solid mounted to that crossmember, but then the cross member is mounted with 4 poly bushings at the frame. I thought this would give it more than enough flex... am i wrong?
opinions on this? please discuss....
i know I am a little late on this but you will be fine. My engine and tranny mounts are the exact same set up and I have no issues,
02-06-2008, 01:09 PM
thanks for the support tony... that is a reprint from my pirate thread from about a year ago... everyone agreed that it would be fine. I knew it would, but had a couple of tards telling me there would be issues.
02-06-2008, 05:02 PM
Almost a roller!! :)
I'm sure when it gets pushed out of the shop for the first time to sweep under it you'll get that rush and it will come together fast.
I'm years away from getting my pile done but I might get a ride in yours in 08'.
02-06-2008, 08:19 PM
i wish you would get yours going as well...
i recall quite a few years ago, i bought a rail buggy from you to fund your build... what happened to that money?
come on man, you gotta quit doing all these favors for stuff on my rig and get yours done. what can i do to help you?
and yes, once it rolls, it's gonna be AWNNNNN!
02-06-2008, 08:53 PM
AWSOME MACHINE!! Sure would like to see it in WV.
02-06-2008, 09:10 PM
K, been a little while, but I'm ready to continue working on it... just lemme know when.
Seeing those pics makes me want to see it fired up...
The three "may never finish" amigos... JeffK5, CW, and me. We all need to get in the woods with our vehicles.
02-06-2008, 09:15 PM
working on it all day friday, monday and tuesday... hope to get a TON don on it. My big goal is to have axles built and wheel and tires on by end of day monday...
that will include completely building the axles, completely building and painting the wheels, mounting tires, etc... gonna be tough, but crossing my fingers.
so, call me, come on down, would love to have you around.
i beleive sarge is coming down friday afternoon as well... not to help, but to bring some stuff to me...
02-07-2008, 02:26 AM
Looks good Mike. I hope that someday when I get something going it will look that good.
02-07-2008, 08:47 AM
i beleive sarge is coming down friday afternoon as well... not to help, but to bring some stuff to me...
Thank God he's not helping !!! :D :D
02-07-2008, 09:06 PM
K, been a little while, but I'm ready to continue working on it... just lemme know when.
Seeing those pics makes me want to see it fired up...
The three "may never finish" amigos... JeffK5, CW, and me. We all need to get in the woods with our vehicles.
Aw crap, I was supposed to call you back like 2 months ago about working on your links..:o
I just need to get motivated , I have 90% of the big ticket items piled in my garage/basement..:cool:
Motor's done, diffs done, trans/cases done, wheels done....all suspension pieces bought but can't drag my ass out there and make some forward progress.
This thread revival might just refocus my project ... so BTT!
02-07-2008, 09:23 PM
let me know if there is ANYTHING i have or can provide that you may need... i own you so much at this point....
brad, coming down sometime soon?
02-13-2008, 10:35 AM
working on it all day friday, monday and tuesday... hope to get a TON don on it. My big goal is to have axles built and wheel and tires on by end of day monday...
Any progress?
02-13-2008, 11:54 AM
yes, new pics tonight
i'm working on it today as well...
02-13-2008, 11:21 PM
Alright... got a bit done on the rig... getting back into working on it...
I see a light at the end of the tunnel, even if it is quite dim, it is there.
How bout a picture recap of the past weekend's work...
Wheel centers all tacked in and ready to be finish-welded
Wheels all welded up
Rockrings welded on the out outer shells and everything ready for primer
02-13-2008, 11:22 PM
paint paint paint paint paint... good colors.
Now lets mount some tires. I didn't cut my magnesium runflats. didn't think it was necessary. I have roughly 10" or more of air pocket between the tread and the runflat. I never cut them when i used to run 40" tires and never had any issues. Didn't feel like spending a day cutting the things down... so there you have it. Hopefully my laziness doesn't screw me in the long run.
02-13-2008, 11:23 PM
I find it easiest to set the bottom shell on a 5 gallon bucket. This lets the tire fall down low to let the bottom bead seat on the inner shell. I set the bottom shell on, then put on the NEW o-ring... i don't believe in reusing them... not worth having to break one of these bastards down twice, i'd rather spend the $5 and have some peace of mind.
i grease the o-ring lightly with normal bearing grease. Just the thinnest coat, to allow it to move around and seat where it needs to be.
Then on goes the outer ring. (don't forget to put in your new valve stem... don't ask me why i have to put that helpful tip there...) Work my way around the ring with my lifesaving cordless impact. Took me about an hour and a half to build all 4 wheels. All are holding air so far, no reason they shouldn't be. Clean surfaces and new o-rings.
02-13-2008, 11:24 PM
Got the chunks into both axles as well, and buttoned down the rear. Axles in and tires on for a nice visual.
Rear tires are further thing back on the buggy, by about 4 inches or so. Good departure angle for sure, about -5 degrees.
It's nice just to see the rear axle sitting on rubber instead of stands.
about 88.5" outside of tire width in the rear. Not too wide i guess. Tires sit almost right on the outside of the body... man that's gonna sling some mud.
02-13-2008, 11:24 PM
Here is some quality USA 6x6 work... they sure are some good welders out there.... There are their kingpin mounted boot guards. Had to go to them, couldn't get them from anyone else, and didn't have time or energy to make my own... wish i had just done it myself now, as i had to do quite a bit of welding repair on these as well. Not sure what monkey ass they have welding there, but they need to get some skoolin'.
Hammered out my kingpin bushings and pressed in new ones. Now of course they won't go on. I have heard all kinds of answers to this, need to find a real source of knowledge on how tight these should be on the kingpins. Anyone?
02-13-2008, 11:25 PM
Pulled all the spindle studs from the knuckles, as to clear the wheel studs since i am going to run hubs flipped in. Picked up the 3/8x1" bolts to replace them with.
Here is a nice series of pics showing the clearance issues between these two items. I set a hub on the table, threw a bearing in the race and dropped the spindle in. The first pics are of the wheels studs, new and unmolested. then shots of them ground down, and showing the clearance.
before shave...
02-13-2008, 11:26 PM
now shaved...
Next work day will be assembling the front axle... ugh.
02-13-2008, 11:51 PM
Looking good CW, the wide doesn't seem to be too bad. It looks a whole lot better with the tires on giving some perspective on the overall looks.
02-14-2008, 08:34 AM
Nice work!! It looks like an entire different animal with tires on it! It's going to be a beast!
02-14-2008, 08:42 AM
yes, it's good to see tires on it... makes it look like something is done.
94Dodge Truggy
02-15-2008, 01:22 PM
Shaving the stud heads for clearance and using flat head cap screws in the knuckle side correct? I hate flat head cap screws but not many easy options to avoid using them from what I saw when I was at this stage. Looks good! When can you forsee firing it up?
02-15-2008, 03:24 PM
other option is to countersink holes in teh knuckle and use countersink allen heads... like this...
I didn't have the countersink to do it with, and didn't feel like sourcing the allen heads, so grinding was my answer.
94Dodge Truggy
02-15-2008, 03:37 PM
That is what I had done. That is a FHCS used there. Flat head cap screw. These screws fill in with debris and are a pain in the woods to work with. Gonna have pics this weekend of weekend progress? If so I am looking forward to seein em!
02-15-2008, 05:46 PM
i am not using Flat Head Cap Screws, if so, i wouldnt have shaved the wheels studs down. i am using standard hex head grade 8 bolts. may have to take a tiny bit off of those as well.
may not get too much done on it this weekend. i did get my nitrogen bottle refilled today to be ready for my air shocks. Need to get some more shock oil as well.
94Dodge Truggy
02-15-2008, 08:54 PM
My buddy did the bolt method on the knuckle and had to shave a dangerous amount off the wheel studs and still had to take some off of his bolts. Hopefully you will not run into that problem. If you change your mind and want the holes countersunk let me know and I can do em for ya fast!
02-15-2008, 11:31 PM
i have seen tons of people do this method. i must admit, i hate shaving that much off the wheels studs, but i haven't heard of a failure of this kind yet. Hoping to not have to shave too much off the bolts as well.
but i agree with you, with the conditions and terrain around here, i can only imagine how packed up those allen heads get with mud sand, etc. would make a trail repair axle change difinitely suck the balls.
This thing is awesome! I'm redoing my buggy,its a smaller scale than yours, 4.3 V6,39s,toyota axles and 16" air shocks. Are you going to use bump stops,or let the shock stop its self? And what about a limiting strap up front,and sway bar in the rear?I've been lurking,and studying for a while and it seems like thats how most people set up Air shocks,except,and this might just be for comp buggies,they only have 4" of up travel.Once again your buggy is bad ass,and i'm not trying to tell you how to build it,I'm just getting all the info I can for mine.
02-16-2008, 10:58 AM
there will be bumpstops, in the form of Timbren bumps or air bumps. either way i will utilize an air bump can incase i want to upgrade from timbrens to air later on. DO NOT use your air shock as the bump.
I only have 4-6 inches of uptravel becuase thats all the room i have to travel up with the toploader chunk on there. also, with this little bit of shaft sticking out of the shock, the sway of the rig will be kept way lower. Fox recommends a max 70/30 split for best performance. Meaning on a 16 inch travel, you want 10" in and 6" out max. On 16's i'd rather have only 4-5" out.
I kept mine where they are due to wanting to have more droop instead of compression. Also, any more sticking out would have made me higher off the ground or required that i put my shocks thru the hood. (didnt want to do that).
I am going to run winches front and rear for center limiting and manual suspension compression. I will also run limit straps at the outsides to keep the shocks from fully extending... to much money to pull one apart. 44" inch tired and a rockwell is a lot of weight to hang on a shock.
good luck, would love to see pics of your build.
I'm setting mine up with 5" of up,and cheap poly bump stops,then like you said limit straps,a winch up front and maybe a small one in the back and I'll wait on the sway bar to see if it really needs one.
We have a 6 month old baby girl and momma works nights,so I only get 1 night during the week and then sometimes all weekend to be in the garage.So as soon as I can get back out there and get going on it I'll take some pictures and maybe start a build thread here. Thanks for the help!
02-16-2008, 01:50 PM
my time on it is limited as well between working my day job, and working on customer's rigs at the shop... i'm really motivated to get it done tho, now that it is sitting on its rear wheels and front axle is some bushing reaming away from going together.
looking forward to seeing your build.
02-24-2008, 02:03 AM
OK, put in a bunch of time yesterday and today.... got a LOT done.
Finally got all my kingpin bushings honed down. Ended up using a wheel cylinder hone, with new stones. Took them down nicely, and didn't take too long. I took out enough material until i could tap them on easily with a small hammer and block of wood. Once on and greased, they turned nicely. Not too hard, not too easy, just right.
Random shots of axle build / boot guards, etc...
Putting the boots on can be a *****. would have been nice to have 4 hands. on the first one, i had to use some mini clamps to hold it in place. The inner small clamp is a piece of cake, it's the outer that is the issue. Once on and tight, it really is cool how it seals it all up.
The USA6x6 boot guards are pretty sweet. They protect the boot very well, it is a well thought out design. Aside from them being put together crappy, i'm pretty happy with them. One of them had the plate welded to the guard crooked, but it didn't affect the mounting too bad, just made the gap bigger on one side than the other. On both of them, i had to grind a bit off the top of the inside plate. It was hitting the inner knuckle housing and causing drag on turning (scared me, thought i had messed up my kingpin bushings)
This shot from the top really shows how well it tucks the boot into that guard. It will be tough damage this boot on anything.
Shots of the spindle, with the studs replaced with the 3/8 bolts for clearance with the hub flip.
Got the air shocks all charged up, took minimal air just to hold the weight. Only 70 pounds in the fronts and 50 pounds in the rear. That is assuming that my gauge is accurate at readings that low (doubt it is). Here is a shot with no stands under the chassis at all anymore (yes, still stands under the axle, but the rig is holding itself up)
02-24-2008, 02:04 AM
Brad came over today to help, and it was really nice to have an extra set of hands there today.
Got the driver side all put together today. Birfield style axle in this one... will be interested to see which one breaks first. Brad served as the extra hands to help put the boots on... ha.
Passenger knuckle cleared the 3/8 bolts with the closest one being a little less than a 1/16th away. Not sure how much this assembly will flex, but i figure if it does, they will self clearance before they break... hopefully.
The driver side didn't clear once i seated the bearings. Was scraping on one pretty bad. So we pulled it off, and brad grinded them all down a little more. I must have gotten lazy on this one when i did them the first time around.
02-24-2008, 02:08 AM
Low and behold, front axle all together, wheels mounted, all stands out from under it, and it is a ROLLER. Brad and i rolled it forward and back a couple feet quite few times. Was nice to hear that rubber squeaking on the floor.
02-24-2008, 02:18 AM
Put on the pinion brakes, for muckup of bumpstops and steering ram mounts, etc. Uptravel will be right about 5" in the front before shock bottoms out or rotor contacts chassis.
These brake parts are truly a work of art... almost hate to get them dirty or banged up. Honestly, i cant wait.
This was a good weekend, big milestones. Also got the cowl mounted solid, which locates the hood solid. It's coming together slowly. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter, but man there is a lot of work left to do.
02-24-2008, 02:27 AM
Bling , Bling ...... nice Mike !
02-24-2008, 02:53 AM
and $1.00 to anyone that can tell me what the hell this is. if somehow found its way onto my rockwell parts table, but i don't think it belongs to my axles at all. I think someone is messing with me...
94Dodge Truggy
02-24-2008, 07:51 AM
It is a bronze bushing with a tab on it and slots cut into it! :D
Hope it is nothing important!
02-24-2008, 08:46 AM
This thing is badass!
02-24-2008, 09:26 AM
My money says thats a plumbing fixture part out of a bathtub drain.
02-24-2008, 12:33 PM
hmm, maybe, but how the hell did it get onto my parts table? bizzarre.
02-24-2008, 03:28 PM
No dont think its a bathtub drain part. But I think truggy told you exactly what it is so he gets the $1
02-24-2008, 04:51 PM
truggy merely stated the obvious, which he always does. no $1 for him.
02-24-2008, 05:04 PM
Looks great!!!
02-24-2008, 05:12 PM
Congrats on the roller Mike.
03-05-2008, 11:13 AM
Got my Timbren bumps... A515-55's for the rear and A515-65's for the front. Mounting them in air-bump cans for adjustability and possible replacement with air-bumps at a later date if i feel it necessary. Don't want to have to do more chassis fab after paint...
Made a mount out of 2" tubing with a cap on the bottom, and a bolt welded to the inside to thread into. 1/2" coarse thread. Nice advantage of these bumps over the smaller ones people are using is the larger bolt hole, and the larger access hole to the bolt. No issue getting a socket and extension in there.
03-05-2008, 11:16 AM
I'm having some regrets on my interior space design... more cramped than i would like but im sure i will get used to it. Changed the dash bar to a split in the steering wheel area to allow it to get higher up and make more leg/knee movement room.
03-05-2008, 11:22 AM
Nailed down the steering ram mount on the axle, with brake guard, etc...
The extra tube in front of caliper and rotor might be overkill, but im just concerned about a well placed rock or undercut ledge splitting that lightweight aluminum caliper in half...
Reverse ackerman is my enemy at this point. i got the ram as close to the axle as i could. my tie rods are damn near dead in line with the ram at center position. hopefully it wont drag to hard once it is cycled.
03-05-2008, 11:31 AM
Billet adjustable aluminum throttle pedal from Speedway Motors... should fit the bill nicely...
Lance stainless ball valves from Afco. Posting these for other's reference. Spidertrax quit carrying this valve, and Afco directly was the only place i could find it. Summit listed it, but was backordered til end of march. Afco part number 40199.
I decided on the plastic brake line kits from Speedway as well... Bought two kits. One might do it tho. Can't imagine plumbing my entire brake system for $26. Even at 2 kits, $50 brakes is a super deal. Comes with all kinds of extra fittings, unions, etc. Should be an easy install.
And the rest of my steering parts, waiting patiently.
More work this weekend: bump cans installed, interior panels started, pedals installed... depends on how much time i get over there.
94Dodge Truggy
03-05-2008, 12:09 PM
truggy merely stated the obvious, which he always does. no $1 for him.
Pay up sucker!
03-05-2008, 11:01 PM
The only thing "light-weight" on that rig... It's awesome.
03-06-2008, 09:08 AM
whatever man, it's light as a creampuff.
the only thing really heavy are the axles and wheels/tires... the rest is standard.
Lets start a contest... guess the finished weight of my rig. Closest guess gets a prize, and i will make it a good one.
Just to recap for those that want in on the contest...
Full tube chassis - mix of 1.75 x .125 and .109 wall
Aluminum panels outside and inside
Stock YJ hood and grill
Stock CJ cowl
SBC 355
STAK 3 speed
Rockwells - no rear steer
Recentered H1 wheels
44" Boggers
PRP seats
That should be enough to make an educated guess. I will leave my guess for last cuz i don't want to sway anyone elses.
By the way Brad, what you doing tomorrow and Saturday?
94Dodge Truggy
03-06-2008, 09:38 AM
Weight will be 4969lbs. and 96 ozs. topped off with all fluids and you! :D
03-06-2008, 09:56 AM
# 4160....
03-06-2008, 10:01 AM
Is this with you in it or not? :D
with out you in it 4625
03-06-2008, 10:07 AM
let's say without me, as i will reading the scales.
03-06-2008, 02:27 PM
i'm going to be optimistic and go low at 3900.
03-06-2008, 03:11 PM
3900.... ha. ****, my drivetrain weighs that..
94Dodge Truggy
03-06-2008, 04:27 PM
$100.00 says I am the closest so far!
03-06-2008, 04:37 PM
$100.00 says I am the closest so far!
only because no one has guessed higher than you...
03-06-2008, 05:04 PM
only because no one has guessed higher than you...
Um 5,600 lbs
03-06-2008, 07:42 PM
now yer getting in the ballpark... HEVVVY
03-06-2008, 08:02 PM
Diffs complete---1,500
everything else--450
03-06-2008, 09:13 PM
I'll go Jeff's 5,100 and up him a thousand. 6,100 pounds that is.
03-06-2008, 11:13 PM
I'm going 5,235 Lbs.
03-07-2008, 09:07 AM
5500 sounds like the winning number to me!!
03-07-2008, 11:15 AM
03-07-2008, 11:39 AM
Dang, i guess i better put a prize package together, this could get serious.
03-07-2008, 11:45 AM
5300 lbs sounds hopeful but I dont think you can get it that light
03-07-2008, 02:34 PM
5485 lbs
03-07-2008, 02:42 PM
without knowing how many feet of tubing was used,or the weight of the brake line kit,I'll guess 4,700
03-07-2008, 05:36 PM
weight of the brake kine kit
hilarious... that might lose it for ya...
03-11-2008, 12:21 AM
ok little more progress done... everything that is left has jsut become very tedious and time intensive... ugh.
Got the timbren bump cans mounted. Took forever cycling the suspension, allotting for expansion and crush of the bumper, etc, to get it just right. The bumps make contact on the link, as it was the only place really to easily mount them without getting in the way of other stuff.
03-11-2008, 12:27 AM
Brake pedals mounted... that sucked. At this point, i feel like i'm trying to fit 10 gallons of **** in a 5 gallon bucket.
And steering valve is now in place, and hole in firewall for shaft. Rode the fence for a while about where to put the orbital. Enough talk about lava-ish hydraulic fluid pouring down my legs was enough to convince me to go on the other side with it. This way, only the shaft has to go thru i guess, instead of 4 hydro lines.
That's it for now... started the rear pinion brake guard tonight, and started making templates for my boat sides and interior panels.
03-11-2008, 09:38 AM
Ok, here are some pics of the Timbren bumps under compression. sorry for the ****ty phone pics, but it was all i had at the shop to take them with. These are all of the front, and the chassis is being sucked down with a ratchet strap. shocks are within about a half inch of fully compressed, and timbrens are all but maxed out, if their stats on their site are correct.
Bear Chow
03-11-2008, 10:04 AM
Looks great Mike, at some point your going to have to start welding though. I don't know anything about the Timbren bumper. Is that an adjustable sleeve? Or is it temporary until you weld it.
03-11-2008, 10:10 AM
The sleeve itself is an air-bump can... i have used them to mount my the shafts i made for the timbrens. The air bumps are about $200 a piece while i made my bumps for about $23 each and some scrap steel.
Here is a shot of an airbump in the cans...
Yes the can makes it adjustable up and down, but some say that you can't tighten the can enough to hold the bumps on a hard hit bottoming out. So, usually they are designed to be used right at the bottom where i ahve them, with some kind of retaining ring on them.
Make sense?
Bear Chow
03-11-2008, 10:34 AM
Got it. Are you taking on new projects. PM or Email me a price for a full cage. I'll email you a crappy drawing of what I'm looking for.
03-25-2008, 01:47 AM
Got a little done over the past week. Lowered the rear seat, to make it more usable by those taller than a toddler or a pygmey.
and after, lowered it about 3.5". Will still clear the driveshaft at full compression... in theory.
03-25-2008, 01:48 AM
Rear clevis mounts from AtoZ fabrication clearanced and welded on. These came with a flat bottom. Coby ground them down to sit flat on a 1.75 tube... glad he was htere, i hate grinding.
03-25-2008, 01:55 AM
Steering column fabbed into position... now i can sit it in and make loud motor noises...
03-25-2008, 01:59 AM
and here is the big news... and when i say big, i mean big block. picked up this big block chevy today... forget the small block, time to put some cubes up front there....
guess i better learn about big blocks... need to do a cam, lifters, some roller rockers, a timing set... but i dont know what the hell i'm even looking for. completely new animal to me.
03-25-2008, 10:24 AM
NICE!! Sorry I missed the fun... Nice to know that you found another grinder *****...
That BB sure looks pretty complete at this point, what'ya gotta do all that for...? Slap the 'Pane on and GOoooo!
(You figure out if you need a double intake like -I think- JeffH is doing, or what?)
03-25-2008, 10:29 AM
Jeff and i have talked a bit about this. we will both be running single mixer. All the top propane guys swear we wont need any more than a 450 on there, unless we get into the 700+ HP range. That won't happen for a while, at least not til next winter... ha.
I went with the MM450 with adjustable fuel rods. it is rated at 500 hp for like 30 seconds or something like that... i think jeff has all the hp duration times for the mixers, maybe he will chime in.
The cam and all is stock right now, want to get a little more oomph out of it. Gonna do timing, cuz at this point, it is stock, and no reason to not throw it on while i am switching the cam, etc. And no reason to not throw some roller rockers on there at the same time... eek every last HP i can out of this, maybe it will keep me a little longer from building that 572.
You got that motor quick!
I'll have to check it out tomorow. Nice valve covers BTW...
94Dodge Truggy
03-25-2008, 10:42 AM
When I saw the pics the valve covers did seem a bit wide to me and then I read the post on the new big block! Bad ass!
The shackle connected to the single tube done? Looks weak.
Seat looks much better! Keep it up!
(Now I am going to have to throw away my 360 mopar and go with a viper 10 cyl to keep up. Wife will not be happy._
03-25-2008, 11:12 AM
yes, the valve covers are the ghey. they are for sale...
i agree on the clevis mount, no way to make that kind of mount stronger tho. If pulling something, i will utilize both of them to cut the load in half.
it's .134 wall tubing, and the weld is good.
94Dodge Truggy
03-25-2008, 11:37 AM
Weld some tubing from the opposite side of the clevises mounting point on the existing tube and connect the tube to the lower bend of the cage maybe?
If it were truggy I would have found some metal lying around and started sticking it all over the place and made a mess of it. This build is a bit fancier though!
03-25-2008, 11:45 AM
yeah, i will do some to beef them up. if nothing else, i will run a tube between the tubing at that point.
03-25-2008, 09:29 PM
Yeah I think some tri angulation with that clevis mount. So a piece thats like 10" or what ever long and down to the piece hats parallel witht he ground. WHo am I kidding you know what to do.
Anyways, you think about putting kind of a plate for the bump stop to hit so it doesn't deform to one side or something on a fast hit.
03-25-2008, 10:17 PM
they deform and bounce back just fine... if i put a plate, it will try to turn the link, putting even more stress on the JJ. should be fine how it is.
I am going to run a tube between the verticals, as the location of the clevis mounts. that will add some strength. but either way, i think they are gonna be just fine, and strong enuf.
04-02-2008, 08:51 PM
I have truly been bitten by the big block bug... added another to the stable today, this one a GenV. It will be the motor i use for my slow build... to the 572 point or so...
Here are the numbers off these 2 blocks and sets of heads. (more for me that anyone else, if i don't type it all here, i will lose the info in the stack of scraps of papers that is my office)
Motor 1 - The one being dropped into the rig initially (regretfully)
Block - 14015445...454.......78-90...2 or 4 bolt
Heads - 14092360...86-90...oval...OPEN...454 Truck, "peanut" round ports
Motor 2 - The one that will be built and dropped in next winter (hopefully)
Block - 10114182...454.......91-up...4-bolt, Gen.V
Heads - 10114156...91-up...oval...OPEN...Gen.V & VI 454, 118cc chamber
Doing a cam, lifters, springs, roller rockers, oil pump, and timing set on the drop in motor. Low compression on pane, power won't be the best, but it will get me on the trail til i finish the second motor.
Got some more done on the rig, pics later...
04-02-2008, 10:54 PM
ok, so been searching like crazy for 43#/10 gallon aluminum propane tanks, and almost went ahead and bought a couple new... ugh, glad i didn't. Tinbeater gave me a 43# spare he had to use for mockup, and once i got it in the rig, it became aparent how freaking huge a 43 is, and maybe why a few peeps don't run them. My tanks are going to sit in the small area behind my third seat. That area also seemed much larger until i tried to fit some tanks in there. So, had to move the damn thing forward again... ugh.
That 43 is just sticking way too far out the back for me to feel safe. On a backwards roll, i can just see a sharp rock puncturing it and then a spark from the chassis against a rock, and we are all crispy bacon.... no thanks.
The 33# sit ok sideways, but that bottom tank will be near impossible to get out once there is plate on 3 sides of it, etc.
04-02-2008, 10:59 PM
The 33's fit nice with the set moved forward, and a couple more bars in the rear to mount my clamps to. Seat is still OK for an adult, not the most comfortable, but is is the backseat... it's to be expected.
So now get to decide, scrounge for used tanks, buy new aluminum tanks, or buy a couple composite tanks so i can see just how fast my fuel runs out. I have worries about only carrying 16 gallons of propane. I will always have more at camp, but don't want to run out on the trail, that sucks.
04-02-2008, 11:02 PM
Driveshafts came... damn beefy stuff, good lord, and heavy. Ups destroyed the packaging and had half of my front shaft in a separate new box... One u-joint cup was cracked... Jess took care of it, he rules.
Now, to build that pillow block mount... will likely happen tomorrow.
04-02-2008, 11:07 PM
Harnesses came, from Trailworks (great guy), 5 point Corbeau camlocks in silver. So far i love them... of course they arent full of dust and sand yet, but they are fawkin sweet as they sit now...
Time will tell i guess... Didnt put the rear in yet, as im sure i will have to move that seat 38 more times at least.
04-02-2008, 11:13 PM
Radiator in... shiny, expensive, not worth half what i paid, etc... Still some work to do to it. Need to french it into the grill a bit to clear the front of the motor. Wont know til i drop the new big block in it, maybe tomorrow... It's funny, it sits like sideways, which is cool, cuz if not it wouldnt clear my shock mounts.
It's a 20x20 core... worried about the cooling ability, but is is propane, so temps will be a little lower... still waiting on the shroud/fan combo to come, very tight and flush, 18" fan.
04-02-2008, 11:13 PM
Hey Mike. Do you have enough room to mount another 33 over top of the one laying sideways. I like the way that looks.
04-02-2008, 11:16 PM
Battery in. El-Cheapo build it yourself, racecar battery tray. Like $12 at the race shop, but perfect for my needs. I needed an outer flange with holes so i could bolt it to the firewall. I wanted a bling optima-specific one from btf or somewhere,but it wouldnt work for what i needed... so i have the ghetto tray.
04-02-2008, 11:17 PM
Hey Mike. Do you have enough room to mount another 33 over top of the one laying sideways. I like the way that looks.
yes, but would be a ***** to get them out...keep in mind, that will all be paneled, and that bar is 5' off the ground... imma run them vertical i think.
thanks again for the tank, if it wasnt for you, i'd still be dreaming about 43's.
04-02-2008, 11:21 PM
Picked up a couple of little BADASS coolers from Summit. I needed a cooler for my PS and for the Trans.(i don't trust the radiator cooler, but i will run both). This little unit is WELL MADE and tight, i love it. Made by Derale. Comes stock with -6 AN fittings, sweet little fan, and any parts you could imagine needing to mount it to whatever kind of hose or line you plan on using...
04-02-2008, 11:24 PM
fan pulls 400 CFM, comes with a thermostat and everything...
04-02-2008, 11:25 PM
you could make the larger tanks fit if you cut everything up and make the entire thing longer.... j/k :)
Looking great so far!!!
04-02-2008, 11:33 PM
ha, indeed... the last thing i need now is to move backwards... been there done that.
04-02-2008, 11:42 PM
yes, but would be a ***** to get them out...keep in mind, that will all be paneled, and that bar is 5' off the ground... imma run them vertical i think.
thanks again for the tank, if it wasnt for you, i'd still be dreaming about 43's.
You are welcome.
You dont have to remove them if you do the filler hose thing like we talking about Sunday. PS. did you get the info. from Rob on the composite tanks?
04-03-2008, 12:02 AM
yes i did... may go that route, due to the fear of never knowing how low my fuel is. rob also mentioned digital gauges... what you think of them ?
04-03-2008, 12:05 AM
You are welcome.
You dont have to remove them if you do the filler hose thing like we talking about Sunday. PS. did you get the info. from Rob on the composite tanks?
how would i get a filler hose to that bottom tank with it hidden behind 3 panels and under another tank... i dont want it to be a 3 hour process putting fuel in, ya know.
I do need to build a jumper tho, that's for sure.
94Dodge Truggy
04-03-2008, 06:59 AM
Run 2 propane tanks on their side in the rear. Driveshafts look niiiiice!
04-03-2008, 09:03 AM
2 tanks on their side in the rear is a no go... gonna run them vertical. waiting on my clamps to come...
94Dodge Truggy
04-03-2008, 10:38 AM
The roll cage will be protecting them and they will be completely inside right? Would hate to have a barbecue without the marshmellows. (the weiner is gonna be driving)
04-03-2008, 11:04 AM
the only thing exposed will be the top of the can... and not in harms way.
04-03-2008, 04:39 PM
(the weiner is gonna be driving)
Now that's funny....HEHE
Sorry couldn't pass that one up.
04-03-2008, 06:12 PM
yes, utter genius.
04-04-2008, 12:17 AM
wanna scare the **** out of yourself... youTube "BLEVE"
As much as I hate to say it, I wanna see some protection around the tops of those tanks. "Not in harms way" my ass, I remember how you drive.
04-04-2008, 12:40 AM
:eek: That is crazy! :eek:
04-04-2008, 01:13 AM
only thing hanging out will be the handles... i think that's ok...
04-09-2008, 10:07 AM
progress progress progress... my 5 gallon bucket is overflowing into a stinky puddle on the floor....
shots of my 1997 GenV block...
Out with the small, anemic 350, and in with the 454. Did this swap alone, and it sucked. Really should have waited til i had some help. My Mexican shop monkey Coby was on vacation in gulf shores... bastard. Had to remove the tires and lower the axles to get the small block out, then i had to remove the oil pan to get the big block in... ****er is high.
04-09-2008, 10:12 AM
My biggest concern was the headers clearing all the necessary parts... motor mounts, frame rails, etc... All went in well, .25" here and there is the tightest there is.
Going to run the pass exhaust across the bottom of oil pan and tie into the driver side, and run 3" all the way back on the one sight. Should be enough. Wold love to run straight duals back, but no room on the pass side.
04-09-2008, 10:18 AM
Driveshaft mockup and final install...
When you dont have straps, use duct tape. Black is made specifically for holding the u-joints into a yoke.
With the pillow block sitting directly on the mounting plate, i got an angle of almost 14 degrees, maybe even more than that with the upward tilt of the t-case front output.
What stinks about the whole thing is that i can't get more than 12" of drop out of the passenger side air shock right now before the yoke at the axle binds. Jess at High Angle says i can do a little massaging there, but not much. But with a center limit strap, that will help a little as well... may get up to 16" out of it, who knows... ugh.
04-09-2008, 10:25 AM
With the front yoke in the other phase of rotation, it's a little better.
Had to remake my mount plate to account for raising the block. With it up 1 inch, i get the angle down below 11 degrees, which is much better. i will run it like this unless i get intolerable vibration, then i will switch to CV at the output if necessary.
Got some 80 durometer and 95 durometer bushings from MasterCarr. Ran then on each side of the pillow with washers etc. Will have to get some lock nuts for here. Also, anyone know how much to pre-load something like this. how much should i squash them on install?
94Dodge Truggy
04-09-2008, 10:26 AM
Why not lengthen your upper links a bit to get the axle to rotate in your favor? You must be waiting to put the finish weld on everything when electricity is on a blue light special and the outside temperature is 90+ degrees I guess. I am getting impatient on the completion of your rig and want to see how it stacks up to my samurai. :rolleyes:
04-09-2008, 10:30 AM
Took delivery on my propane parts...
MM450x and all the fixin's....
It has now come to my attention that i will need a low rise intake for my 454... the hood wont clear with the mixer on it. Well, it clears barely, but no room for an air cleaner. And sure would be susceptible to some serious damage in a rollover.
Serpentine belt system i got off ebay...
paid way too much for it, in fact, more than i paid for my 1997 GenV motor which had the serp setup still on it. ugh.
04-09-2008, 10:42 AM
Tank mounts finalized... mounted the two clamps together in between to a bar coming from the rear of the chassis. welded tubing nubs to the bottom tube where they sit to hold them side to side. They fit tight, but i can still get them in and out. The more i do it, the better they will move, as the paint gets worn off the clamps, etc.
Still may do a clamp off the back top to hold the tanks down better, just for peace of mind.
took delivery on my see-thru tanks... not happy with them, may not run them. The plastic shell on the outside is super chincy and feels very brittle. Not sure if iwill even put them in to test fit them. Might make someone a good deal on trades.
04-09-2008, 10:49 AM
So, reading the directions on my Derale coolers, it says they are made with more than enough air gab to be mounted against a flat area. So, i decided to put mine on the fenderwells, up by the firewall. The fans are pullers. Then thinking that they might be pulling hot air only, i decided to drill a ton of perforation type holes in the fender top steel where they sit. That way they can get some cooler air.
I have decided to not use the radiator to do any trans cooling at all, and only use this auxiliary one. If it needs more, i will add another cooler, but i have serious fears of my radiator not doing its job with this big block.
04-09-2008, 10:59 AM
I am going to lengthen the uppers slightly, but the only way i can do it is by mounting location, so it adjust my suspension as well, and for the worse in that direction. Good suggestion tho, wish i could... my links have no adjustment.
Valve covers gain you 2 cool points.
Lookin good.
04-09-2008, 11:09 AM
i know you miss the flames already coby... if you get a big block for your tank i will donate them to you.
04-09-2008, 11:12 AM
by the way pater, i'm sure your sami will run circles around my rig... i look forward to you spanking my ass up and down the trail and making me look silly.
94Dodge Truggy
04-09-2008, 11:27 AM
by the way pater, i'm sure your sami will run circles around my rig... i look forward to you spanking my ass up and down the trail and making me look silly.
Uh oh! :( All I ask is that you don't run me over! You will not be able to see me looking out from your rig I believe.
04-09-2008, 01:06 PM
what happened to the durango build?
94Dodge Truggy
04-09-2008, 01:13 PM
what happened to the durango build?
It is just chugging along. Just slow so that it is done right the 1st time. Still gathering bits too! (need another front axle for rear steer) Not sure how much durango will be left when it is completed! I may be transporting it from the home garage to the shop this month.
What year were the u-joint style front steer rockwell axles used?
04-09-2008, 02:15 PM
not sure of the year.
04-09-2008, 05:05 PM
What do ya'lls thing about this limit strap idea. I would attche them to the axle at upper link mounts at the axle, and go over the tubular frame. This would net me double the strength out of one strap, which is good when i'm hanging rocks and 44's from them...
Any pro's or cons i'm not thinking of? Is the side-pull bad? Bad enough to not do it? They won't ride on these straps, or banging down on them alot...
anyways, here's some super awesome artistic renderings of my idea... the red is the strap idea of course.
04-09-2008, 08:52 PM
Lookin good Mike.:D
You want to go to the fall crawl again this year?
04-09-2008, 09:31 PM
On your build-up there are many very neat looking fabrications. "Bling, bling, bling." The fabricated parts that rise from the front axle supporting the forward end of the upper link are great examples.
In my humble opinion, I don't think looping the web over the tubing does justice to the rest of your rig.
Could you turn the webbing so the flat portion is perpendicular to the direction the tubing runs. Mount two brackets to the tubing behind the tow clevis points and forward of where you show it looped now for the upper mount and have the lower mount almost at the axle itself very near the lower portion of the fabrication points supporting the upperlinks. Make a mount that compliments the other fabrication nearby. The webbing would be almost straight up and down. I am assuming the webbing ends are similar to the flat plates at the mounting ends of seatbelts. This would allow the webbing to swivel a small amount also if needed. (Clear as mud, right.)
I don't know if this poses a problem with webbing getting caught in other parts though.
Nice looking rig. I have enjoyed watching the progress.
04-10-2008, 01:08 AM
Well, my drawing is a bit flawed, i should have made both belt tabs go to the inner side of the link mount tower. No need for them to straddle the link. Both on the same side would put them almost directly below where they will loop over the tubing. Looping them over the tube there doubles the strength of the strap as well, and since i will be hanging serious weight from them, i will feel safer.
I thought it was quite trick and clean looking... not booty or ghetto or half-assed. didn't want to weld a tab, wanted something different.
04-10-2008, 08:07 AM
The only issue I can see right off hand is that the strap would be rubbing on the tube all of the time. I think you would have issues with either always having the paint rubbed off the frame and/or wearing the strap out. Don't think those are necessarily huge issues, but something to consider.
94Dodge Truggy
04-10-2008, 08:39 AM
Maybe machine a nylon sleeve with a slit down it so you can snap it around the tubing to help on the strap wearing prematurely?
04-10-2008, 08:42 AM
wasnt concerned at all about paint rub, there will be quite a few bare paint spots after the first couple trail runs... ha.
one problem i didnt take into account is when the strap gets dirty, sandy, gritty, full of small rocks, then the rubbing will actually wear on the strap, as well as the tube.
So, gonna go ahead and just tab it at the top, and go to the link mount there at the bottom. oh well, wanted to try something new, not worth the possible issues.
04-10-2008, 07:33 PM
Would definatly protect the tops of the tanks better. I know if mine was set up this way I would probably have damaged the tanks.
Does a propaned engine have a different exhaust sound or is it all the same?
94Dodge Truggy
04-10-2008, 09:27 PM
Would definatly protect the tops of the tanks better. I know if mine was set up this way I would probably have damaged the tanks.
Does a propaned engine have a different exhaust sound or is it all the same?
Smells like you are behind a slow moving forklift
So, gonna go ahead and just tab it at the top, and go to the link mount there at the bottom. oh well, wanted to try something new, not worth the possible issues.
Good,I thought you'd been breathing too much welding smoke! One day you were bashing your battery tray,then you're thinking about doing something like this. There is nothing wrong with that tray,expetially when comparred to that strap idea,lol.
04-11-2008, 02:23 PM
ok whatever... i think it would be a great look, simple and clean... and new. not gonna do it due to strap fatigue... go forbid we try something different.
big bummer, the see-thru propane cylinders are a little larger than the aluminum... not gonna fit in my current configuration, need to figure something out.
04-11-2008, 05:58 PM
Can't bring the ghey any worse than mid-link bump stops! ;)
Sorry Mike I just had to give you a hard time... ironic it's coming from a guy with a pile of parts and nothing to wheel..
How susceptible are air shocks to over-travel damage?
...I actually don't know what the end of a air shock rod looks like ... piston?...valve cartridge?
04-11-2008, 07:21 PM
only thing holding that shaft in is a clip... it won't hold a rockwell and a big ass tire. There is both a negative detent spring and positive one as well, they help, but still won't stop it. Needs to be limited, that's for sure.
The front needs some limiting to avoid driveshaft issues... but that's another ugly situation.
and to hell with you and your opinion on mid link bump stops... hahahah. where did you mount yours?
04-11-2008, 07:34 PM
hahahah. where did you mount yours?
Awww, that line is why I like you.... perfectly placed sarcasm..
Ever consider an adjustable limiter eye and strap combo ? They look trick and can very handy.
04-12-2008, 01:10 AM
yes, the adjustable eye ones are pretty sweet.... not necessary i dont think tho...
04-12-2008, 09:13 AM
How much shock stroke do you think will go unused front and rear ? If your cutting it close to being at the end of travel you might need adjustable strap ends. I can tell you that when I ran 24" Rancho's on the rail and they stretched about 1" after 4 or 5 rides.... went from working to letting the rear over extend and pop CV's.
I would most definitely make the front adjustable as you have diar consequences if you over-travel .... like a fawked up ($$$) HAD drive line!
04-12-2008, 09:56 AM
yes, and if i run the adjustables, i will be as cool as all the desert racers...
06-04-2008, 10:56 AM
Well, been piddling on it here and there a bunch more, and managed to get a bunch done…
Pulley system for this motor has been the bane of my existence. All was good until I put this BBC in. The chassis was built with a SBC in mind, so with the big block, I lost quite a bit of clearance in front of the motor. So much that I was required to use a short style water pump. Serp systems don’t exist in stock form for this style waterpump, and v-belt systems that will work on my rig are also hard to find without buying classis car restoration stuff, etc. So after exhausting every other possible resource, I bit off the big one and got a March Performance pulley system.
06-04-2008, 10:56 AM
This gives me about 3/4” clearance between water pump pulley and fan motor. It’s tight. Let’s hope for no flex. This system utilizes a high mount alternator tho. So high that it is about 1/2” from the hood. So, I put another cross bar to protect it in case of rollover, etc. This bar will also help protect the radiator top tank. (still need to flange it for removal) Had to cut the radiator in the grill about 1.5” at the top and 2.5” or so at the bottom. Clearance below with the pinion brake is a lot tighter than I would like as well.
Hood clearance to fit top tank. So much for the stock hood latch.
I originally mounted my evaporator and lockoff to the this bar as well, but then moved it due to clearance issues with radiator hoses etc. I liked it on the front bar, but it’s more practical on the firewall for sure.
06-04-2008, 10:56 AM
Found a hole for the power steering reservoir and stuck it there on a thick 3/8” tab. It’s out of the way, and the highest point in the system.
And that comes pretty damn close to buttoning up the engine compartment of this damn thing. I’m starting to hate this rig.
06-04-2008, 10:57 AM
Wasn’t real happy at all with my propane tank mounts I had at first, as it was near impossible to get them in and out, and then even harder to clamp and un-clamp the rings. So, made my own system, which will hold down from the top. I’m pretty happy with it.
Had to start by doing a lot of measuring, etc of the tanks, both the Lites and Aluminum ones so that my system could use both if necessary. The sizes differ a tiny bit.
Side by side comparison with a couple measurements as well…
They really are sweet looking tanks, I look forward to filling them to see just how transparent the inner cell is. I’m going to remove the outer shell and paint it read with some Krylon Fusion…
06-04-2008, 10:57 AM
Then, noticed I had some issues with one of my tanks. The outer shell didn’t seem to fit the inner composite cell as it should on one of them, so I called up the supplier, and they rushed another one right out to me.
06-04-2008, 10:57 AM
So of course, this is where the tanks are to ride…
Couldn’t find any 12.5” I.D. tubing for under $190 a foot, so I had a sheet metal shop roll me some rings. $80 and they came out perfect. Spring Grove Sheet Metal if anyone is interested. These are for the base of the tank to sit in.
Got some 8” O.D. stuff to make the rings that will help hold the top of the tanks.
06-04-2008, 10:58 AM
Finished the base cans with .25” plate and some more of the same 8” stock. The inner ring is for holding aluminum tanks as well. The ring fits inside the bottom ring on the aluminum tanks. I don’t want to be stranded on the trail because my system won’t hold a borrowed tank.
06-04-2008, 10:58 AM
Then started into the fab of the top hold-downs. The 2x2 recesses into the rings and overhangs past to give a nice pushing surface against the shells. The overhang also allows the use of the aluminum tank which has a much larger top ring. There will be tabs welded, protruding down around the outside of where the aluminum ring will be.
06-04-2008, 10:58 AM
From the bottom of the tank area is a piece of tube coming up. On top of this tube is a piece of 1” v-thread welded through a 1.75x.375 spacer. This threaded rod comes up through the 2x2 stock, and is clamped down with a giant wing-nut type thing.
The tanks are brace at the top at three points on each tank, 2” across, and in roughly a triangle shape for even pressure. I cranked the nut on pretty hard to try and crack them, but couldn’t get them to budge. Some good plastic I guess. The threaded rod is held laterally in place by two braces coming from the two bars going across the back of the chassis.
Still need to cap the ends of the square stock, and put on down tabs for the aluminum tops. Still rolling around in my mind if I want to make a bar going around these tanks in the rear. I think they are safe, but peace of mind is a good thing I guess, better safe than sorry.
94Dodge Truggy
06-04-2008, 12:49 PM
The tank supports and holding mechanism really look beefy!
06-04-2008, 02:26 PM
Nice looking rig CW... I still vote for bar around the tanks. :D
06-04-2008, 02:35 PM
Nice looking rig CW... I still vote for bar around the tanks. :D
it will happen, dont worry.
94Dodge Truggy
06-04-2008, 02:44 PM
Keep on adding the weight don't ya? How about some aluminum, titanium or magnesium even? :( I am worried about the buggy being able to hang with my small block on the trails.
06-04-2008, 02:48 PM
yeah, i'm pretty sure this extra 30-40 pounds of steel is gonna push my 6000 pound rig right over the top... what was i thinking.
06-04-2008, 03:18 PM
Keep on adding the weight don't ya? How about some aluminum, titanium or magnesium even? :( I am worried about the buggy being able to hang with my small block on the trails.
I'd love to see the skid plates magnesium... then we could see how much bashing they could take before transforming into a white hot ball of flames, right before the "Boiling Liquid Exanding Vapor Explosion."
Good times...
06-04-2008, 03:27 PM
i will leave the magnesium for your rig... i already have enough fear of an LPG explosion, i don't need to have 2 fears in the back of my mind at all times.
Bear Chow
06-04-2008, 04:03 PM
I saw where someone on Pirate plumbed in a fitting for a 2lb camp stove bottle of propane just in case he ran out, had a bad seal, or it froze up on him. He claimed he could get 20-30 minutes of ride time to get back to camp. I believe it was on a 4cyl toyota though.
06-04-2008, 04:19 PM
i have read a few things about that paul, about being able to run a grill tank, whether large bbq or small coleman type... either way, those tanks have limiters that control the free flow of the contents. Also, has to be run upside down so that you get liquid. Grills run on the gas, while most auto setups run liquid to the front where it is turned into vapor before going into the intake.
so, i think it was a 4 cylinder, and if i recall, he couldnt get very high rpms even with that due to the lack of flow. anything to get back to camp tho, that's for sure... knock on wood.
06-04-2008, 09:26 PM
Looking good, carwash!!! Great progress....
06-04-2008, 09:59 PM
Is it too late to up my weight estimate ^^^^^^^^:rolleyes:
06-04-2008, 11:01 PM
never too late... hasn't hit the scales yet....
add 20 pounds for paint as well... ha!
06-17-2008, 12:05 PM
Here are a couple shots of the ends of the tank mounts, capped and smoothed with sections of curved tubing to make it less blocky. Also you can see some side supports i added to the vertical bar to make it stronger side to side.
07-24-2008, 09:40 AM
is this thing on?
94Dodge Truggy
07-24-2008, 09:44 AM
Are ya finished yet? Bringin it to the core event? I would like to see it!
07-24-2008, 09:45 AM
Ok, due to popular demand, i put some extra support around the tanks. This should take care of any possible issue on a rear endover...
Lines up well with the angle of the line of the back of the chassis. Came out very well i think.
I wasn't excited about adding this as i was afraid it would kill the lines of the back of the chassis. But, after seeing how it turned out, i'm happy with it.
07-24-2008, 09:54 AM
ok, started all my panels... man, what a time consuming ***** pain in the ass this has been... but, very rewarding. With each one i add, it looks more like a completed rig and gets me all giddy to get it done.
Some will say i'm going WAY OVERKILL, but I am using .125 5052 aluminum for all the panels. It is much harder to bend / break, but safer when it comes to things like keeping driveshafts out of the interior compartment, etc.
The interior floor panels were especially difficult with all the seatbelt and seat mount tabs etc to cut out for. And the ones that i have left to do on the inside require some tig work and multi plane breaks, etc.
07-24-2008, 09:59 AM
exterior panels can chew up some sheets of aluminum in a hurry, that's for sure... and at $200 each for a 4x8 sheet, it hurts.
Here is the rear inner panel, with my super fancy "fuel level indicator" cutout. With the see thru tanks, i will be able to look into this cut and see the level of pane in my tanks.
I forgot to do it to the passenger side before putting it on, will get it when i disassemble i guess.
07-24-2008, 10:04 AM
The top plates in the back really add a finished look to it.
I guess i get a little overzealous with the tabs and bolts, since they are 3/8. Probably dont need half as many as i'm putting in. But i hate panels that rattle, and everything else is so overkill on this rig there is no reason to stop now.
07-24-2008, 10:10 AM
And the most stressful panels to cut, the sides... since the tow of them eat up most of a whole sheet of plate, i measured 38 times and cut once. Putting these panels on have put a new drive to finish this rig. Standing back and seeing it take actual shape changes things.
07-24-2008, 10:23 AM
And the "piece de resistence", the finishing curve rear panel... finishes the rear nicely. Was gonna leave them off, but now that i see them there, can't imagine it without them.
Now, decision; do i paint the flat panel behind this curved panel, or leave it raw aluminum so that the panel in front stands out more...? opinions?
07-24-2008, 10:26 AM
Have to do the other side panel, and drill and bolt them both. Then the very rear panel, the bottom side of the third seat, bellhousing tunnel, and tcase cover area.
Some of the tcase area isn't going to be pretty, but it will be covered with seats, so not really concerned about it.
07-24-2008, 12:23 PM
very nice....
step cutout?
07-24-2008, 12:30 PM
marked for, not cut yet (obviously)... without it, would be a difficult entry.
94Dodge Truggy
07-24-2008, 12:46 PM
Startin to look like ole truggy!
07-24-2008, 12:52 PM
Startin to look like ole truggy!
i can't even think of anything to say...
07-24-2008, 01:30 PM
Scott, did you ever buy a rig yet?
07-24-2008, 03:21 PM
Looks good CW. The panels to clean things up and make it look more complete. The tons of time you spent on the panels are paying off they look good.
07-25-2008, 12:51 AM
Startin to look like ole truggy!
What are you smoking?
07-28-2008, 10:05 PM
Hey Mike.
Have you give up on this project yet? been 4 days with no updates
Hurry up and lets go break something.
07-28-2008, 11:48 PM
spent the night tonight installing my banks stuff...
six gun w/ pda
monster dual exhaust
cold air box
07-29-2008, 01:25 AM
ok, few more pics... here are some shots of the sides completely done 9minus footholes) and bolted on, including the rear curves... I think it looks pretty damn good... i'm happy.
07-29-2008, 01:29 AM
couple shots of the panels under the rear seat. these sucked royally to make...
And here are a couple different angle shots of the propane tank mounts in case anyone was interested.
07-29-2008, 01:34 AM
Some folks have been asking what i cut all of the panels with...
I bought this ridiculously bad ass Milwaukee circular saw for metal. has a chip collector, and cuts thru .125 aluminum like it's not even there. Straight as an arrow, looks as good as a machine shear.
For the curves i am using a standard jig saw with a coarse wood-cutting blade in it. Works like a charm.
07-29-2008, 03:04 AM
sick sick sick
Thanks for all the help, my little mexican.
07-30-2008, 08:57 AM
09-23-2008, 11:15 PM
done yet?
09-24-2008, 09:24 PM
Thanks for the reminder of how slow i am at building this thing. I have moved my shop back to my home shop, and spent two weeks doing that.
Oddly enough, i did some work on it today, and will be heading back out in a little bit to do some more.
No, not done. Won't be for a while.
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