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03-08-2008, 02:44 AM
So after an unfortunate encounter with my neighbors mail box it got me thinking, what all has everyone hit with their Jeeps other then rocks/mud. Be it on purpose or not ;)

03-08-2008, 04:01 AM
1990 Mustang (rear-ended in High School)
1978 Monte Carlo (pronounced: tank) (rear-ended in College)
???? Plymouth Sundance (technically he hit me, no harm, no foul)
1985 Toyota Camry (friend of mine... little bump... no harm, no foul)
198? Sedan of some sort (LaSalle kid that turned left in front of me... I caught him right between the tires and pushed that poor car into the grass, reminded me of Cops PIT manuver with the car just flying off the road, that car was destroyed, and my bumper's plastic valance was cracked :D )

Guard-rail, fire hydrant, bush....

Boomhauer also drove his CJ5 onto my front bumper while trying to get around me in Rattlesnake... I'm sitting there immobile, looking down... BLAM! I look up and there's a Jeep on my bumper... Hahaha

03-08-2008, 04:43 AM
I rear ended 2 (sorry if this is not PC) Mexican gentlemen... I hopped out and started to call the police on my cell phone. They hopped out speaking a bunch of spanish curse words I'm pretty sure. I said POLICE, they got in their car and booked it out of there. I had at the time one of those double tube front bumpers. It took out both of their taillights and put a good crease in the trunk of their car. Didn't even knock the dirt off of my bumper. If they were only licensed, insured, and LEGAL I would have been paying to fix their pos car.

Kargomaster... Are you talking about the same Boomhauer that I am thinking? Sure sounds like him!:)

03-08-2008, 08:59 AM
:eek: I hit 2 little girls on her bike with my 4Runner.

Technically she hit me. I was getting ready to pull out of my driveway, and she was riding a bike with another little girl on the handlebars. She rode in front of me, and her handlebars got caught on my fog lights (they stuck out about an inch) and they both went down. They were fine, they werent going fast or anything. I felt SOOOO bad that I had to follow them home and explain to her mother what happened.

Then this one time coming home at night, I was turning left on my street, and I guess I did not see the car on my street at the stop sign getting ready to turn right. I clipped her front end with my tire and ripped her headlight out. It was an old ratty POS of a car. I gave her $100 cash and said sorry.

03-08-2008, 09:19 AM
Teenager in highschool, I met some friends at drive-in on S.R.128 south of hamilton. Did some heavy partying and met some girls who lived in Cleaves. Left drive-in early AM and headed south on 128 at a high rate of speed(showing off for the girls). Just as we were entering Miamitown we lost control and pinballed of the guardrail two times, spun around backwards and slamed into the bank at 128 and Harrison Ave. In just a few minutes Cops came from every direction, surrounded the bank and drew there weapons and ordered everyone to the ground, not knowing we were in an accident, but thought we were robbing the bank. Needless to say, there was no "Getting Lucky" that night!:eek:

03-08-2008, 09:49 AM
Needless to say, there was no "Getting Lucky" that night!:eek:

Damn, I thought girls liked it when boys caused "trouble" :D

03-08-2008, 09:54 AM
Hit a washer/dryer combo going about 40 mph , damn rotten old man :D

Every morning I would scatter his neatly piled leaves he had racked the day before to the curb for the city crew, he got back at me by neatly hiding the old wash/dry in a extra big and enticing leaf target.

He got a giant mess in front of his house and I learned a lesson....we called it a draw!

03-08-2008, 09:56 AM
hey brad.... arent' you forgetting the encounter your un-manned railbuggy had with you, and your neighbor's house?

03-08-2008, 10:59 PM
Kargomaster... Are you talking about the same Boomhauer that I am thinking? Sure sounds like him!:)

IS there any other Boomhauer... I'm sure that every wheeler has had an "encounter" with Boomie...

hey brad.... arent' you forgetting the encounter your un-manned railbuggy had with you, and your neighbor's house?

Far better told around a campfire... or at least in person. Here's the short version... In the course of 4 seconds or less, I ran myself over twice with an un-manned rail (~1200#), it then crashed a fence (quite flimsy fence, and even more-so when the rail went through) and hit (only chipping the wood slightly) a deck on my neighbor's house... (he laughed histerically when I told him, and told me that I should be happy it wasn't the Jeep... which was quite accurate)

Also excluded are my stories of all things trailer-ish... :D

03-09-2008, 12:56 AM
Also excluded are my stories of all things trailer-ish... :D

Although I'm sure you have had worse experiences, the whole truck jack knifing in the middle of delhi ave was an interesting experience. Luckily nothing was damaged/destroyed

03-09-2008, 03:10 PM
Well I was going down Tealtown just past the Nature center and a mini van came left of center and hit me almost head on. Bent my rim, bent my bumper, destroyed my fender and bent my leaf spring into that nice S shape that everyone gave me crap about for so long. Put my spare on and drove home. Totalled the van.

My trailer was hit twice with my Jeep on it so I guess that counts too.

Got home late one night and parked on the street. That night a drunk driver clipped the left rear of the trailer and ripped both left tires off the trailer then went back out on the road and parked on top of a huge landscape rock in the neighbors yard.

Another time I was on AA and it went from 2 lanes to 1 lane. I got cut off and had to put the Jeep and trailer into the guard rail. Thats a great thing to happen when you are 1½ hours from home.

03-11-2008, 03:57 AM
I have also had a Brad moment !! unmanned trailer screw up.

Back about 12 years ago the wife and I were getting ready to goto the Lake and I was still keeping my boat up here at a storage facility. We were friends with the guy that owner the place and we kept the boat in his 80 x 100 temp controlled building. Now the kicker was that the building was full of very high dollar classic vehicles ( Barrett Jackson kind of stuff .... no kinding ) . The wife was packing up the Van so I stopped by my dads and got his brand new truck to go get the boat . Once at the building I decided that instead of pulling inside and hooking up , that I would just man handle the boat and trailer around to the entrance so as to not bump any of the vehicles.
I pulled the truck up to the entrance ramp ( slight grade ) and then pushed the trailer to the entrance :rolleyes: I turned around to walk to the truck when I hear the trailer rolling :eek: :eek: I was pinned in between the tongue and tail gate of Dads new truck :mad: :mad: .... tail gate and rear bumper on the truck were now customized by yours truely !!! I also had some wonderfully colorful bruises on both legs ...... note to self ..... next time just let it hit and don't try to stop 4000 lbs. of boat and trailer rolling down a grade .

03-12-2008, 01:12 PM

What about the Houseboat/Runabout sandwich you were in? Does that qualify?

03-12-2008, 05:05 PM
Yeah because you got hit by your own boat

03-13-2008, 12:20 AM
HA ! that was to much of a near death situation to be talking about .......

03-13-2008, 11:33 AM
In his defense it was not his fault someone else was driving the Houseboat and he was in the water. Anyway they backed up instead of going forward and almost ran over him pushing him into the runabout. SCARY SITUATION.