View Full Version : Muffler Shop

04-16-2008, 07:50 PM
Is there a good performance muffler/exhaust shop somewhere close to the Clifton area? I want a 2.5" manderal bent tail pipe. Never got around to having one made before I moved up here with the Jeep and I really need to have one made.



04-16-2008, 09:19 PM
don't know of anything in clifton, but Smith in Covington and Ryan Muffler in florence are great exhaust shops.

04-17-2008, 12:25 AM
Thoes are close enough, Im not that picky :D Just wanted something in the Cincy area. My exhaust currently dumps right out of the muffler which is right at the back of the cab under the passenger seat and its SUPER loud. I cant hear people on the phone if I am driving and once on the highway, hearing protection is almost manditory:eek: I am hoping getting the exit away from the cab will quiet things down enough to talk to any passenger I might have.


04-17-2008, 12:38 AM
There is a place rite off the 75 in West Chester. On Cincinnati Dayton Rd. Its call the exhaust warehouse. Just up the street from Putters Bar and Grill.

04-17-2008, 08:00 AM
Patrick at Ecua Motors has a pipe bending machine and will work with you. He's right about at the corner of Sharon and Reading Roads on the Reading side (SW corner).

04-17-2008, 08:37 AM
Southside in Bethel is the best exhaust shop that I know of. Most of their business is custom jobs on various modded vehicles.

04-19-2008, 11:07 AM
I'll second Carwash's suggestion on Ryan Muffler in Florence. I've taken all my vehicles there, weather they were custom jobs or stock. Their prices are always cheaper than anyone else in town, and their work is the best I've ever seen. And they let you bring in your own mufflers and they will run pipes for you. No other shop that I know will let you bring in your own stuff, they only want to sell you their stuff. Their quick too, every time I've went I waited at the shop, never had to drop it off and come back later.

As soon as I get the 350 in my 4Runner, I'm going to Ryan to have them run dual pipes and glasspacks.