View Full Version : Home remedies

04-18-2008, 01:33 PM
Broke my leg on Friday,anyone have any heel fast remedies?Or any ideas to pass the time whith your leg elevated?

04-18-2008, 02:11 PM
Jack Daniels works pretty well

94Dodge Truggy
04-18-2008, 02:34 PM
What did you do? Youtube or maybe someone needs to make a rock crawling game for wii. Buy an r/c crawler to play with.

04-18-2008, 07:36 PM
Get one of these and spend a day or three building it can be done in 10 hours then it will entertain you for awhile. Its a Axial AX10 and it is as close as you can get to the real thing.


04-18-2008, 08:33 PM
im guessing that elec? i had a gas powered t-maxx but it kept on burning up the spur gear so i sold it! if you dont mind tellin how much did that one set you back?

04-18-2008, 09:20 PM
They say the bone set plant will speed up bone healing, there is also Reiki.

04-18-2008, 09:24 PM


check out some videos on youtube

04-18-2008, 10:36 PM
it'll suck,but stay away from alcohol and you'll heal faster:( you might feel the pain more it it won't last as long

04-18-2008, 10:40 PM
Those R/C crawlers are cool!:cool:

04-18-2008, 11:50 PM
You need to go bigger :D

Check out RCCrawler.com

04-19-2008, 12:32 AM
That thing is big!! What kind of axels are they clodbuster?

94Dodge Truggy
04-19-2008, 09:49 AM
Run the ax10 with a brushless motor and lithium batteries and crawl as slow as you can possibly go and outrun a cat when necessary. We need to do a r/c crawl one of these days!

04-19-2008, 11:05 AM
im guessing that elec? i had a gas powered t-maxx but it kept on burning up the spur gear so i sold it! if you dont mind tellin how much did that one set you back?

Got a Nitro Rustler and kept having the same problem. Went to Pit Row in Kenwood and got metal gears. Much better.

That Youtube video is crazy. Some sort of race would be awesome.

04-19-2008, 11:20 AM
That thing is big!! What kind of axels are they clodbuster?

Yeah they are clod axles. I need to get wideners/wheels/tires and it should be good for awhile. took awhile to find an ESC that would handle 2 motors and 2 high torque servos, fried 2 in the process

04-19-2008, 11:22 AM
I also have one of these to keep me entertained, you can fly it in doors fairly easy

04-20-2008, 11:45 AM
that is kool I gotta have one

04-20-2008, 12:27 PM
here are a few pics of my super duty

By twisted84toyota (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/twisted84toyota), shot with CYBERSHOT (http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?model=CYBERSHOT&make=SONY) at 2006-12-18

By twisted84toyota (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/twisted84toyota), shot with E-500 (http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?model=E-500&make=OLYMPUS+IMAGING+CORP) at 2007-02-06

By twisted84toyota (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/twisted84toyota), shot with CYBERSHOT (http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?model=CYBERSHOT&make=SONY) at 2007-02-01

04-20-2008, 12:29 PM
one more

By twisted84toyota (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/twisted84toyota), shot with E-500 (http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?model=E-500&make=OLYMPUS+IMAGING+CORP) at 2007-05-16

04-20-2008, 12:30 PM
our SCALE trucks

By twisted84toyota (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/twisted84toyota), shot with CYBERSHOT (http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?model=CYBERSHOT&make=SONY) at 2006-12-18

I built a Bill Stroppe Bronco as well...........
By twisted84toyota (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/twisted84toyota) at 2006-02-03

rc crawling is VERY addicting i had something like 10 crawlers at one time..........that and we have a few EXTREME places to co crawling!!

04-21-2008, 07:53 AM
Twisted84Toyota is that your user name on Tristate crawlers? I think I live down the street from you if it is, this is Filmsomething

04-21-2008, 12:37 PM
Ill have to say i like the red chevy the best since there isnt a dodge lol

94Dodge Truggy
04-21-2008, 12:56 PM
Ill have to say i like the red chevy the best since there isnt a dodge lol

The 1st silver one is a dodge!

04-21-2008, 02:01 PM
wow those things have got to be the koolest little krawlers ever I need to find me a local hobby shop and get to building

04-21-2008, 02:02 PM
wow those things have got to be the koolest little krawlers ever I need to find me a local hobby shop and get to building

04-21-2008, 02:03 PM
wow those things have got to be the koolest little krawlers ever I need to find me a local hobby shop and get to building

94Dodge Truggy
04-21-2008, 03:42 PM
One more time! :D

04-21-2008, 05:48 PM
Ill have to say i like the red chevy the best since there isnt a dodge lol

Nothing beats a Dodge Power Wagon :D

04-21-2008, 05:52 PM
our SCALE trucks

By twisted84toyota (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/twisted84toyota), shot with CYBERSHOT (http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?model=CYBERSHOT&make=SONY) at 2006-12-18

i ment out of these trucks i like the chevy best

94Dodge Truggy
04-21-2008, 07:15 PM
i ment out of these trucks i like the chevy best

Don't think I would choose any of those bodies but the chassis are tough!

04-21-2008, 08:10 PM
Need to keep it old school.......My Renegade.

04-27-2008, 07:47 PM