View Full Version : Better MPG

Bear Chow
05-07-2008, 09:55 AM
Bare with me a minute.

I saw a rail buggy on the road, and I thought to myself,

"Self I wonder what kind of gas milage that gets. No real weight, It's mostly tubing the aerodynamics can't be terrible. That would make a cool commuter car for the summar."

So does anyone know what kind of MPG they get? My other alternative is a motorcycle. I can get 45-65 depending on throttle control. But I loose the abuility to carry any kids. (That's a wife says so clause, at least not on a regular basis).

So the questions

Can it take the abuse of a daily driver?
Can it handle a sustained 65 mph Country highways not interstates?
Is insurance outrages for these?
What am I missing, besides weather issues?



05-07-2008, 10:52 AM
most of them are titles as VW beetles, and if they are transferred in state, there is no vehicle inspection, and no one is the wiser at the dmv. If out of state, there is some SERIOUS inspection that is involved. They will check for things like DOT approved headlamps, turn signals, e-brake, etc... most never pass.

they don't get as good a mileage as you would suspect. Usually poorly jetted and ill-running carb. If you stay with a 1600 DP motor and a stock sedan trans, you may get up to 30 out of it if you baby it, but i doubt it.

cons- unsafe exposed cockpit are (road debris, etc), cop magnet, loud even with a good exhaust, no heat, no ac (but air at 65 mph keeps you cool), no power steering, etc. Light front end weight is sketchy at high speeds and in the rain especially. Complete lack of cargo area.

pros - you look like a badass,

trust me, i love rails, and often thought about a street legal one. Anything i found that was even close to something i would drive on the street and felt safe putting my kids into, i was into 7-8k +.

If yer looking for vw power, find a Baja beetle or a well built manx-style fiberglass one with a soft top.

just my $.02.

Bear Chow
05-07-2008, 12:13 PM
No, I'm just looking to decrease my fuel usage. Those are some really good points, I had not considered road debri at all. I can really see where a very light front end could be problomatic.

Oh well, I guess I will continue to look at motorcycless. My commute is 19.5 miles each way, it's too far for me to ride a bicyle. So, I'm looking for alternatives I just put $52 into a VW golf, the things the size of a golfcart.


94Dodge Truggy
05-07-2008, 01:50 PM
I have been contemplating a motorcycle due to $155.00 fill ups every 4 days with the truck. Interesting facts on the rail scenario.

05-07-2008, 03:03 PM
Go bike its even better MPG with a lower price tag for an older used one.

05-07-2008, 03:05 PM
What about making a two-person rail buggy that's powered by a bike motor?
How legal would that be anyways?

There is actually one sitting in my back yard right now, but it's a friend of a friends and it's never been tagged for road use...

05-07-2008, 04:31 PM
Interesting topic. Just the other weekend one of the guys in our club who has a rail was talking about this (he's been running rails for 20 years). His is mainly a trail vehicle but is licensed and he drives it between trails and around his house all of the time (he lives in the country)...though I don't know if it would technically pass a safety inspection in it's current form (no windshield, but has lights).

I would have to think a rail would be a lot safer than a bike on the road, though I would definitely feel uncomfortable on any type of busy highway or freeway.

05-07-2008, 05:18 PM
I was thinking about a motorcycle also one day, then that same day I left work and a guy was smeared all over the road. I'll buy the gas and save on the hospital bills.:D

05-07-2008, 05:48 PM
What about making a two-person rail buggy that's powered by a bike motor?
How legal would that be anyways?

There is actually one sitting in my back yard right now, but it's a friend of a friends and it's never been tagged for road use...

would he want to sell it? does it run?

05-07-2008, 06:18 PM
I've had a couple rails , they're a blast on the street. The one I sold to Carwash had a 2401 cc engine and might have got 15 mpg! And unless you get lucky as hell no cop will fall for the Beetle tagged rail buggy, to be done correctly you need a builders title with issued serial #.

I illegally drove Mike's buggy to work on many days when I knew the weather was going to be good , had a 66 Type III that I used the tag/vin # ... 220 hp , 1K lbs and 4.56 gears add that to 31x15.5 tires (non-DOT) and you have one big loud cop magnet!

Find a nice 350-500cc street/trail bike and keep to posted speeds and you can get 60+ MPG... or so I've been told.

Just brace yourself for the $5-plus a gallon fuel that will be here in the next year..:(

05-07-2008, 08:09 PM
older dual sport bike would be awesome... maybe i'll start looking.

05-07-2008, 08:27 PM
older dual sport bike would be awesome... maybe i'll start looking.

I predict in one month Mike will have a Ultra Glide...:D

05-07-2008, 10:08 PM
already got one.... right in the pole barn here, full dresser... i hate harleys.

05-08-2008, 07:32 AM
Get a honda scooter, they go for around 2k new and get around 100mpg. They do great for commute as long as there arnt many hills

My buddy just picked this one up used with warentee for 1400

05-08-2008, 08:33 AM
the scooter is an awesome idea if yer not required to hit the interstates on your commute.

05-08-2008, 08:40 AM
would he want to sell it? does it run?

Does not run, but he is interested in selling it, send me your number and I'll get it to him.

Bear Chow
05-08-2008, 08:52 AM
Scooter is out, Had one back when I lived on an island, best thing ever. If I lived in town and had a < 5 mile commute I would consider it. I'll go back to looking at motorcycles. I've had a hankering for a nice dual sport. Say a 400-450 yamaha. I haven't dismiss the idea of a 600cc street bike either.

Heck I might end up with two bikes in the next year.

05-08-2008, 09:18 AM
does anyone have a list of the best used dual sport bikes out there? i don't even know what to look for.

05-08-2008, 10:24 AM
The Honda dual sport is the best one I have rode and my buddy just picked up one and awesome. He has the XR 650L and its a blast on and off road

Bear Chow
05-08-2008, 10:51 AM

Look under the header thumpers and get ready for a lot of opinion.

05-08-2008, 11:07 AM
I've got a buddy with an old 83-84 honda 600? that needs some carb work. He might be interested in letting it go for a cheap price.

Bear Chow
05-08-2008, 11:09 AM
General conceses I get is.

Lot's of road some light offroading. V-strom, Dakar (Money), GS(Money), Triumph Tiger(Even more Money)

50/50 mix Honda 600L or 600R, KLR 650, 650 DRZ for an experience rider.
Less experience rider 400 DRZ. Weight and physical size may change your opinion.

Much more dirt than you'll ever be on road Go with a 250 if your <200 lbs 350-400cc if your > 225.

All these bikes retain their value well and can often be sold used for near the same price purchased, assuming your going to buy a used bike.

Again less experienced drivers except the fact your going to drop it some time.

I've been riding motorcycles on and off for 25 years, for 3 years it was my only transportation. Although I haven't been on a dirt bike in over 10.


05-08-2008, 06:14 PM
Guy at the last place I worked had a KTM, it was a top quality ride!

I believe his was a 600 or 625 , it performed pretty good on both terrains which is the big ***** about DP bikes.... they do both..but neither well..

Looked like the rig in this pic , minus the sticky Ultra-cross tires.

05-08-2008, 06:36 PM
Suzuki DRZ400S.. great bike for the dollar...

05-08-2008, 06:51 PM
I have a 73 Yamaha DT360. It needs a cylinder re-sleeve because no over sized pistons are available. I am thinking about getting this together and driving it because of gas.

94Dodge Truggy
05-09-2008, 07:08 AM
The ktm set up motard style is bad ass! Looked at one on tuesday and they want 9600.00 for 1. :rolleyes:

Bear Chow
05-20-2008, 10:52 AM
Decided it was time to spend some money to save some money. Ok, Ok it's just a new toy. It can carry my heavy a$$ around at 70mph, until I hit a hill, and should gets 80 MPG. This thing is a blast in the woods.


I regret not buying the 600, so I'm going to drive it for 1 year and pass it down to my daughter. I am also purchasing a suzuki GZ250 for my wife. We can hit the road to gether for a nice back country ride or she can hop on the the quad and we can hit haspin.

94Dodge Truggy
05-20-2008, 11:48 AM
I will keep an eye out for you going to work in the morning and coming home so that I don't run over you on the hills.

Bear Chow
05-20-2008, 12:03 PM
I appreciate that.

Bear Chow
05-23-2008, 07:25 AM
Well my Honda CRF230L is doing it's job. I drive 40 miles everyday. Total fuel cost for the week. $8.37 there was a bit in the tank when I got it I'm estimating 85-90 MPG.

05-23-2008, 07:43 AM
Well my Honda CRF230L is doing it's job. I drive 40 miles everyday. Total fuel cost for the week. $8.37 there was a bit in the tank when I got it I'm estimating 85-90 MPG.

Definitely sounds like it.