06-08-2008, 06:46 PM
June Meeting Minutes
Guests: Mike from TS joined us.
Treasurers Report: Detailed YTD report was provided to a member based on a request. We have money.
Trail Runs: June's run is to Natural Bridge/Slade the weekend of June 14th & 15th.
May's official run was to WVA over Memorial Day. Great people and great times. See thread in gallery for pics.
Bob & George's families went to Moab for a week. Great time!! See thread in gallery for pics.
2008 Benefit: Location has been changed from Yard Birds BBQ in Trenton to the Barn N Bunk also in Trenton. Additional details to be provided.
Guests: Mike from TS joined us.
Treasurers Report: Detailed YTD report was provided to a member based on a request. We have money.
Trail Runs: June's run is to Natural Bridge/Slade the weekend of June 14th & 15th.
May's official run was to WVA over Memorial Day. Great people and great times. See thread in gallery for pics.
Bob & George's families went to Moab for a week. Great time!! See thread in gallery for pics.
2008 Benefit: Location has been changed from Yard Birds BBQ in Trenton to the Barn N Bunk also in Trenton. Additional details to be provided.