View Full Version : bronco top lift

06-11-2008, 07:20 PM
I need to make some kind of lift to get the top on and off my bronco
just hurt my back today getting it off
just looking for any ideas or help I can get

can bolt some hooks on top for the lift to hook to

let me know if you got any ideas

06-11-2008, 09:09 PM
I certainly hope this doesn't come across smartass...

Move it as little as possible...

I used to lift the fiberglass cap off my old truck about two inches rear, and three inches front with rachet straps up to the trusses of the garage... drive out and leave it hanging... drive back under and release one at a time (carefully)... "all by myself" as my 3 year old says...

That was assuming theres some sort of structure you can get under...

Hope you feel better soon...

06-11-2008, 09:37 PM
ask for help. don't try and do it yourself. thats what I always did. But if you have the garage space, take all the screws out slide it back some then slide two 2x4's under the top and sort of like what Brad said but instead of satchet straps take 4 individual ropes tie them to the rafters (with pulleys) and pull all four at one time. then tie them off to the side and drive out. I think that makes sense.

06-13-2008, 11:30 AM
Here's how I do my 4Runner top...just some S hooks and ratchet straps...



06-13-2008, 06:30 PM
yeah was going to do that but my truck dosnt fit in the garage
thanks for the advice

I have to make a hole lift system I can set in the drive way I think I got it figured out
i'll put up a pic when it's done
my be redneck but as long as it works haha

06-14-2008, 08:09 AM
Chain hoist hanging from the tree in the front yard with the
T bar I made.
Hard top in the cart I made heading through the gate to the back yard.
Under the pine in the back yard and a nice shelter for the bunnies, all done with no help.