View Full Version : 2008 Benefit Summary & Thanks

08-04-2008, 03:00 PM
We had a great turn out Saturday, 8/2/2008, in support of One Way Farm Children’s Home. The partnership with Terrain Stompers was everything and more that we’d hoped for. We couldn’t have pulled this event off without your involvement. Barn n Bunk turned out to be the perfect place for us. They had the space and enthusiasm we needed to put on the event, as well as the ice cream needed in the afternoon. :) Tom was great to work with and we are looking forward to working with him in the future. Wonderful combination of great people, from spectators to vendors, and great fun made for a fantastic event.

The winner of both Best of Show (prize donated by Armstrong Automotive LLC) and Best Modified (prize donated by a private donor) in the Show & Shine was Brody Jacobs in his Wrangler XXL. The winner of the RTI Ramp (prize donated by SPR Machine Inc) was Scott Armstrong in his Samurai. Many thanks to Scott Pater, Scott Armstrong, Jason Fiscus, and Daryl Meece for braving the water in the dunk booth and giving their time in support of the benefit. To all the volunteers who stayed behind the registration and raffle tables to make sure everything/everyone was taken care of and the event ran smoothly…thank you. To Brad Watts for ensuring the RTI ramp went smoothly...thank you. To Bob Heath for providing music and PA until 96Rock arrived on the scene…thank you! To anyone who helped in set up and/or tear down..thank you.

But it wouldn’t have been a success without everyone’s attendance at the event. We had 55 rigs entered into the Show & Shine. This was a great turnout. We had friends from Muddy Buddys, Buckeye Jeepers, Lost KJ, Chevy Militia, Sanddiggers, and Miami Valley all show up to help CORE and Terrain Stompers make the event a success. All that paid off as we were able to raise over $1,800 for One Way Farm!

Our sponsors went above and beyond the call for help. We had over $4,000 donated in either services (photographer, music, drinks, cars for the crush) or prizes for raffle items!!! These numbers are phenomenal! We are very grateful to our sponsors for their generosity in helping us support One Way Farm.

I’d like to thank our sponsors one more time: Barn n Bunk; Mitchell’s Towing; Robert Heath Construction; Complete Off Road & Performance; Trenton Fire Department; SPR Machine Inc; Armstrong Automotive LLC; 4WD Hardware; XS Sports Drinks; OX Brands; Luxottica Retail; Sunfire Offroad; Drew’s Offroad; TKH Fabrication; Beach Carpet Cleaning; Schoeny Residential Services, Koch’s Truck/Auto & Fabrication, The Collective We, and 96Rock.

Check out the gallery page: 2008 One Way Farm Benefit Gallery Page (http://www.cincyoffroad.com/gallery/browseimages.php?c=57&userid= )

08-04-2008, 05:30 PM
Although I didn't get to the event until like 2:30pm becuase Jon (scarface) and I couldn't get his rig started, actually turned out to be a dead battery, I had a great time once we finally got there. In fact, Jon ended up leaving his rig there b/c Tom of Barn n Bunk bought it! Anyways, I was really impressed with the turn out this year!!! I had a blast taking part in it and getting a chance to crush some cars was sweet!