View Full Version : Dana 60 Shaft Upgrade

94Dodge Truggy
08-25-2008, 10:12 AM
Who makes strong 60 ford kingpin front inner axle shafts. Want to replace both inners and leave the outers stock. Longfield makes some nice ones but are pricey. Superior and moser probably do but do you order them from some other company or through them direct? I have mosers in the rear 60 currently. Wonder about a warranty also. (I may break one in WV) Like to buy locally if possible. Thanks, Scott

08-25-2008, 10:37 AM
well I know I am going to spend the money on the Longfields b/c you get the inner and outer and the "joint". If you price all 3 they are just a little more but the longfields give you more turning the the U-joint shafts. Also the longfields do not get weaker when you have the wheel cut.

But if you want U-joint shafts. Then I would go with Alloy USA 10 year no matter what warranty.

I think with good U-joint and 35 spline inner and 30 spline outers you are going to break the outer first most of the time. Next will be the ears or the u-joint

94Dodge Truggy
08-25-2008, 11:31 AM
Outer is what I want to break. Don't want the weak link to be the ring and pinion which is a pain to trail repair. I may go with 35 inner and outer though and make the flange the weak link.

08-25-2008, 12:07 PM
Alloy USA all the way. great warranty and great service.

08-25-2008, 01:13 PM
If you are wanting to stay with stock 30-spline outers.......don't. They are by far the weak point, especially if you are looking at chromo inners and possibly bling u-joints. I broke 3 stock 30-spline outers (seemed like everytime I went out) with just standard 35-spline Spicer inners and regular Spicer joints, including a 1310 joint in the driveshaft.

If you want to keep a weak spot (fuse), put it in your driveshaft u-joints. Driveshafts are by far the quickest and easiest to replace on the trail.

94Dodge Truggy
08-25-2008, 02:08 PM
If you are wanting to stay with stock 30-spline outers.......don't. They are by far the weak point, especially if you are looking at chromo inners and possibly bling u-joints. I broke 3 stock 30-spline outers (seemed like everytime I went out) with just standard 35-spline Spicer inners and regular Spicer joints, including a 1310 joint in the driveshaft.

If you want to keep a weak spot (fuse), put it in your driveshaft u-joints. Driveshafts are by far the quickest and easiest to replace on the trail.

The front driveshaft is not overkill already. I use your same logic with driveshaft as being the weak link. I have warn outer lockouts and may just replace all the shafts and add flanges but do not want to break the ring and pinion. 5.38 ratio.

08-25-2008, 04:27 PM
Forgot to mention this previously, but breaking the outer shaft also leads to the possibity of taking out the spindle and causing all types of havoc.

08-25-2008, 06:31 PM
go with chromo inners and stock spicer 35 spline outers. Then the drive shaft will still be the weak link i'd say.

and yes, i have never seen an outer explode without taking out the spindle and all the nuts and bearings as well with it.

94Dodge Truggy
08-25-2008, 09:58 PM
Who has extra spindles for these? Always broke inners on the dodge ram 60's.

08-25-2008, 10:49 PM
Who has extra spindles for these?

<raises hand>


In my defense, when I tore mine down, neither had any spindle bearings, and both were also worn bad... "Wallered OUT" as Jesse would say... so they were replaced LONG ago...

Shiny new spindles still in the boxes, old ones in the "spares" pile.

My primary front 60 axles are Cr-Moly 35spl outters, and stock Spicer (non-neck down) inners.

08-26-2008, 08:13 AM
and yes, i have never seen an outer explode without taking out the spindle and all the nuts and bearings as well with it.

I've been lucky but have only broke stock 30-spline outers so less bang and more clearance. But on the one it did splinter and wedge itself slightly inside the spindle and had to be persuaded out with a hammer....fortunately I was able to get off the gas quickly when it let go or I'm sure it would have caused carnage.

Another thing I just thought off when talking about spindles, definitely make sure the little roller bearings inside the spindles (that the shaft rides on) is in good shape. If it's toast it puts more stress (causes the shaft to bind slightly). Whenever you repack the wheel bearings it only takes a couple of extra minutes to pull off the spindles and pack them with fresh grease.

08-26-2008, 05:29 PM
Yeah, as said, the stock 30 spline units will split and splinter, taking out the spindle as well. Makes it a pain in the butt to get the spindle nut's off. How many ring and pinions have you seen let go that didn't have a bearing fail from contamination or had obviously been set up incorrectly?

94Dodge Truggy
08-26-2008, 05:56 PM
Yeah, as said, the stock 30 spline units will split and splinter, taking out the spindle as well. Makes it a pain in the butt to get the spindle nut's off. How many ring and pinions have you seen let go that didn't have a bearing fail from contamination or had obviously been set up incorrectly?

Countless amounts. Drag racing, wheeling and road racing. Thinking that complete built shafts will do fine. Longfields or superior or usa alloy not sure yet.

08-26-2008, 06:08 PM
i would honestly say to go stock inner with 35 spline molly outers. that is what i'm saving for now. i've seen pete and shawn hammer the **** out of pete's with that setup, and have yet to witness them break a shaft first hand. if you are looking for custom shafts, branik motorsports are great guys, stan is the man!

10-08-2008, 04:47 PM
pete and shawn break more chromos than any1 i know and they only run a 37" tire!!!

10-09-2008, 05:24 PM
pete and shawn break more chromos than any1 i know and they only run a 37" tire!!!

hmm...i can honestly say i've never seen them break one. guess i haven't wheeled with em enough. have you ever seen em break an inner shaft though? hopefully i'll get to see em pop a couple at harlan then.

10-09-2008, 07:01 PM
have you ever seen em break an inner shaft though? hopefully i'll get to see em pop a couple at harlan then.

At Harlan in October/November of 2006, Pete may have broken an inner D60 axle. I loaned him a 35 spline drive flange out of my rig, and a spare short side axle assembly...35 spline inner, 35 spline outer.

I have Yukon 35 spline inners & outers, w/ Longfield Super Joints, and 35 spline drive flanges. I do not want any weak links in my setup because I have a Detroit Locker. If and axle/joint/flange/lockout, etc were to fail under load, I have an excellent chance of wiping out the $550 locker. If you run an ARB, spool, welded front diff, (or even a Lockright), etc, this is less of a concern.

Back to the shafts: I have a slight but visible twisting of the splines on the short side inner. It has been that way for well over a year. With that said, I've wheeled the truck less this year than I have in the past five years.


94Dodge Truggy
10-09-2008, 08:31 PM
I have not broke the front 60 yet and thought that I would have by now. I have 2 extra warn 30 spline lockouts for the stock shafts and another stock outer and just bought a 1978 ford complete with 400, c6, and 60's front and rear. Not so sure about upgrading now. Looking to order a mini stak 3 speed t-case for the winter project.