View Full Version : Sept 6th Ride/Clean Up Day @ Haspin
09-04-2008, 07:44 AM
Our friends at Muddy Buddys are putting on a Ride/Clean Up day this Sat at Haspin as long as they get a committment from around 10 Jeeps or so. If you're interested, let me know and I can relay the info to MB.
We can ride and have fun but our main goal is to clean up a little of Haspin. Those who take part will get in the park FREE! You will not get FREE admission if you do not participate in the clean up and if you have not sent me your name to add to the list.
You'll meet at the President of Muddy Buddy's tent near the lake at 10 AM Sat. morning to go over the plan for the day. His tent will have two white Jeep flags flying from it as well as the club banner. As of right now he plans on staying Sat. night as well. Let me know. Thanks!
09-04-2008, 08:47 AM
Haspin is a pay to play park... part of your paid money should be going to the owners hiring someone to clean the **** up.
If you want to do a clean up, do it at Natural Bridge, or Livingston or something... where it's public, and people will actually care and be impressed that you do it.
Just saying... seems silly. Every time you go, you pay your 15-20 bucks, let them clean it up.
09-04-2008, 08:56 AM
Gotta agree with carwash, what are we going to clean up at Haspin? I usually only see broken glass bottles & complete junk rigs sitting in the woods. It seems Haspin just likes to bury these in the ravines... are we supposed to drag a burnt out hulk up to the front?
09-04-2008, 09:03 AM
Valid points. Couple things I'll clarify. This is not a CORE or TS event. I'm posting this from Muddy Buddy's board merely as FYI. I can't attend this for many reasons. Thought if people were gonna go to Haspin this weekend, they could join up. If they don't want to, then don't.
I would love to do a clean up at Slade or Harlan, maybe someone could explore that in the future.
09-04-2008, 09:03 AM
I've been telling people (CORE members) for years to put your time and efforts into doing a clean up and giving back to keep trails open.... But to waste your time to clean up a private park that you pay to ride in is dumb! Is it worth it for free admisson to one of the worst places to ride? Not to say it should be trashed but when you deal with the type of people who frequent Haspin what do the you expect!
I guess you can be told till hell freezes over! But you should spend your time and efforts as a club in cleaning up public lands and try to keep them open for future generations. They are closing at an alarming rate! Tellico, Slade etc...As long as I have seen the club up and running I have never once seen a real effort in doing anything to help out with this. As long I have known about the club I have heard and seen stories of damage (AKA SLADE) that members of CORE have been involved in over the years.:mad:
Yes, you put on a charity event once a year! :D
This is not meant to be a total kick in the balls but there are members now that have no idea what has gone on over the past years.
94Dodge Truggy
09-04-2008, 09:30 AM
I've been telling people (CORE members) for years to put your time and efforts into doing a clean up and giving back to keep trails open.... But to waste your time to clean up a private park that you pay to ride in is dumb! Is it worth it for free admisson to one of the worst places to ride? Not to say it should be trashed but when you deal with the type of people who frequent Haspin what do the you expect!
I guess you can be told till hell freezes over! But you should spend your time and efforts as a club in cleaning up public lands and try to keep them open for future generations. They are closing at an alarming rate! Tellico, Slade etc...As long as I have seen the club up and running I have never once seen a real effort in doing anything to help out with this. As long I have known about the club I have heard and seen stories of damage (AKA SLADE) that members of CORE have been involved in over the years.:mad:
Yes, you put on a charity event once a year! :D
This is not meant to be a total kick in the balls but there are members now that have no idea what has gone on over the past years.
What about the core members who participated in the local river cleanup? Last 4 years of wheeling with CORE we have left the areas cleaner than they were and helped other wheelers in all types of situations on the trail. If others did the same things would be better.
09-04-2008, 09:37 AM
Oh I've heard many stories of the past. I've also heard of instances but when I ask for details no one will provide them. How long did it take for the perception of CORE to be where it is today? Where all members of CORE are lumped into one general bucket of expectation of attitude and style? Is it realistic to think that could be changed in a brief period of time? Small changes are made and the ripples are felt. Then larger changes can be made.
09-04-2008, 11:53 AM
I've been telling people (CORE members) for years to put your time and efforts into doing a clean up and giving back to keep trails open.... But to waste your time to clean up a private park that you pay to ride in is dumb! Is it worth it for free admisson to one of the worst places to ride? Not to say it should be trashed but when you deal with the type of people who frequent Haspin what do the you expect!
Ive been a member of core for years now (4 i beleive ) and i have never heard any suggestions coming from you about anything as a matter of fact i have never seen or met you so let me take this opportunity to introduce myself. Well anyway when people suggest something it is mearly to advise of an opportunity to hopefully do some good for someone. You are intitled to your opinion but i have yet to read a positive one from you. So with that said there is a new batch of people trying to have some fun and do some good wherever possible. Now i know for some people change is not welcome but us as club members will deal with that as it comes up. Now to what has gone on in the past it is useless without names to see if these people still exist as core members or just board junkies. So on that note the past is exactly that so to the people who would like to attend any function for any reason i suggest do and have fun and remember people are watching so be responsible. Thanks for my chance to rant and as usual comments and productive criticism are very welcome but be prepared for an applicable response
09-04-2008, 12:26 PM
my comments were in no way in regard or reference to the original poster, was merely stating how i felt about a clean up at a private "pay to play" park, with no basis for or against the club happenings.
there will always be bad apples, in every club, every time. you just need more good apples than bad, to make the bushel look desirable.
09-04-2008, 01:51 PM
Never heard any of the bad things from the past about CORE, but the current group seems to be responsible and have things headed in the right direction.
I think it's a good thing to clean up Haspin, even if it's private. The place is a disgrace to the 4x4 community in regards to trash and erosion. Whether it's public or private, it still makes us look bad. If they can go in there, clean up the trash at least, and get a free day of riding, I commend them. Would their efforts make more of a difference somewhere else? Possibly, but that doesn't mean Haspin shouldn't be cleaned up.
09-04-2008, 01:58 PM
Our friends at Muddy Buddys are putting on a Ride/Clean Up day this Sat at Haspin as long as they get a committment from around 10 Jeeps or so. If you're interested, let me know and I can relay the info to MB.
We can ride and have fun but our main goal is to clean up a little of Haspin. Those who take part will get in the park FREE! You will not get FREE admission if you do not participate in the clean up and if you have not sent me your name to add to the list.
You'll meet at the President of Muddy Buddy's tent near the lake at 10 AM Sat. morning to go over the plan for the day. His tent will have two white Jeep flags flying from it as well as the club banner. As of right now he plans on staying Sat. night as well. Let me know. Thanks!
Wow!! I bet you never thought it would turn into this! LOL
For some of us Haspin is the Only place to wheel most the time. If they want to let you get in for free to clean up some that sounds like a OK trade to me.
I'm not sure me and the wife can make it this trip but if we can we will be there. Maddhatter & Jeep-Jeep.
Magnets on a stick would be awesome around the Shoe tree to get the nails up from all the fire pit's. just a thought.
09-04-2008, 02:10 PM
If i owned a supermarket, would you pick up the garbage in my parking lot after spending your money on the groceries from my store? Maybe you could round up some carts and push them to the front for me too, would sure save me a lot of time and money if you could... thanks.
Get my point? Seems no one really does. My comments aren't based around any dealings of the club. It's the fact that it's a slap in the face to clean up a pay park that 4000 rednecks a weekend pay their $20 to trash. And cleaning it up will gain you nothing, because there are no rules there to keep the white trash from littering it up and burning their cars in the creek. The owners don't care, why should you?
09-04-2008, 02:28 PM
If i owned a supermarket, would you pick up the garbage in my parking lot after spending your money on the groceries from my store? Maybe you could round up some carts and push them to the front for me too, would sure save me a lot of time and money if you could... thanks.
Get my point? Seems no one really does. My comments aren't based around any dealings of the club. It's the fact that it's a slap in the face to clean up a pay park that 4000 rednecks a weekend pay their $20 to trash. And cleaning it up will gain you nothing, because there are no rules there to keep the white trash from littering it up and burning their cars in the creek. The owners don't care, why should you?
You my freind have seened to have missed my point. I like Haspin just the way it is. It's the ONLY place we can night ride or drink and wheel.
I have been going to Haspin for just over a year and I have never once had a problem with anyone. I do stay with people I know and trust.
I've been all over the US from Moab to SoCal and it's a one of a kind place.
I don't think I should have to clean it up but then again I don't drop my cig butts or beer cans when I wheel and I pick up others I see all the time.
It's just something to do on a sat and it's better then sitting on the couch all day.
09-04-2008, 02:40 PM
"drink and wheel"
they honestly condone this? wonder if their insurance company knows this. or is it a case of what they don't see won't hurt them?
"I've been all over the US from Moab to SoCal and it's a one of a kind place."
agreed, it's a one of a kind place... but if you put it in your top places to wheel, then you really haven't wheeled anywhere else decent.
And i'm not sure what point you are making that i missed.
09-04-2008, 02:42 PM
It's the ONLY place we can drink and wheel.
09-04-2008, 02:42 PM
damn carwash your quicker than me. LOL
09-04-2008, 02:44 PM
damn carwash your quicker than me. LOL
slow day here at work...
09-04-2008, 02:49 PM
I just like Haspin. I always have a good time there and meet good people every time I go. It WAS voted one of the top 101 places to wheel by Four Wheeler mag this year. I am not saying you are wrong about cleaning the trash up but I do that every where I wheel. As we all should.
09-04-2008, 02:52 PM
"I am not saying you are wrong about cleaning the trash up but I do that every where I wheel. As we all should."
I commend you for this. I always try to unlitter when i can. Leave with more than you took in. I think it's a great way to be.
09-04-2008, 03:23 PM
I never said drink and drive at the same time did I? Most places don't even let you drink at camp. I have a perfect driving record and anyone that has wheeled with me knows I am one of the safest drivers you will ever meet.
I go to Haspin to get DRUNK and camp as well as wheel.
09-04-2008, 03:48 PM
i'm sure that is not how you meant it but you did say drink and wheel not wheel then get drunk at camp.
09-04-2008, 04:06 PM
i'm sure that is not how you meant it but you did say drink and wheel not wheel then get drunk at camp.
True it was misleading.
09-04-2008, 08:04 PM
suffering shiney red ball syndrom , now where did i park my car.:D
09-04-2008, 08:51 PM
Don't know what's sillier, cleaning up a pay-to-play park or land your trespassing on?
Local clubs held clean-ups at Livingston with no permission from land owners or Kentucky DNR.... and I thought it was a brilliant idea.
Sometimes you'll do anything you can to help keep a place you enjoy open.
I'd also love to see them do away with drinking on there property , day or night , trail or camp!
09-04-2008, 10:22 PM
So are any CORE members going to Haspin for this????
09-05-2008, 08:47 PM
nope ! I'm out of BEER :eek:
09-05-2008, 09:02 PM
nope ! I'm out of BEER :eek:
09-05-2008, 09:53 PM
can i sign up for this, then just skip it and go wheel for free? or can i just go and pick up a can, and then go off and wheel on my own?
seems crazy to me too. there's a reason there's a cross around every corner of that place, the owners just don't give a **** what goes on. i've never seen them clean any of the cars up. how long have the ones been sitting on devil's backbone, 4 years now? (i haven't been there this year, but i know they were still there last year)
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