View Full Version : Electricity

09-15-2008, 02:28 AM
Being without it brings out the suck in all the comforts of home
Ours went out around 2:00 or 3:00 Sunday.
On a good note, glad I didn't ass up and sell the welder/generator...

Could use enuf wire to make an extention cord to get to the dryer plug,
If one of you electricians had 50 feet laying around reasonably priced.
It would be nice to turn on the hot water heater/stove also..
O yea the A/C too....

Am backfeeding the Recepticles on the 110 side now, which works well but
some of the lights on the back side of the house don't work. Kitchen/Bathrooms
Not sure whats up with that? I would have thought all the 110 would have worked?
GFI issue maybe?

I have heard anywhere from 3 days to a week without electric, Guess we will see.

09-15-2008, 07:51 AM
Mine went out about the same time; but came back on around midnight. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones.

09-15-2008, 08:18 AM
Relatives in the Reading/Blue Ash area went out about the same time and is still out. Mother-in-law's work was closed today because of it. I guess the positive side is that two brother-in-laws work for the fire department and are getting good overtime!

09-15-2008, 10:25 AM
I'm using inverters and dc power (batteries and jump boxes) to power lighting. Good thing I bought a couple of LED floods. They will light a room with 2 watts. The 23 watt compact flourescent will light the first floor. Got coffee maker to work this morning. Hope they get the power on soon.

09-15-2008, 11:23 AM
Where abouts you at Wilson?
Mine came back on sometime this morning, not sure when cause I had the main turned off. Noticed it around 8:30

09-15-2008, 02:25 PM
I'm in Mt. Lookout. Power came back on at lunch today! Thank goodness. The sink was filling up with dirty dishes.

09-15-2008, 08:10 PM
I am in Clifton on Chickasaw street and still dont have power BUT my neighbors and the rest of the street from his house on up have power. But me and about 8 houses at the end of the block have nothing. So being the grad student I am :D I have an extension cord going out of my neighbors window, across his side yard, into my bathroom window, out the bathroom, down the little hall and into my kitchen where my fridge is plugged into :cool: Then to top if off my neighbor on the other side of me piggy back'd off my extension cord, through the window on the other side of my house, across the lawn and into his back door to his fridge :rolleyes: We gots to eat yo! :D


09-15-2008, 11:17 PM
...............................................The n to top if off my neighbor on the other side of me piggy back'd off my extension cord, through the window on the other side of my house, across the lawn and into his back door to his fridge :rolleyes: We gots to eat yo! :D


if he gives ya any ****, unplug his cord...lol

09-15-2008, 11:55 PM
I have power off summerside in eastgate. Lost if from about 12 noon yesterday to about 10pm yesterday. ONe of the lucky ones i guess...

MY parents in New Richmond just got power on sometime today, so did my grandma in Hyde Park. My brother in Anderson TWNSHP stillhas no power, and my bro in law in mt carmel has no power, daycare in mt carmel no power, and one side of beechmont ave has no power so my wife isnt working.

94Dodge Truggy
09-16-2008, 08:50 AM
Power off at home still and 3 phase out at the shop!

09-16-2008, 02:24 PM
I still got nothing in White Oak... pockets of power all around me... but I got nothing, which I think is kinda fun... but the rest of the fam is less than enthusiastic about...

09-16-2008, 04:45 PM
Ours came on this morning around 7:15 am , good thing because the RV was almost to the 1/4 tank limiter.

Anyone else have damage ?

I was driving home from Tn. getting damage updates from my kids at home :mad:
Mines not near as bad as some in the area but Trenton did get hit very hard. I lost a very large tree in the back yard that took out my fence , thank goodness it didn't hit the pool !
I would have lost another tree in the front but had a buddy come over and put the Jeep in the front yard and winched the tree back up. I also lost a bunch of shingles .

We had a blast last night ! We had a Cul De Sac party and cooked out in middle of the street with all the neighbors.

Tonight it's back to work :( , hope the power stays on .

09-17-2008, 08:35 AM
I still have no power. Lost everything in 2 fridges and a monstrous deep freeze, steaks, burgers, complete meals, etc... It has been a ***** living like this with no power.

Also lost 10 trees, so spent 24 hours over 2 days cleaning up trees and stacking wood just so i could get out of my driveway and into civilization. Lost part of the roof on the shop, haven't even had time to think about getting that work done yet.

My 39 weeks pregnant wife is less than thrilled at this point. I hope i get power today.

09-17-2008, 02:51 PM
.................................................. .............................
My 39 weeks pregnant wife is less than thrilled at this point. I hope i get power today.

i would steer clear of the house til you get power back on.....

i got my welder generator here if ya need it. BRING TRUCK....IS HEAVY

09-17-2008, 04:01 PM
Still nothing... at this point, I feel a little bit like I'm in a pocket of darkness amongst those with power... I can see power, yet can not attain it. I feel sorry for those Duke guys, every time I see a truck.

CW, let me know if I can do anything with the shop...

I'll have the chainsaw warmed up tonight at my in-law's... I'll try to post some pics tomorrow, just for fun... (would be tonight, but still no power :confused: )

09-18-2008, 08:51 AM
Thursday morning, still no power... I'm like Brad, i can see power around me, in fact as close as 100 yards away in one direction. Sucks.

Insurance is going to cover all of our food losses, deepfreeze and all, so i'm a bit less upset about that, and now it's just a waiting game.

Bear Chow
09-18-2008, 04:02 PM
I've had power since Wednesday. Sorry to here your predicument Brad and Mike. We also had a block party which is strange considering my neighborhood consists of 500 acres and 50 residents. I barked at my son Tuesday morning as I was drinking my freshly perculated coffee and reading a book I had purchased 8 months ago. I barked at him becouse he had a radio with head phones on and I could hear it. It was an eye opener to blissfull silence for me. We are going camping next weekend to relive it.

09-18-2008, 06:28 PM
still no power?
look at why!



09-18-2008, 09:25 PM
I'm BACK.... came on late last night... still have co-workers that have no power...

Worst part for me was that it was pissing off my wife... who has a cold, and the kids have been sick too... I was enjoying falling asleep at that firepit in the back yard... I ran through all the fallen stuff (and then some) already... but I only have one dinky tree...

CW, I might be avail Sat. for some moving/stacking/spliting... lemme know.

67FastBack, I heard that backroads from Mason sucked even yesterday morning... I don't get up that way much anymore since they moved my office back downtown... clean-up going well?

09-19-2008, 01:30 AM
I was lucky enough when it came to power. When everything started going out Duke cut the power on the grid i live in so all they had to do was turn the power back on after everything was over. Cable/internet on the other hand was a different story. That just came back today. I have no idea what the storm was like due to being somewhere in South Carolina when it started on my way home. Neighbor called and told me what damage was caused. Got home at 2:20am monday and had power back within 20 minutes of being home. I heard it was pretty bad and dealing with it at at work for the next couple days afterwards.

09-19-2008, 01:52 AM
mine came on tonight at 11:00 p.m.

i'm in a much better mood now.

09-19-2008, 07:18 PM
Just got power!

From Sun at 1:15 till today at 6PM.

It was get'n old !


09-20-2008, 02:44 PM
Just got it last night at 7. Was running 6 houses off my uncles 10,000 watt generator in my yard. I think its time for me to buy one.

09-21-2008, 12:22 PM
Our power was out for 6 MOTHER F'IN DAYS!! We just got it back Sat about 3pm. Yea, it kinda sucked but at least our home didn't get to f'ed up and we olny lost one tree. Glad to see all came though the storm ok.;)