10-08-2008, 09:05 PM
Meeting was led by Scott P, VP. We had one visitor: John, friend of Sarge (who knew he had friends) and Mike Grubbs, from TS
Treasurers report: We have money in the bank.
Trail report: Sept recap of WVA and Haspin
Oct no official run planned but some members are planning on going to the KYMC Fall Crawl in Harlan, Ky, the weekend of 10/24 – 10/26.
Pink Hook - This was awarded to Brody for providing directions that got two different groups at two different times, lost on their way back to Cinti. Now all we need is to locate the pink hook.
Congratulations to our 2009 Officers:
President – Scott Armstrong, flxratd
Vice President – Scott Pater, 94Dodge_Truggy
Treasurer – Bob Heath, mudstud
Secretary – Lisa Belcuore, tjjeepjeep
Trustee, 1 yr term – George Greve, krawlin85toy
Trustee, 2 yr term – Mike Gillen, sarge
Trustee, 3 yr term – Brody Jacobs
Member’s Christmas Party will be held Friday 12/5 at Brody’s place. Paid members mark your calendar. Plan is to have everyone bring their off road video footage and watch it. Chance to share and reminisce. More to come…
Website update since we got hacked:
Mike made backups of both the forum as well as the gallery.
We opened registration back up for new users. We’ve increased the complexity of the visual verification image (we had this in place before however hopefully have made it more difficult). In addition we have the site set up that every new user has to respond to an email, then also be approved by an Admin prior to allowing them to post. (Currently all emails are going to myself. We hope that these two additional steps will stop hackers from getting access to the site.
The Home page is a total loss. This will need to be completely reworked by an Admin to get it back in place. Goal is by end of this week to have back in place.
New posts/threads will receive an error message when you post. The post still worked, it just isn’t returning you to the page. This will be an issue until the Home page is back in working order.
Treasurers report: We have money in the bank.
Trail report: Sept recap of WVA and Haspin
Oct no official run planned but some members are planning on going to the KYMC Fall Crawl in Harlan, Ky, the weekend of 10/24 – 10/26.
Pink Hook - This was awarded to Brody for providing directions that got two different groups at two different times, lost on their way back to Cinti. Now all we need is to locate the pink hook.
Congratulations to our 2009 Officers:
President – Scott Armstrong, flxratd
Vice President – Scott Pater, 94Dodge_Truggy
Treasurer – Bob Heath, mudstud
Secretary – Lisa Belcuore, tjjeepjeep
Trustee, 1 yr term – George Greve, krawlin85toy
Trustee, 2 yr term – Mike Gillen, sarge
Trustee, 3 yr term – Brody Jacobs
Member’s Christmas Party will be held Friday 12/5 at Brody’s place. Paid members mark your calendar. Plan is to have everyone bring their off road video footage and watch it. Chance to share and reminisce. More to come…
Website update since we got hacked:
Mike made backups of both the forum as well as the gallery.
We opened registration back up for new users. We’ve increased the complexity of the visual verification image (we had this in place before however hopefully have made it more difficult). In addition we have the site set up that every new user has to respond to an email, then also be approved by an Admin prior to allowing them to post. (Currently all emails are going to myself. We hope that these two additional steps will stop hackers from getting access to the site.
The Home page is a total loss. This will need to be completely reworked by an Admin to get it back in place. Goal is by end of this week to have back in place.
New posts/threads will receive an error message when you post. The post still worked, it just isn’t returning you to the page. This will be an issue until the Home page is back in working order.