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10-12-2008, 10:28 AM
My power was off for almost 6 days in Sept. with Ike .... got my Duke bill yesterday and ...Wow it went up $60!

Call Duke just for fun and was told by talking head that all there customers will share in the burden of costs to repair "your" wind damaged lines.

I then asked if they could deduct the increase from my "electric company profit shearing account" , he said "what"...:rolleyes:

I said "if your charging me to fix "my" lines,poles,transformers,etc when they're damaged then when they're up and running and costing us nothing shouldn't I be getting royalties from "my" lines.... he chuckled and said ....have a good day....click!


10-12-2008, 10:56 AM
Oh yeah.

Before I moved up here I lived in FL all my life. Its not uncommon to have one time hits for hurricane damage by the power company.

Biggest set was in 2004 when we got hit by 3 canes in 4 months. Got a 100 dollar "surcharge" added onto the next few bills after they got power up and running.

10-12-2008, 12:27 PM
Tell them to send the bill to the gov. and let them pay it.

10-12-2008, 04:11 PM
that pisses me off. mine was quite a bit higher as well.

it's not our fault they chose to own a company that is affected by nature.

10-12-2008, 05:09 PM
I'd think they're insurance would cover it. Or that they could write it off on they're taxes as capital losses.

10-12-2008, 09:36 PM
I'd think they're insurance would cover it. Or that they could write it off on they're taxes as capital losses.
im sure it was paid for somehow... doesnt mean they wont try to take it out of your ass as well.

10-12-2008, 10:55 PM
send them your bill minus the extra charge and send a note explaining that the extra charge they are charging you just happens to be the same amount that you're charging them for the down time and loss of fresh food . Just jerk their chains alittle , you will have to end up paying but might as well get a couple digs in first, plus if everyone does this maybe it will piss someone off in the payment department :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

10-12-2008, 11:00 PM
Ours was out for twelve days, and since we are on a well we had no water either. I really don't blame the power companies that much, they're in a no win situation with the public. The lines belong to them but were damaged by trees that belonged to others (privately, publicly and by businesses). It's yet another expense in an already rough year and I can understand being asked to share the cost as long as it's done within reason.
Don't get me wrong, if FEMA wants to drop off a new Camper and a two-thousand dollar line of credit at the local nudie bar I won't turn it down.;)