View Full Version : nice vid's of benefit

11-08-2008, 05:12 AM


11-08-2008, 09:40 AM
Thanks Sarge. I asked Collective We to come to the event and put together a short vid that I could provide as a thank you to our sponsors. (The first link is the 'official' one I'm using.) It will also be used next year in asking for sponsors. I think Eric did a great job of putting it together. (Eric is the same guy that did the Pole Crawlin vid of Scott A.)

You may have seen on that YouTube site that he also does other events as well. The couple he did of the wedding are very nice. If you 're in the market for someone to put together any kind of video production, you should really check his site out. www.thecollectivewe.com He'll come to your event, or put it together from stuff you have.

He's also ick69 on YouTube, but that is his personal account. It's where the Pole Crawling vid is as well as many others. He separates the two for obvious reasons but I think it's worthy mentioning.