View Full Version : Anyone good at tuning carbs?

11-09-2008, 06:05 PM
I'd pay someone or buy a case a beer if someone came over and tune my Edelbrock 1406 carb. I want it to run the best it can run.

I need to get a timing light too. Mine quit. It was running like crap, so I tried adjusting the timing VIA the distributor. Got it running a lot better. Turned it off, went to restart it, and it was VERY hard to start, so I guess I have the timing way off. Guess I'll either rent or buy one. What should I set the timing at?

I'm just a few minutes from Eastgate mall.

11-13-2008, 11:14 PM

I tried reading the manual, and its pretty involved and detailed. Confusing to say the least.

Is there a shop around that might be able to help me out? Someone who knows there stuff?

11-14-2008, 08:03 AM
I will talk to my buddy but he works 12 hr shifts fri-sun. He's off on Monday & Thursday this week. He's a muscle-car guy but should be fine helping you with your carb, not sure what he'll charge you though since you're an hour away. PM me your number so I can get it to him.

11-14-2008, 08:03 AM
I'd set the timing at 8 degrees Before Top Dead Center and go from there.

I have buddies that set the timing "by ear". They go until the vehicle is hard to start and then "back it off a notch". B/c of this theory I'd greatly recommend a timing light.

As far as adjusting the carburetor, my advice is to adjust each side one at a time. Adjust the screw until you here that side run a little rough, then go 2.5 turns in. Then do the other side. I usually repeat this 2 or three times. The screw to adjust is on the front of the carb and in the lowest portion of the carb closest to the manifold.

This is free advice so please take it for what is worth.

11-14-2008, 11:21 PM
I was doing carbs before most people heard about fuel infection but I can't find that darn screw driver anymore. Maybe I left it over there....................

Anyway, we are on different sides of the world but if I can help out any way I can let me know.


11-15-2008, 02:40 PM

I'll have to get a good timing light. The cheapie I got died. I dont think AutoZone rents one, do they? Anyone know of a cheap one?

I adjusted the time "by ear" and now she fires right up, but still has a "pop" in the exhaust note every other second. One side spits a little fire too. Could this be because I have open headers right now? Carb out of adjustment? Timing off?

Also when I drive it, anything more than half throttle, she hesistates and boggs down.

11-15-2008, 05:03 PM
Open headers make it very lean. the carb needs to be tuned for that if thats the way your going to run it. Other wise anything you do now won't work with any kind of exhaust on it. There are a lot questions to be answered. Do you have timing advancer, vacum or mechanical or both. Does the timing advance work? Does the model of carb your running use adjustable metering rods? where are they set? Engine mods? Cam? Heads? so many questions, so little time............................

11-15-2008, 05:05 PM
And what gear is it in? do you have anything dragging behind you? it is a yota

11-15-2008, 09:53 PM
HEI distributor with vacuum advance. I can pull the vacuum advance off and the idle goes up, even after I plug the port on the carb, the idle stays up until I plug the line back in. Not sure what is actually doing to the timing as I don't have a working timing light at home. I do at work, but I don't think it would make it on the highway.

As far as I know, its a stock motor. Guy who originally installed this motor in the blazer said it was a "crate motor". Thats about all I know. The engine ran great when it was in the Blazer. All I did was separated the carb, installed some offroad seats and needles, adjusted the float bowls, blocked off the fuel slosh thing at the back of the bowls where the 2 bowls meet.

4.10 gears in the diffs, 3.83 first gear in the R150F Toyota transmission. 36" swampers.

Not towing anything. Yes this is in my 88 4Runner.

I plan on putting a proper exhaust on it when I get the money.

No clue on how the carb is set up as far as metering rods and stuff. Thats why I need help. Its an Edelbrock 1406 600CFM with electric choke. Electric choke is hooked up and functioning.

11-16-2008, 12:34 PM
Adam Id get a light and set the timing at about 38deg. total that should be a good start,(im asuming it a S.B.C.)! Setting by ear,,,backing it off till it dosent start hard will get you close but there is so many other thinks that can affect the way it starts( starter, batt, bla,bla,bla bla bla,)!
The carb couldnt be that bad, it's just fuel and air! Ive never personaly worked on a Edelbrock carb, but ive fooled around with a butt load of Q-junks & Holley's alcohol and gas and severall alcohol fuelinjection's So it cant be that hard! As fare as jetting it,cant really do that foot tuning it, that thing has to have some kinda Ideal adjustment screw and a air screw's on it! Doesnt it? get it where it will ideal, screw the air screw's (one at a time) IN slowly till it starts to choke then BACK it out till it does the same and set it in between those two point's, then do the other's (asuming there is more then one)! Then just work them both alittle in and out till it sound good! Wack the throttel a few time during these adjustment's and that should get you pretty close! Know setting the float leavel Id have to see the carb. before I would get into all that! That should get rid of the fire in the exhaust, which can be the timing out of wack, raw fuel geting it the exhaust, or the valves could be not seating, or adjusted to tight!
Just try the timing and the carb tuning and I bet youll see a big difference!