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View Full Version : FRAME REPAIR?? pics

11-12-2008, 04:24 PM
This guy is pretty much giving away this jeep but MY only concern is this section of the frame obviously. Where would I even start going about fixing this?


11-12-2008, 04:38 PM
This guy is pretty much giving away this jeep but MY only concern is this section of the frame obviously. Where would I even start going about fixing this?


i would start by finding someone with good fab skills unless thats you and if it looks that bad there i would look closer at the rest like on the inside of the frame because it would not be uncommen for ther to be more problems

11-12-2008, 04:59 PM
I have decent fabrication abilities I could always learn by trying. The guy said that the rest of the frame is ok , but I am def going to do a good inspection

11-12-2008, 05:01 PM
doesn't look that bad if that's all there is, shouldn't be to hard to weld a couple plates in there.

11-12-2008, 05:55 PM
Yea that is a super easy fix don't freak a couple plates a a couple hours and it will be good as new. I have had to do the same thing to a few CJ frames over the years. Also, make sure you check around the steering box.

11-12-2008, 07:27 PM
Cool that gives me some excitement about getting this jeep. its a 94yj 2.5l ax5 The guy is asking 1200 he says it has some other issues such as the rear end locking up after bout 10 min of driving then it will free back up, brakes? bearings? Its also hard to get into first but shifts fine and the transfer case shifts hard.

11-12-2008, 07:44 PM
Everyone on jeepforum is flipping out saying that It would need a new frame and stuff.

11-12-2008, 07:50 PM
$1200 is too much. I wouldnt pay more than $700 for a 4 banger YJ that NEEDS a decient amount of fab work.

What do you plan on using the Jeep for? If you want the title and tub and plan on building the thing up then cut off the rear section and trim the sheet metal back, add some tubes, and call it a buggy! If you want a mild wheeler that you can daily drive, then you should really look for something else in better condition. Just my opinion...


11-12-2008, 07:58 PM
$1200 is too much. I wouldnt pay more than $700 for a 4 banger YJ that NEEDS a decient amount of fab work.

What do you plan on using the Jeep for? If you want the title and tub and plan on building the thing up then cut off the rear section and trim the sheet metal back, add some tubes, and call it a buggy! If you want a mild wheeler that you can daily drive, then you should really look for something else in better condition. Just my opinion...


Well here is a picture of the jeep the body is in nice shape, my plans are to make a mild streetable rig first.

11-12-2008, 08:29 PM
So is the frame in that one spot the problem? Like no rust anywhere else?

Hmm...I might pay $1000 for that and dump in 5 hours of fab work. Looks like a nice find :cool:


11-12-2008, 10:15 PM
that is VERY common for them to rust there. chop it and fish plate it. i'd check the rear spider gears, they are notorious for that too. it definitely isn't safe as is though, use that as a bargaining point to get him to lower that price, you will lose the rear spring like that trying to drive it as is. simple fix to someone that can weld, but a HUGE expensive looking problem to 99% of the people out there. i wouldn't hesitate on it for under $1000.

11-12-2008, 10:51 PM
that is VERY common for them to rust there. chop it and fish plate it. i'd check the rear spider gears, they are notorious for that too. it definitely isn't safe as is though, use that as a bargaining point to get him to lower that price, you will lose the rear spring like that trying to drive it as is. simple fix to someone that can weld, but a HUGE expensive looking problem to 99% of the people out there. i wouldn't hesitate on it for under $1000.

Sorry for my ignorance what do you mean by fish plate?

11-12-2008, 11:55 PM
I'd buy everyone I could get for that price with that kind of frame rot !!! very easy fix . The rear ..... well it's a D-35 with 4.10's ( a dime a dozen ) . All the AX-5's shift alittle funny ( grind , hard shift when cold ..... ) .

Buy it , fix it , and wheel it or sell it and put some money in your pocket for the next one.

Just google fish plate .... I don't feel like explaining it , but it's simple.

You can sell the hard doors for half the purchase price !!:beers:

11-13-2008, 01:34 AM
only thing that would keep me from buying it is the motor. the frame is an easy fix.

don't drive it home, tow it. use that as a bargaining point as well. it's not road safe in its current state.

11-13-2008, 10:17 AM
only thing that would keep me from buying it is the motor. the frame is an easy fix.

don't drive it home, tow it. use that as a bargaining point as well. it's not road safe in its current state.

Does anyone want to make a few bucks and tow it for me? IT is in houston ohio which is bout 75 miles north of Hamilton. I am unfortunate enough to not have a tow vehicle.

94Dodge Truggy
11-13-2008, 10:48 AM
I may be able to tow it for ya. How much $ are we talkin? My diesel gets bad mileage! :D

11-13-2008, 11:02 AM
Does anyone want to make a few bucks and tow it for me? IT is in houston ohio which is bout 75 miles north of Hamilton. I am unfortunate enough to not have a tow vehicle.

That is literally right across the road from me. I will be traveling to the Lebanon/Red Lion area several times next week. I can get it to there for you for reasonable amount, not sure if I can get it to your home because I will have another employee with me each day.

I checked it out. Definetely needs the frame repair and probably a new rear end. Just pick up another D35 with 4.10s and swap it in or an 8.8 with 4.10s If you keep the D35, keep the shafts out of the current for spares.

I'll PM you my info.

11-13-2008, 03:34 PM
I can tow it if you can cover gas + whatever extra we work out.
I live in Middletown so I'm not too far from ya.

513-317-2314 Call me this evening & we'll work something out.
I'm looking for a torpedo heater if you can get ahold of one?

11-13-2008, 05:24 PM
Well I broke down and bought the jeep today! I think it is definitely worth what I paid for it. Jfiscus and jeephd whoever gets the lowest bid gets to tow it lol jp. Actually I am trying to get a hold of one of my buddies who has a trailer, but I might be getting with you guys soon. I am excited to start tearing stuff down! The rest of the frame was ok I even asked if I could have a hammer to beat on it to make sure no soft spots anywhere and there wasn't other than both side rear obviously.

11-13-2008, 06:48 PM
that is VERY common for them to rust there. .

???? Mine hasnt had any problems. I have never seen frame rot like that on a YJ.

11-13-2008, 09:09 PM
My buddy had a CJ rust out just like that back in 1978 (yeah, I'm an old fart) we found out it was rusted when the shackle ripped loose going up a hill and punched through the gas tank. It was an easy fix once back at home, some box tubing and about six hours of cutting, drilling, welding then just like new or better:beers:

11-13-2008, 09:55 PM
My buddy had a CJ rust out just like that back in 1978 (yeah, I'm an old fart) we found out it was rusted when the shackle ripped loose going up a hill and punched through the gas tank. It was an easy fix once back at home, some box tubing and about six hours of cutting, drilling, welding then just like new or better:beers:

yep! it will take a few hours of metal work!

11-14-2008, 07:30 AM
Well I broke down and bought the jeep today! I think it is definitely worth what I paid for it. Jfiscus and jeephd whoever gets the lowest bid gets to tow it lol jp. Actually I am trying to get a hold of one of my buddies who has a trailer, but I might be getting with you guys soon. I am excited to start tearing stuff down! The rest of the frame was ok I even asked if I could have a hammer to beat on it to make sure no soft spots anywhere and there wasn't other than both side rear obviously.

I saw it was no longer sitting out along the road last night, figured someone bought it. What did you end up getting it for?


11-14-2008, 08:57 AM
???? Mine hasnt had any problems. I have never seen frame rot like that on a YJ.

i concur. CJ's used to rot back there bad, but i have never seen a YJ rot like that. even a salt belt YJ. i have done several repairs like that on CJ's. just completely cut the rear of the frame off, buy some .25 wall or bigger (if you want) rectangle stock thats the same size as the frame, tac it, get it good and straight, then weld it to the existing frame. once your done with that, grind the welds, and fishplate. now is a good time to move your shackle hangers under the frame too. about 25 bucks worth of shackle hangers? and it will give you a little lift in the rear. MAKE SURE to paint it all when your done to help prevent it from happening again. take less than a day to do both sides from my experiance, with 2 people or so. good luck, keep us updated.

11-14-2008, 09:24 AM
Have to admit, I was thinking the same as Tony... haven't seen YJ rot like that...

Congrats on the purchase... Fix, upgrade, break, repeat.

11-14-2008, 11:50 AM
I'm not a Jeep guy but the frame rot in that spot on YJ's seems fairly common, and I know of a couple of guys who have had to fix this issue.

Here is a picture from a YJ that 78Buford bought awhile back....look familiar?:


02-04-2009, 01:52 PM
Yes, this thread is multiple months old...just saw it a few minutes ago. As common as YJ's with rotten frames are, I doubt this will be the last time this thread is viewed.

There are a few other pictures of the rot and the repair at the bottom of this page:



02-04-2009, 05:11 PM
Jeep frames are thin, if I had it to do over I would have built my own frame. Since the one I have is a 1/4 inch it should last a long while. I don't think it would be too hard to build one.

02-04-2009, 05:26 PM
I have fixed two frames in that area , a 93 and a 90 . The 93 frame aslo was very bad under the steering box ( that was not fun !! )

02-04-2009, 05:36 PM
I guess Tony and I were just lucky...

Where was your aftermarket frame from GPER?

For me, it won't matter soon, that whole rear section is getting the axe (grinder).

02-04-2009, 05:44 PM
On a CJ the spring hanger is bolted to the under side of the frame and not inside it like a YJ. It is pretty easy to just cut the YJ spring mount out of the frame and then plate the frame solid. Then drill two holes and mount CJ style spring hangers. You can also just pedrill the holes and weld nuts to the inside of the plating like Jeep did on the CJ's when they were new. It also gives about a 1 1/2" to 2" lift to the back. A little longer shackle in the front will match every thing back up.

02-04-2009, 05:52 PM
I guess Tony and I were just lucky...

Where was your aftermarket frame from GPER?

For me, it won't matter soon, that whole rear section is getting the axe (grinder).

It's a Matkins level III, their customer service sucks. I should have just bought a good welder then. Dealing with them was the biggest mistake I have made.

02-04-2009, 06:00 PM
On a CJ the spring hanger is bolted to the under side of the frame and not inside it like a YJ. It is pretty easy to just cut the YJ spring mount out of the frame and then plate the frame solid. Then drill two holes and mount CJ style spring hangers. You can also just pedrill the holes and weld nuts to the inside of the plating like Jeep did on the CJ's when they were new. It also gives about a 1 1/2" to 2" lift to the back. A little longer shackle in the front will match every thing back up.


02-11-2009, 07:01 PM
any updates ?