View Full Version : got hit today this sucks

02-21-2009, 10:59 PM
going to the trailer this evening. some guy in a chevy truck crossed the double yellow line. 3 feet into my lane. barely missed head on hit my dualy fender tore off the full flare board. im lucky thats all that happened had the whole family in the truck 2 boys and a pregnant wife.
guy never stopped never slowed down.. just kept going. the nerve of some people. dude even lost his side view mirror. happened in the milford area.

now i gotta try to find a dually fender and full flare board. for the driver side. .. hopfully it isnt to hard to find...
its a crew cab dually kinda hard to miss with all the lights on the truck

02-22-2009, 01:50 PM
Glad everyone is ok. At least property can be fixed...

02-22-2009, 11:32 PM
I've heard of this type of thing happening to someone else... (cough: Carwash) unbelievable. Hate to say it, but he probably woke up the next day wondering what the heck he hit.

Glad everyone is OK... might consider asking around at body shops..??

Any axle damage?

Did the hit spin/pull you into opposing traffic lane?

If anyone did that to me while in my truck, the flatbed on the CC DRW would slice through their truck like a can opener...

02-23-2009, 01:14 AM
i was going maybe 35 mph coming to a stop sign...

good news we found the guy and he doesnt have insurance.......

02-23-2009, 04:50 AM
with this economy
we are going to see a lot more of the
No insurance thing..

02-23-2009, 01:02 PM
i was going maybe 35 mph coming to a stop sign...

good news we found the guy and he doesnt have insurance.......

you did file a report with the police .. right !

he will now loose his license for F.R.A. , not that it will help you or keep him from driving but it will cost him in the long run. The court can also sentence him to pay you restitution for the damage, given it may only be a little bit a week but it's better then nothing.

02-23-2009, 06:07 PM
yes we filed a report minutes after he hit us. talking to a lawyer wednessday....

anybody know a good one (lawyer) lol

02-23-2009, 06:09 PM
glad no one was hurt and hope you get some justice
I got hit by an uninsured driver and the cops couldn't do anything even though we had all her info because I failed to pic her out of a picture line up

02-23-2009, 09:24 PM
i dont even know what this guy looks like

02-23-2009, 10:35 PM
anybody know a good one (lawyer) lol

I don't believe that's possible.

(at least not one that handles "plaintiffs' tort cases" which excludes our friend Wilson)


02-23-2009, 11:43 PM
glad no one was hurt and hope you get some justice
I got hit by an uninsured driver and the cops couldn't do anything even though we had all her info because I failed to pic her out of a picture line up

Did you fail to pick the damaged vehicles out of a line up ? being able to ID a driver should have not been an issue . I love hit skips , when I find the vehicle I impound it ! it doesn't get released until I have a driver. It's amazing how that $15.00 a day storage bill starts to weigh on people and after a few days they seem to come in and want to talk :D 9 times out of 10 they were drunk .

02-24-2009, 12:12 AM
It always makes me just smile a little to read your responses Sarge... I believe that you truly enjoy your work...


02-24-2009, 09:38 AM
Several years ago my dad got hit by an uninsured driver (they were parked along the street and pulled out, side-swiping my dad's truck).

The driver was not the owner of the car, but neither her or the owner had insurance. Besides the fines, the judge suspended both of their licenses until they paid back the repair costs.

If you were fully insured then generally your insurance company will take care of all of the legal issues. For my dad his insurance company paid for the repairs on his truck (minus the normal deductible my dad paid) until the legal side was taken care of. They (the insurance company) then refunded the deductible and the uninsured driver made payments directly to the insurance company.

Of course all of the above may be a moot point if you just had liability, but I'm not an insurance expert.

In any case you are lucky to have a police report directly stating the at-fault vehicle. My wife got side-swiped a few years back while parked at a gas station pump. The police didn't want to do a report because it was private property so we got all of his driver's license info, insurance car, plate number, etc...but he then disappeared and were (our insurance company) never able to collect anything. Our insurance company paid for repairs minus the deductible (our of our pocket) and tried a couple of collection agencies (our agent was my wife's brother, so they tried really hard)...apparently the guy passed false insurance and license info to us.

A year or so later my wife's car also got hit by a golf ball and left a nice dent on the roof. We stopped and talked to the lady who did it. She gave us all of her insurance info, then her friends starting getting really *****y...still remember that one stating "I can't believe you want to fix that dent, I just would of kept driving......". The car was literally 3 months off the dealer lot when this happened, I so wanted to take a golf ball and throw it against her new Denali leaving a nice dent and say "okay, we're even now"......

02-24-2009, 12:27 PM
I love stuff that fall from the sky, the CJ has been hit a few times driving by the golf course. My favorite was going in to work across from AK at the reclamation yard. One of the slag haulers were dumping and it blew up and a chunk landed on the hood. I was glad it didn't go threw the soft top.

02-24-2009, 04:05 PM
Uninsured/underinsured coverage would apply. Look at policy declarations page and if there is a premium charge for uninsured/underinsured coverage, turn it in. It doesn't go against your record.

Hope Springs Hauler
02-24-2009, 09:02 PM
My agent said the UI coverage was just for medical claims:confused: Maybe they were wrong but that is what they said.

02-25-2009, 03:46 AM
My agent said the UI coverage was just for medical claims:confused: Maybe they were wrong but that is what they said.

Here's Allstate's blurb:

Auto Insurance
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist
This coverage option helps pay for medical expenses, and damage to your car, caused by a driver who has little to no insurance.
Click here
This Coverage Is Divided Into Two Parts

* Bodily Injury Coverage — may pay medical expenses for you, your passengers, or any family members who might be driving the car when bodily injuries are caused by an uninsured or underinsured driver.
* Property Damage Coverage — pays for damages to your car caused by an uninsured or underinsured driver. (This coverage is not available in all states.)

So your agent may be right that UM no longer covers property in Ohio. This is why I don't do tort cases. Yuck! :eek:

02-25-2009, 05:59 PM
the time I got hit a cop came and said we could handle it on our own insted of giving her a ticket so being a nice guy I agreed (never do that again) she had an insurance card but it was no good so when she didn't pay me like she said she would I filed an acsedent report had her drivers liceece no. name phone number but they couldn't do anything becouse I couldn't pic her out of the picture line up

02-25-2009, 06:19 PM
I guess with todays cell phones it would be best to take pictures of said offenders. That way you could pick them out.

02-25-2009, 07:27 PM
And I'm sure the damage to her car was already taken care of so there was zero evidence for the police to go on. If you wrote down her DL # and got one number off you could be blaming someone that wasn't even there. That is why they wanted you to pick her out of a line up , and the fact that she more then likely denied the crash.
Never .... I mean NEVER exchange info with someone with out a police report unless you know them or unless you are on private property and have no other choice.

02-26-2009, 12:08 AM
But he had the woman's name n number, too.

Oh well. Moral: people suck, and the system is insuffient to handle them...


02-26-2009, 09:52 PM