View Full Version : CRAWL Magazine gone?

94Dodge Truggy
03-03-2009, 05:49 PM
I have not recieved a magazine in a while. Last I heard the 2 owners had some issues (issues=funny:eek: ) with each other and may be selling out. Anyone heard what is up? Maybe this would be a good time to start my own magazine. :beers:

03-03-2009, 05:52 PM
I have not recieved a magazine in a while. Last I heard the 2 owners had some issues (issues=funny:eek: ) with each other and may be selling out. Anyone heard what is up? Maybe this would be a good time to start my own magazine. :beers:

they cut back to a few LARGE issues. instead of the reg monthly or bimonthy, whatever it was. i was always surprised when i got a new one in the mail. they sent a letter out with an issue a few months ago explaining everything.

03-03-2009, 09:32 PM
i never got the letter either? last i heard, dip**** tim peile) was seperated from teh company, and brandon was going to try and give it a go as soon as everything was setteled with the courts. i pm'ed tim a month or 2 back and thanked him for what he did. he sent me back a few nice pm's reinforcing my thoughts of his douchebaggery.

03-09-2009, 04:36 PM
i started a thread last week on pirate about this. its been seven months since my 3 year subscription payment was processed. never seen a single mag. and now the number and email address provided are both no longer working contacts. i know theve moved buildings and all. but im still pretty upset about it all. ive been buying it on the rack when i see it there. such a good magazine, its a shame. rob

07-07-2009, 11:15 AM
Saw this on a couple other boards -- thought I'd share.

For Immediate Release:
CRAWL2 Media LLC announces acquisition of CRAWL Magazine title; resumption of publishing slated for Fall 2009

Montesano, WA, June 29, 2009 – CRAWL2 Media, LLC, owner of recently acquired CRAWL Magazine, the leading hardcore off-road publication in North America, today announced its intent to resume publishing with its first issue this Fall, 2009.

“I’m extremely excited, as well as humbled, by the wide range of support over the last several months,” said John Herrick, publisher of the magazine. “It’s obvious that CRAWL has a special place with the hardcore off-roader and bringing it back has been a labor of love. My goal is to build long term relationships, based on trust, with our vendors, advertisers and readers.” Ian Johnson, host of Spike TV’s weekly Xtreme 4x4 program, has become a part of the ownership team running CRAWL2 Media. Larry Nickell brings his deep business background to the group as a partner and associate publisher. Brandon Foster, the award winning photographer, will act as creative consultant.

For over 3 years, CRAWL has set the standard for creative writing and stunning photography. The new ownership team will continue that focus while bringing sustainable business direction to this independent publishing voice.

Information Contact:
John Herrick

Larry Nickell
Associate Publisher

07-08-2009, 04:01 PM
thanx for the update. going on 11 months since ive sent in my dues and never got the mag. actually went to the cc co and tried to dispute the charges for the subscription, since theyve never come. cc co told me its too late, i only have 2 months to make a claim. even after i provided them with the emails from crawl saying "hold on, its comin". and soon after that crawl contact info was no good. really do enjoy the mag, hope to see it again.

for the record, when i was in georgia, i saw crawl on the bookstore shelf, but it was the same issue i had gotten locally 5 months ago