View Full Version : Stinky exhaust.

03-15-2009, 02:06 PM
My jeep and my truck both have pretty smelly exhaust. both dont have converters. Is this the solution?

03-15-2009, 02:41 PM
Wrap exhaust in bacon, then it will smell better and breakfast will be ready too.:D

03-15-2009, 04:33 PM
My jeep and my truck both have pretty smelly exhaust. both dont have converters. Is this the solution?

does it smell like chit? or like burnt plastic or what? what specifically does ti small like?

03-15-2009, 04:45 PM
does it smell like chit? or like burnt plastic or what? what specifically does ti small like?

Well I dont know how to explain it but if you have ever been behind an older car or truck you know the smell. If I stand next to my 2000 F-250 it just doesnt have that exhausty smell that my 78 F-150 or my Yj has.

03-15-2009, 05:11 PM
Well I dont know how to explain it but if you have ever been behind an older car or truck you know the smell. If I stand next to my 2000 F-250 it just doesnt have that exhausty smell that my 78 F-150 or my Yj has.

how new are the pipes? new pipes can stink? other than that.. old cars and trucks ofte small like burnt oil. i would guess they are both burning some oil, or maybe even just galvanizing or somehting off the pipes them selves, or even rust of they have been sitting a while.

03-15-2009, 07:16 PM
Yeah, that nasty gas-n-rotten-egg smell.

I'd say your hunch was right: the missing cat is probably the difference.

It's an easy fix, just not a cheap one!

Good luck...
