View Full Version : Natural Bridge Info...meeting Notice!!!
03-26-2009, 05:37 AM
...............................Copy from another board.............................
March 25, 2009
Dear Reader:
I am writing to let you know about the next opportunity to meet and discuss the Natural Bridge Watershed of the Cumberland Ranger District in Menifee, Powell, and Wolfe Counties. We will be getting together on Thursday, April 2, 2009 at 6:00 pm at the Powell County Lion’s Club Park located on KY Highway 615 (North Bend Road) in Stanton, KY. This meeting will focus on access management (roads, trails, etc.) projects in the watershed. This meeting will be the first of at least three we will have between now and the end of September 2009.
I was very pleased with the turn-out at our meeting last September and also with the discussions we had. I hope to continue these on the 2nd. Should you have questions or need directions feel free to contact Jeffrey Lewis at 606-784-6428 ext 101. I look forward to seeing you there.
/s/James D. Manner
District Ranger
I want to Encourage Everyone who can to attend this meeting. You now know as much as I do regarding this.
Cliff Planck
03-26-2009, 08:08 AM
I'm gonna try to make it. Anyone else going?
94Dodge Truggy
03-26-2009, 09:02 AM
I work till 5pm.
03-26-2009, 09:05 AM
I work till 5pm.
i have to admit i have seen you work the last couple times ive been in your shop but the till 5 part. :rolleyes:
03-26-2009, 09:10 AM
I work till 5pm.
You'll take off work early to go wheel, but not to attend a meeting to help keep the area open? :D
94Dodge Truggy
03-26-2009, 09:33 AM
You'll take off work early to go wheel, but not to attend a meeting to help keep the area open? :D
I am controlled by the govt. Taking off at 3:30 friday and 3:30 thursday is a bit different unfortunately. I have to work this sunday to make up for getting off at 3:30. What else can I say my boss is a :mad: ! If you really want me to come down to the meeting I will see what I can do but it will be extremely difficult. May have to take the quick ride and try to set a new record to the gorge without breaking any laws of course as I never would do.
03-26-2009, 09:58 AM
I am controlled by the govt. Taking off at 3:30 friday and 3:30 thursday is a bit different unfortunately. I have to work this sunday to make up for getting off at 3:30. What else can I say my boss is a :mad: ! If you really want me to come down to the meeting I will see what I can do but it will be extremely difficult. May have to take the quick ride and try to set a new record to the gorge without breaking any laws of course as I never would do.
oh heck truggy, I'm just yanking your chain. i don't expect anyone else to take off work to go. i have tons of vacation time, so i'll just burn some for this. i've been wanting to get involved in land use for awhile, so this is the perfect opportunity. someplace i've been (versus tellico) and i think i can actually find on my own (everyone knows i can get lost in my own backyard). no harm, no foul. relax...
03-26-2009, 10:59 AM
oh my cant we all just get along :mad: i think its all a great idea to support when and where we can because it is a fact that our sport is being shut down by alot of missinformed people (and the idiots that do exist making things look bad for the rest of us ) so it is good when we can make a pressance and explain our side of things. so with that said i will do my best to attend also but being newly self imployed i need to work when the work is there also.
94Dodge Truggy
03-26-2009, 12:01 PM
fabricator could they move the meeting back to 7pm ?
03-26-2009, 03:41 PM
Not for sure but...
I am sure it is a public meeting
Has allready been made public, put in newspapers and such.
Room allready been set up
So I would say..." not "
03-26-2009, 04:00 PM
I am controlled by the govt. Taking off at 3:30 friday and 3:30 thursday is a bit different unfortunately. I have to work this sunday to make up for getting off at 3:30. What else can I say my boss is a :mad: ! If you really want me to come down to the meeting I will see what I can do but it will be extremely difficult. May have to take the quick ride and try to set a new record to the gorge without breaking any laws of course as I never would do.
My best time so far is 1:45 from Loveland to the Slade Exit. :D
Honda CRX, That car just tried to get me into trouble!:evilgrin:
03-26-2009, 07:46 PM
This is just off the Stanton exit, about 2 miles. There will be other land users there as well as off roaders, horse riders, oil company reps, hikers, etc., (or at least that is how the last meeting turned out).
94Dodge Truggy
03-26-2009, 08:51 PM
My best time so far is 1:45 from Loveland to the Slade Exit. :D
Honda CRX, That car just tried to get me into trouble!:evilgrin:
In a big block honda CRX? :rolleyes:
03-26-2009, 10:33 PM
In a big block honda CRX? :rolleyes:
I did Cincinnati to Denver (1300 miles) in 16 hours in the same CRX.
It hit 70,000 and pretty much fell into peaces. :D
jamie L
03-27-2009, 07:56 AM
Im sure someone has already, but if anyone belongs to other websites or threads, please pass along the meeting date and time.
04-03-2009, 10:08 AM
Took me 1 1/2 hours in a Sentra. Mom went with me, she now wants to go on a trail run. That's just great stuff. I'll post a summary or will report on it at the meeting Monday.
PS Thanks Casey for the directions, etc!
jamie L
04-03-2009, 07:47 PM
Lisa, I'm sure I speek for all, but, thank you for taking the time to go to the meeting and represent CORE.
04-08-2009, 09:51 AM
I'll preface this post with a couple things: (1) I did not attend this representing CORE as a whole, as I hadn't discussed with our members that that was what was wanted. I can going forward, but want to have the majority agreeing this is the path. (2) I believe the subject of land use is something that is worthy of the investment of time. You can agree with me or not, that is the beauty of where we live. If you don't agree, don't read this. I am however always open to constructive feedback.
Meeting Summary from Cliff of Trailkeepers:
The Format was not the typical Open House, where Forestry already has all of their exhibits and recommended options already laid out. Instead, This was more of a Roundtable format, where those in attendance were encouraged to give input and provide ideas and recommendations for future projects and work.
The main exhibit at this meeting was a map detailing the Inventoried Roads in the Area. Unfortunately, many of the trails we ride are not on the Inventoried System. We discussed some criteria on how to get these trails on the "Official" Maps. We also discussed what WE would like as far as trail conditions.
Some discussions dealt with known problem areas, and potential ways to mitigate the problems, or modify the trail/road to ensure it can be maintained and still be environmentally friendly.
In future meetings, we must provide actual project ideas and give our envsioned plan for the area.
The Next meeting was scheduled for
Thursday May 7th at 6:00 PM.
Same Location
Cliff Planck
My viewpoint of the meeting:
I've been involved in this sport a mere couple of years. I've seen places that I've heard people rave about be lost and want to try to help stem that loss. Right, wrong, or otherwise, we find ourselves in the awkward situation of having to 'fight' for use of land that we have been utilizing for many many years prior to today.
There were perhaps 20 people in attendance. As Cliff said, it was more of a roundtable discussion versus a presentation of a plan. Hearing their issues/ideas and presenting feedback or challenges that we as a group saw within those issues/ideas and visa versa. Trying to understand their perceived issue with our use of the land; and trying to help them understand our position regarding the land.
I honestly felt that we, as offroaders, were being given a chance to not only make a difference in the direction of the decisions but to influence their perception of an "offroader". It felt like suggestions we made were being given true thought and not just brushed off. That we could meet halfway towards a solution instead of being told the solution. Realizing that compromise may be needed from both sides to attain this.
Would love to have others attend the meeting in May. I understand though that it is a work day and 3 hrs from most people. So I realize that this will be impossible for some and improbable for others to attend. If you can manage to make it, would love to have your voice.
Here's the website for the Forest Service:
I thank you for you effort and you can volunteer me from labor work to operating a bulldozer (as long as they have the equipment) to help them maintain the areas.
04-09-2009, 07:52 AM
I thank you for you effort and you can volunteer me from labor work to operating a bulldozer (as long as they have the equipment) to help them maintain the areas.
Will do. Let's hope we can get us to a place where that is a viable option. Keep ya posted.
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