View Full Version : Lug Nut seized!!

04-27-2009, 12:50 AM
I went to take the rear wheels of my XJ so I can start doing the lift and some other stuff today and found out that all five nuts on the driver side are Seized and one on the pass. side. The pass. side one I just used a air hammer and beat it till it was gone and I will replace the lug but the others are just to many to beat off. I mean I beat a socket two sizes small on one and put a 24" breaker bar with another 24" bar on it and it just stripped it around and I put a bend in my new breaker bar! :mad: Then my BIG Impact beat it till the socket was to hot to touch and nothing but stripping! I do not won't to spend a week Drilling them all out any help? Used PB blaster I used everything but heating them up and going to sears and looking for a 19mm stripped nut extractor or whatever they are What do you guys recommend? Were can I get a nut splitter that will fit into the deeper wheels?

04-27-2009, 01:53 AM

what axle are we talking about here...? any way to get the hub off and grind them from the other side?

04-27-2009, 05:09 AM
If you have steel wheels or dont care about the rim you should be able to use a good impact wrench to shear them off by over tighting the lugnuts.
But if you have aluminium rims you could damage the rims.

soak with oil is the only other posibility ?????


04-27-2009, 07:25 AM
If it has drum brakes pull the axle out and grind the back off the studs drive them out and replace them

04-27-2009, 03:04 PM
If it has drum brakes pull the axle out and grind the back off the studs drive them out and replace them

I hope to not have to do that but if it comes to it I will! They are recessed in the rims so I can't just grind them off or I would have already. I may try on of those lug nut extractors but they are $25 I'd have to take it back after and get my money back Ha. Or I'll just drill!:(

04-27-2009, 05:51 PM
Take a cut off wheel and cut an ''X" right down the middle of the nut and stud. Cut down as close to the wheel as you can without touching it. Then they'll spin right off! You'll have to replace them oviously,but it sounds like they need replaced anyway

04-27-2009, 06:06 PM
Take a cut off wheel and cut an ''X" right down the middle of the nut and stud. Cut down as close to the wheel as you can without touching it. Then they'll spin right off! You'll have to replace them oviously,but it sounds like they need replaced anyway

They are recessed in the rims There is no WAY to reach them with a cut off wheel!

04-27-2009, 08:37 PM
So here's what gets me... :confused:

I asked you what kind of axle... no answer.
Shawn made mention of the differences in wheel material... no indication what you're scratching your head staring at...

We're giving you ideas about how to fix this problem with less than 1/4 of the information that we could really use to help you (not to mention a few quick pictures of the situation), and you're the one that is yelling at us...

You might be the first person on my ignore list ever.

04-27-2009, 08:39 PM
Put away the hammers and cutting wheels!

If you're going to replace the studs/nuts anyway, heat them up with a rosebud and then try the impact.

Good luck.

04-27-2009, 08:47 PM
The problem is that I have a suspicion that his wheels are Aluminum (the "recessed" thing), although he's yet to tell us that, and he would end up melting them.

04-27-2009, 08:49 PM
So here's what gets me... :confused:

I asked you what kind of axle... no answer.
Shawn made mention of the differences in wheel material... no indication what you're scratching your head staring at...

We're giving you ideas about how to fix this problem with less than 1/4 of the information that we could really use to help you (not to mention a few quick pictures of the situation), and you're the one that is yelling at us...

You might be the first person on my ignore list ever.I kind of felt the same way:rolleyes:

04-27-2009, 09:43 PM

You might be the first person on my ignore list ever.

You may be onto something here!

Hope Springs Hauler
04-27-2009, 10:03 PM
I got a better Idea.

Unbolt the ubolts from the leaves, remove the axle.

NO more stuck lug nuts:p

04-27-2009, 10:50 PM
Well I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings but I didn't even mean for that to be in all caps and as for pics there is nothing to see they still look like a wheel with all the lug nuts on it you can't even tell if they are stripped. So I'm sorry but I have spent the last two days trying to get these lugs off because some r-tard put on lug nuts that after close inspection of the ones that did come off, look to be to damn small! I got the Pass side wheel off today cause I only had one seized lug so I drilled it out and found about 6 over stupid things I have to fix before I can even get started (like only one rear shock which is held on with pull ties cause the bolt has been broken half off!!)I didn't tell you which axle cause until today I had not even checked it and It is a D35 and the wheels are aluminum. As for the recessed thing It was in the post right above NUTS I hope to not have to do that but if it comes to it I will! They are recessed in the rims so I can't just grind them off or I would have already. I may try on of those lug nut extractors but they are $25 I'd have to take it back after and get my money back Ha. Or I'll just drill! . So you can add me to your ignore list if you want but some times I'll ask a question and put in the info and I fell like people just do a quick read and just throw out and answers without reading all the posts. Pulling the axle shaft would be the end all beat all last thing I would want to do but I think I have got enough input to get them off. Again I'm sorry if I hurt anyones feelings I didn't know you guys were so sensitive.

04-27-2009, 11:02 PM
It's all good, we're just trying to help.. blind.

It just goes to show that a picture is worth a thousand words... I still want to see this thing.

Why so vehement about taking the shaft out? Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but some cover bolts, a little oil, a C-clip and the thing slips right out, No?

04-27-2009, 11:51 PM
weld a much larger, cleaner, newer nut to the end of it.

go buy a bigger breaker buy, or a better one for that matter.

slide a 3-4 foot piece of tube over the breaker bar and remove them.

if they don't come, heat them till they are close to glowing, then they will come off, or twist off all together.

good luck.

04-28-2009, 12:08 AM
point taken about posters not reading through the whole thing... :eek:

04-28-2009, 01:20 AM
I have always seen the axle's come out by bumping over a log
similar to the size of a speedbump
you'll hear a snap and the whole axle comes right out
well.....most of it.
it's like magic.

04-28-2009, 07:23 AM
I have always seen the axle's come out by bumping over a log
similar to the size of a speedbump
you'll hear a snap and the whole axle comes right out
well.....most of it.
it's like magic.

now thats funny right there :beers:

04-28-2009, 01:03 PM
i would agree that putting any effort into a d35 seems pointless but you could have the axle out in like 15 mins with hand tools and that would also give you a chance to change the gear oil and inspect the diff to see if you will be expecting any implossion in the near future. that way you can get to the studs on the axle and will not harm your wheels at all. i know it sounds like alot of work but it is really a quit simple solution.

04-28-2009, 01:59 PM
Ok I think I'll give it a try then. I just didn't want it to be this big of a deal ya know!? But right now I just want it done.

04-28-2009, 04:22 PM
I started on it and realized it was not a d35 it is a C8.25! I'm stupid but at least that is a little good news for once! But they use the same c-clip crap as well, right?

04-29-2009, 12:26 AM
Used a BIG drill and got the one on the pass. side off But all five on the driver side or still ****ed! Here is a pic If any one wants to see.
driver side
Pass. side before drill two nights ago!
And one of the rear axle

04-29-2009, 01:15 AM
are those drum brakes? if so don't you have to pull the axle to replace the old studs or is there enough room behind the axle flange to get a new stud put in?

94Dodge Truggy
04-29-2009, 09:13 AM
Wondering if a 1/4 stick of TNT would loosen up the nuts? :eek:

Bear Chow
04-29-2009, 10:58 AM
I would just weld a good nut to the end of each one of those lug nuts and prepare myself to spend money on new ones. (they do get pricey when you add them up) If you can't do that is the vehicle mobile? I'm sure a goodyear, tire discounter, or even walmart would be happy to exchange some dollars for some labor.

04-29-2009, 03:36 PM
I would just weld a good nut to the end of each one of those lug nuts and prepare myself to spend money on new ones. (they do get pricey when you add them up) If you can't do that is the vehicle mobile? I'm sure a goodyear, tire discounter, or even walmart would be happy to exchange some dollars for some labor.

I may just do that! take it and say I can't get them off and not tell them that they are stripped, seized, and completely ****afied!http://www.jeepsunlimited.com/forums/images/smilies/grayno.gif

Bear Chow
04-29-2009, 03:58 PM
No matter what you bring them, they have seen worst.

04-29-2009, 05:40 PM
Drill it out ... carbide faced masonry bit if a regular cobalt/HSS twist drill has problems dealing with the stud material.

Step drill up to something close to the dia. of the stud ....then drive a hex bodied chisel into the hole ... put adjustable wrench on the hex body and work whats left of the nut/stud in various directions until metal fatigue becomes your friend...enjoy

04-29-2009, 09:56 PM
Thanks for all the help guys and I'll let you know when and how I get them off!

04-30-2009, 06:53 AM
And don't forget the anti seize the next time around.

04-30-2009, 06:43 PM
Huh? Are we talkng about the factory nuts here? The ones with the crappy stamped cover on them? Hard to tell from your pics. If so split the cover off with a chisle, drive the smallest socket on the actual nut (usually metric) and turn 'em off. It's hard for me to believe you could drive a socket two sizes smaller than the nut if it's a solid nut.

05-01-2009, 12:18 AM
Huh? Are we talkng about the factory nuts here? The ones with the crappy stamped cover on them? Hard to tell from your pics. If so split the cover off with a chisle, drive the smallest socket on the actual nut (usually metric) and turn 'em off. It's hard for me to believe you could drive a socket two sizes smaller than the nut if it's a solid nut.
Believe what you want but I did. Trust me No One wants these off more than I do! So I have no reason to lie. I tryed drilling into one and using a hex socket hammered it in there and snap one snap two snap three sockets your out! Then came the rain!