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View Full Version : Trenton City Wide

05-10-2009, 10:01 PM
I assume some of you Trentonites are preparing for the city wide garage sale, Sarge, and others.

I was just wondering if you guys do setup and what kind of luck you have. My fiancee lives on Sycamore right next to the apts. We are going to be setting out some stuff and hopefully selling it.

For those who don't know, Trenton as a city puts on a city wide garage sale. Half of the sales are some hillbillies with a lot of junk but others are really good.

94Dodge Truggy
05-10-2009, 10:38 PM
Is this saturday and sunday?

05-11-2009, 05:32 PM
I guess I will chime in here , The sale is supposed to be Sat. and Sun. but it starts Friday . You can sell anything at this event . We have one every year , traffic sucks but alot of folks just park ( legally :cool: ) and walk. The City will have it's auction on Sat. morning at the City Building . I have about 15 vehicles going , mostly junk . I'm out of town on business all week but will be back on Friday and at the PD preparing the vehicles , so if anyone wants to look at any of them pre-auction let me know.