View Full Version : have 2 questions

05-19-2009, 07:42 PM
#1 truck in Park T-case in 4 low rear axil no play at all front axil has play is this normal or should the front be tight also ????

#2 truck lights pulsate when running they are steady when not running Altenator was checked out Ok at autozone Battery checked out ok on batery tester at home any thoughts ???????

Hope Springs Hauler
05-19-2009, 09:01 PM
#1 - OK
#2 - Voltage regulator

05-19-2009, 09:05 PM
as far as your first question we would need to know where you are feeling this play and how you are duplicating it.

second did you take the battery and alternator off to have them checked if so then i would say that you have a poor connection or faulty battery cables bad ground etc.

dont know if this helps but maybe it will get people thinking

05-19-2009, 09:28 PM
as far as your first question we would need to know where you are feeling this play and how you are duplicating it.

second did you take the battery and alternator off to have them checked if so then i would say that you have a poor connection or faulty battery cables bad ground etc.

dont know if this helps but maybe it will get people thinking

Very impressive Lisa.:eek: :D

05-19-2009, 09:42 PM
the drive shaft in the front will turn maybe 1/4 inch or so where the rear will not move at all

Hope Springs Hauler

will check the voltage regulater may just go get one it's only $16.99

Thanks all

05-20-2009, 08:09 AM
#1 - probably not an issue. Did you only try this once, as in not moving the truck slightly and checking both the front and rear again? The diffs will always have a small amount of play if you try to turn the driveshafts while the truck is sitting still. The ring and pinions, if properly setup, should have a small amount of backlash between them (meaning the pinion can turn a very slight amount before meshing with the ring gear).

#2 - I would also check the wiring for loose connections or a bad ground, especially before spending any money.....a part may only be $16.99 but if you don't need it that is the same as throwing $16.99 out the window while you drive down the freeway.

05-20-2009, 05:25 PM
true it hass all new batter cables I need to look at the voltage reulater and check them wires