06-04-2009, 10:42 PM
I'm running a Vortec 4.3,T350 w/stock converter,stock yota case and a stock dana 300, with 5;71s in yota axles, 4 piston toyota calipers front and rear, and the lightweight brake line kit from speeway motors.,1993.html
I'm also using wilwoods dual master cyl kit
It takes everything I have to stop it in high range and I can almost stop in single low, but with both cases in low, which is around 4;56 to 1, it crawls through the brakes, even at idle. I've bled the lines over and over and the pedal is solid, so I don't think thats the problem.
I'm wondering if the plastic brake lines aren't big enough to move enough fluid to move the calipers. Or is it just over geared and will never stop without going to neutral?,1993.html
I'm also using wilwoods dual master cyl kit
It takes everything I have to stop it in high range and I can almost stop in single low, but with both cases in low, which is around 4;56 to 1, it crawls through the brakes, even at idle. I've bled the lines over and over and the pedal is solid, so I don't think thats the problem.
I'm wondering if the plastic brake lines aren't big enough to move enough fluid to move the calipers. Or is it just over geared and will never stop without going to neutral?