View Full Version : the lake at slade

mike shelton
06-26-2009, 05:48 AM
ok, heres whats going on. the lake with the steel peer where we walk out on is on privatye land. owned by a nice guy in irvine. he owns a lot of land around there. he does not care for us riding on most of it. but some atv owners have been rideing on the dam at the lake and this is a no no. the e.p.a has been onto him about this problum and told him he would be in big trouble if something happened because of this problum. now he is no going to take this laying down. either we stop the atv,s on the dam or he will stop us from riding on his land alltogether. he dug a big rutt a few years ago to try and stop it but, some just don,t care.. please if you see anyone on the dam ask them to stop. a few local fellows are going there todat to put up a fence and a big sign at their own expence. so please help with this. thx gabby