View Full Version : Grand Prize for 09 Benefit

07-08-2009, 02:26 PM
As it stands for now, the GRAND PRIZE for the 09 Benefit will be a SMITTYBUILT XRC8000 # WINCH W/Roller Fairlead donated by ROBERT HEATH CONTRACTING. Raffel tickets will be sold during the event and the drawing will be at 4:00 pm.

We still need other items to be raffeled off or awarded as door prizes for anyone who registeres there vehicles at the event, so please pass on a event flyer to anyone who could donate items to help the KIDS of THE ONE WAY FARM.:D

07-08-2009, 02:42 PM
That is awesome!!! It will look kickin on the front of a cute little purple car...

If you need an incentive to join us...here it is!!!

PS Must be present to win