View Full Version : Benefit attendees - Need your help

08-13-2009, 11:36 AM
Although this year's event is barely under our belts, we have begun discussions around next years event. However, I'm asking for some input from you to ensure we can make next years even bigger and better.

So tell me...What did you like about this years event? What didn't you like? What kind of worked but would be better if something changed? If you didn't want to participate in the events, what events would have enticed you to do so? What did you think of our classes for the Show n Shine? Did you eat on site?

The feedback from last years gave us the idea to have port-a-potties on site and have food available at Barn n Bunk for purchase. So we listen to what you have to say and appreciate your taking the time to help us make this event better. If for any reason, you're more comfortable communicating in a PM, please feel free to contact me directly. Thanks so much for taking the time to help us.

jamie L
08-13-2009, 12:21 PM
I thought overall the event went great! I think we need to pick commities and get started much earlier with sponsors and advertising the event. Also, just trying to think of more ways at the event we can raise more money. Rides, more raffles (more sponsors), activities etc. ?

08-13-2009, 12:43 PM
Those are all questions that we, along with Barn n Bunk, will work toward in defining the event for next year.

08-13-2009, 02:06 PM
Just some thoughts, not complaining in any way, just trying to help.

We came down with a group of 4 jeeps and we all live a little over an hour and a half a way.

Parking - It worked out in the end, but there was a bit of confusion on where to park since we didn't participate in the $15 fee, but instead contributed more to the raffles. My suggestion would be to allow any 4x4 vehicles to park in show area, but designate two areas or have a smaller fee for those not wanting to do the RTI, car crush etc. Maybe I am cheap, but at least throwing $20 in the raffles, I felt like I had a chance at something, as I am sure I wouldn't have won anything in the show.

Promoting - I think your best bet at generating more for the charity is increasing attendence. Get people out with flyers to other events in the area. If you have flyers done earlier, I can get them out to the Rally for Life in May, which we are pushing around 200 jeep in attendence. Most people are going to come in willing to spend a certain amount, so I don't think trying to get more out of those that attend is going to get you very far, but getting more in attendence will.

Food - Sorry, we took a break in the A/C and went to Yardbirds. It was a great idea to have food on site and the cost was reasonable.

Raffle - We generate a lot from raffle at the Rally for Life. More prizes, big prizes, more chances to win, really increases ticket sales. I think we do $1 a ticket or $10 for arms length.

08-13-2009, 02:10 PM
It's a nice event you have going over there. If you like I can help hook you up with larger sponsors that would bring thier semi-trailer booth/displays. like 4 Wheel Hardware, Michelin Tire, and even Jeep. We use to have them at the MB's Jeep Jams. Might want to add something for the younger kids? I heard someone mension an inflatable ball pit??

Just some thought, but you know anything comming from my brain is bound to be pretty twisted up :D

08-13-2009, 02:36 PM
Parking - It worked out in the end, but there was a bit of confusion on where to park since we didn't participate in the $15 fee, but instead contributed more to the raffles.

Food - Sorry, we took a break in the A/C and went to Yardbirds. It was a great idea to have food on site and the cost was reasonable.

Raffle - We generate a lot from raffle at the Rally for Life. More prizes, big prizes, more chances to win, really increases ticket sales. I think we do $1 a ticket or $10 for arms length.

Was hoping you'd offer some suggestions...was gonna hit you on your board otherwise. Parking kinda confused everyone. Until you asked me about it, didn't really think much about it. Last minute decision and apparently not well communicated. :o Definitely a separate discussion point for next year.
How was the wait at Yardbirds this year? I gave them a heads up we'd be in the area and hope it helped them plan staff.
We're planning on a separate donation committee next year, to ensure we have more stuff for prizes. Plan is to start early in the year, which pocket books are fiscal year fresh. :D

It's a nice event you have going over there. If you like I can help hook you up with larger sponsors that would bring thier semi-trailer booth/displays. like 4 Wheel Hardware, Michelin Tire, and even Jeep. We use to have them at the MB's Jeep Jams. Might want to add something for the younger kids? I heard someone mension an inflatable ball pit??

I'll add you to the people to contact for help re:donation list. :D Kids games are something being discussed...more to come.

08-13-2009, 02:40 PM
How was the wait at Yardbirds this year?

No wait, service, food, and drink was great

08-13-2009, 09:09 PM
I liked the way you had little 'mini' raffles every hour. I think that helped to keep folks interested and paying attention. The r/c 'track' looked pretty cool. Maybe Santa Claus willl bring me something like that to play with next year.


08-13-2009, 09:33 PM
As a first time visitor, I thought the event was great and I'm looking forward to next year.


Focus on charity. I was impressed by the number of raffle winners who gave their winnings back!
Parking on grass was great for spending the day. Lot less oppressive than asphalt or concrete in the heat.
Having multiple groups (CORE, TS, etc.) made for a great turnout and a nice variety of rigs to look at and steal ideas
Food was certainly affordable; actually, it was surprisingly cheap for a charity event


It wasn't clear how to get into the show/parking area. Made a couple of passes before someone in the B&B lot point the way.
How about adding an early morning trail ride or poker run to the event
Sign in with your BBS user name and name tags (If you go beyond a one-day event or add a dinner.) Interesting to put a face to a name.
For non-members, add an info kit to the sign in materials. Upcoming events, membership info, etc.
Get more participation from off-road vendors (e.g. Haspin, Eastern Welding Supply, BFG, etc.) There's lots of bucks in the rigs that showed up.
Finally, you didn't pick my raffle ticket! (I'm assuming that you'll fix that next year.)

Thanks for the event!


08-13-2009, 11:26 PM
Heard talk that we may get a mud pit next year.

Look forward to particiapating in that.

Unfortunately my rig was unable to make it this year (PRO) but I enjoyed how we desinated and roped off the car crush and rti, (CON) think we need to do better at keeping spectators outside the tape for safety purposes.

(CON) Certain areas still unable to hear the sound system.

Look forward to next years event!!

Any word on the women who passed out at the show???

08-14-2009, 09:16 AM
Womans fine !

Trial ride ????? that is a possibility ! I was thinking of somehow doing a Creek run , If you take your time it takes about an hour to run the Elk Creek from a buddys house to the Trestle . Mostly stock rigs could do it with out much problem . nothing really hard , just a good run down the creek . Just an idea and may not be doable do to legal issues and what not .......

08-14-2009, 09:26 AM
I heard mention of two day event, what about packing up at 4:00 and a group heading to Haspin to campout and cookout, then wheel Sunday (or Sat. night). Could make a little extra on charging to eat at the cookout. Might also get more involved in the show Sunday.

Shine em up for Saturday, and get them back in character on Sunday!

Maybe a steak dinner or something yummy for the evening!