View Full Version : Plastic brake lines.

09-08-2009, 07:10 PM
I know there was a thread some time ago but I also know that some people are running them since then. How are theyworking out? i think I need to get rid of my 3/16 lines and increase to 1/4 so looking into different options.

09-08-2009, 07:52 PM
What makes you think you need more volume tony?

If you don't have the m/c bore to push that much fluid, you will do worse than you are now. Also, the plastic lines hold the same amount or possibly less fluid than 3/16 metal lines.

The plastic brake lines are fine for some, they are going to require a lot of adapter fittings if your mc and calipers and prop valve all have double inverted flare fittings. On my buggy, all my stuff was 1/8 npt so it was great.

I ended up not using them, and just now sold both sets i had to a guy on the board here, eclipseThis his name is or something.

The jury on them is about 50% for and against the lines in general. some guys have run them for years and years witn no problems. other guys say they have had all kinds of failures, etc.

Go to pirate and search for it, there are a few very informative threads on it. Some will call you a retard if you run them, others will be happy you joined the scary brakes club.

09-08-2009, 08:50 PM
I'm an old school kind of guy so brakes would not be a place I would try something new on. I still won't put the string on my winch, when cranes come with it then I will think about it.

09-08-2009, 10:10 PM
I've got them and I'm about 90% sure I'm gonna change to metal lines. There are some things I want to try before I give up though. Overall they feel solid and stop real well, but there have been a few times the pedal would go to the floor, and the brakes wouldn't work. It felt like a line got ripped off so I checked,they were all still there. When I got back in the brakes worked perfect again. I don't know if they were expanding or if there is just air trapped somewhere. But everytime its happened I've been in a spot where I REALLY needed them and almost flipped 2 twice because of it.

09-09-2009, 09:39 PM
Well I have the Vette master cyl. and it has 1/4 inch taps on it. I bushed them down to 3/16 to work with the lines I already have. Replaced my rear calipers and while it was still on jackstands and the rear tires were off I put it in gear and hit the brakes. The tires didnt really slow downand you could see the pistons on the calipers and they didnt seem like they were moving very much. I started thinking maybe those lines werent moving enough fluid to push the 2 1/2 inch pistons on the calipers. .

Another option I was thinking was check valves in the lines to hold some of the fluid back.

09-09-2009, 10:15 PM
Yeah, a residual pressure valve might help. If yer looking for more volume tho, forget the plastic lines. They are about the same as the 3/16 lines yer using now. You should be able to push enough fluid with that cylinder and lines, are you running out of pedal movement? Have you bled your brakes recently?

09-10-2009, 12:43 PM
Pedal seems solid and the rears were bled a few day ago when I put new calipers on.