View Full Version : Harlan Fall crawl.

09-09-2009, 11:02 PM
Anybody plan on going??

09-09-2009, 11:20 PM
I am planning on going.

09-10-2009, 05:37 AM
Carwash when is it and do you need a co-pilot? :D

09-10-2009, 07:35 AM
Oct. 23-26. I think i'm full right now Jim, but will for sure let you know. Put you and sarge in there, and we'd get in some trouble for sure.

09-10-2009, 01:26 PM
we'll be there, put in my vacation yesterday.

09-10-2009, 01:39 PM
Will be there. always a good time.

09-10-2009, 06:23 PM
I'm going the following weekend, you guy's have fun.

94Dodge Truggy
09-10-2009, 09:17 PM
I'm going the following weekend, you guy's have fun.

May do the same to beat the crowd and cover some trails!

09-10-2009, 09:46 PM
I'm going the following weekend, you guy's have fun.

you already have plans for that weekend?

09-11-2009, 02:26 AM
Thanks Carwash that is my last race weekend at Cleves anyway. But if you do go sometime and you have some open seats let us know. I'm sure we woudln't get in to much trouble.:beers:

09-11-2009, 11:33 AM
we'll be there, put in my vacation yesterday.

please tell me you are not bringing jordan again this year! i can't take 2 or 3 days around someone who cries as much as he does. he is a grown man for christ's sake!

09-11-2009, 06:21 PM
please tell me you are not bringing jordan again this year! i can't take 2 or 3 days around someone who cries as much as he does. he is a grown man for christ's sake!

hell no, hs is never going again. same thing butch said the other day.

09-11-2009, 08:51 PM
hell no, hs is never going again. same thing butch said the other day.

gr8 minds think alike

09-11-2009, 09:16 PM
you already have plans for that weekend?

Reservations, as a matter of fact.

09-23-2009, 08:48 PM
So where do people generally stay down there? I'm thinking about checking it out but I would like to tag along with some people to show me around. How built does a vehicle need to be to get around?

09-26-2009, 10:36 PM
So where do people generally stay down there? I'm thinking about checking it out but I would like to tag along with some people to show me around. How built does a vehicle need to be to get around?

last time I was down there I stayed ont he putney side at the trail head... they rent cabins right there or you can tent also,

How built does a vehicle need to be to get around?

your rig better be at 110% with good brakes... the trail that goes up the moutain is rocky and would say is a class 3 trail out of 5. the switch backs are can be a pain. and winch would be a good envestment. the trails are up the mountain can give you some oh **** factor for sure..
personally I love it there, but would not go there with out a cage, and winch and map.

09-28-2009, 01:20 PM
vehicle build depends on what trails you want to do, you can take a stocker there and have a good time still, but you won't be doing much beyond the main trails.


09-28-2009, 04:43 PM
vehicle build depends on what trails you want to do, you can take a stocker there and have a good time still, but you won't be doing much beyond the main trails.


My Jeep was down there...helps to have someone you know the area lead. Map would have been nice tho on the day we didn't have that. :D

09-28-2009, 06:11 PM
They do sell some very nicely detailed maps of the area....

09-28-2009, 09:55 PM
HMMMM...I dont have winch..but that is 4 weeks away..I may find one by then..I may go if I can get my axle back together...

09-28-2009, 11:52 PM
HMMMM...I dont have winch..but that is 4 weeks away..I may find one by then..I may go if I can get my axle back together...

I would'nt worry about a winch.
You can run a stock 4wd. all over the main trails. Hell we saw a Caravan and a Sentra on top of the mountain.

09-28-2009, 11:59 PM
You mean like a gypsy caravan? i don't like gypsies, count me out.

09-29-2009, 08:45 AM
I've only been there once but it seemed like you spent most of the time on a fairly easy main trail and all of the hard stuff was relatively short optional obstacles/off shoots. One of the locals (was his name Frank?) led us around all day in his 35" tired Ranger just in 2wd with a rear locker since the front end was broke with no issues, but he obviously sat out on the optional stuff.

09-29-2009, 09:34 AM
Thanks Tinbeater. Thats awsome that a sentra and a caravan were on top of the mountain. I will try to get the rear axle finished up and install new hub bearings then im ready..

Blazerbrad,so its pretty easy to ride around with 33" boggers and a locked rear axle?

09-29-2009, 04:18 PM
I've only been there once but it seemed like you spent most of the time on a fairly easy main trail and all of the hard stuff was relatively short optional obstacles/off shoots. One of the locals (was his name Frank?) led us around all day in his 35" tired Ranger just in 2wd with a rear locker since the front end was broke with no issues, but he obviously sat out on the optional stuff.

frank never hits any of the good stuff!!! think he is afraid of rolling or something...who knows

09-29-2009, 09:12 PM
frank never hits any of the good stuff!!! think he is afraid of rolling or something...who knows

no ****, i only saw him take shameless up the waterfall on railbed once, the first time we were there (before he moved down there), i don't think i ever saw him try anything else except the main trail. that's just the way he's always wheeled.

i can't wait to get back down there, torching all teh front spring buckets and axle brackets off first thing in the AM, hopefully heading to branik in the afternoon to pick up some tabs, then whenever my fox's show up, i'll be ready to mount it all up. i've got tube laying in the driveway to redo the cage, and then just all the general maintenance crap to make sure everything is in top shape. hate ot get down there and have something stupid fail the first day.

09-29-2009, 09:42 PM
Looking forward to wheeling with ya!

09-29-2009, 09:52 PM
Seems like alot of people are going. So were are all of you planning on staying?
I may take the the camper and stay in the event field, but I'm not for sure yet.

09-29-2009, 10:06 PM
Kirby and I were talking about staying up on the mountain...

Was it the evarts field we stayed in a couple years ago?

09-29-2009, 10:15 PM
Was it the evarts field we stayed in a couple years ago?

That's where we were the year I went

09-29-2009, 10:58 PM
Kirby and I were talking about staying up on the mountain...

Was it the evarts field we stayed in a couple years ago?

They are alot of cool stuff going on in the event field at night now that they have a rock garden and things to play on.

09-30-2009, 10:40 AM
ill be there...rollin in LATE thursday night..stayin at mt aire as usual...

09-30-2009, 12:24 PM
whats mt. aire?

09-30-2009, 12:56 PM
whats mt. aire?

little hotel in harlan.

from what i understand, we are staying at doc's (on top of hill across from jerry's mkt.) i will have my torches and joey from van wert will have his welder if needed!

09-30-2009, 03:32 PM
just came from branik, stan and roscoe are going to be staying up at docs too it looks like (outside with us it seems). dino is having knee surgery that friday, so he won't be making it.

carwash, you guys staying up at what ever the clearing at the top of cream puff and railbed?

09-30-2009, 10:20 PM
I think that's the plan...

10-01-2009, 07:32 AM
I think that's the plan...
Is this area free camping? how many hotels are there and would they be full by now? the old lady isn't going to want to camp in a tent at the end of October. :D

Or is this a leave the woman at home kind of event? :beers:

10-01-2009, 09:30 AM
Doubt if you would find lodging this late in the game... and a lot of camping is free, some is pay. And don't let anyone ever dictate to you when yer woman has to stay home, that will get your ass in trouble.

10-01-2009, 09:41 AM
Doubt if you would find lodging this late in the game... and a lot of camping is free, some is pay. And don't let anyone ever dictate to you when yer woman has to stay home, that will get your ass in trouble.
I didn't mean it like that at all, I just didn't want to drag her down if there wouldn't be any other women for her to meet/talk to.

10-01-2009, 12:30 PM
I don't think mine is going, at this point anyway. Too much other stuff going on here... I'm already gonna be in hot water for missing a cross country meet, etc...

But, there were plenty of spouses that last time if i recall....

10-01-2009, 03:24 PM
I didn't mean it like that at all, I just didn't want to drag her down if there wouldn't be any other women for her to meet/talk to.

Mine will be there.
Hell, she will be driving most of the time.

10-01-2009, 05:47 PM
i'm trying to get my wife to go, she always used to go to slade with me, she has a cheerleading competition that weekend though (her allstar squad for the gym we own), and teh kids' championship football game is that weekend too if they make it, which they most likely will, as no team has come within 40 points of them yet. wyatt is pissed and hopes his team finally gets beat, b/c he loves going (my kids go with me every year too). camping on the mountain is free, just have to be able to get your tow rig back in there if you have one, its quite a ways back to where carwash and them are staying (still can't remember what the hell it's called, its where all teh NC guys stay every year, and where i planned on staying this year originally). finally started working on the jeep last night, hoping to get it most of the way done by sunday night except for the engine cross brace.

10-13-2009, 09:16 PM
Mine will be there.
Hell, she will be driving most of the time.

when you headed down greg??? you all campin in the verda field???

10-14-2009, 08:48 AM
Our large group (12+ jeeps, 20+ people) will be staying at the Putney Campground. We'll see everyone down there. We're getting there Friday night, wheelin and watching all day saturday and then wheelin most of sunday as well. Look for the T.O.R.C. decals! :beers:

10-16-2009, 04:34 PM
when you headed down greg??? you all campin in the verda field???

Hopefully Thursday night???
I Dont know if I going to take the camper or not?. If I do we will be in the field.

10-25-2009, 12:03 PM
Had a good time at the fall crawl. nice to meet a few of you on here. got to meet kargomaster, boomhaur, and mckeedie while at lions den. humpy and i ran some new trails we hadnt ran before. your turn and crawfords cry were a alot of fun. the park did a good job repairing the exits of both. lower damnation wasnt too bad friday but had to have some help from warn on sat. the whitetail rock garden has changed alot. seen some rockwell buggys beat on it and roll a couple times. they put on a hell of a show. i rolled on my first attemp also. was able to make it up after that. overall a really good weekend. wil post some pics a little later.

10-26-2009, 07:18 AM
Had a great week-end up until yesterday morning on the way home ( about 10 miles outside of Harlin.......:eek: Ka-Boom Duramax :eek: It took us another 14 hours and a huge tow bill to finally get home .....
Rant on -
I would also like to throw a big " F.... U.. out to the 500 folks that drove by and didn't stop. Not that anyone could have fixed the problem , but damn if Carwash didn't have one bar on his phone ( while standing on one foot )we would have been beat'n feet for miles . Maybe it's just me, but I at least stop to see if anyone needs anything......
-Rant off

Great run and not very crowded at all . I will let Carwash call the details, I'll just say , Rockwells = :D

10-26-2009, 07:59 AM
Ah yes, it was a good time indeed. Did some serious muddin' on the trails Friday in the rain. Climbed some good stuff. I must say, it still absolutely amazes me that these rigs hold up to the abuse we throw at them. I know we build them to beat on, but some things just shouldn't hold up you would think.... Like tires i guess.

I learned a few things this weekend...

A 4-man tent does not really sleep 4 guys, unless yer drunk, and really cold, and really to lazy to put up another tent... I learned to not be the 4th person to get in this tent, because drunk fags like to spread the hell out.

I learned that if you are determined and cold enough, you can actually start one hell of a fire in the pouring rain. Enough Rotella will make anything go up in flames.

I learned that super hot metts, combined with much beer, makes for an interesting next morning.

I learned, and was amazed that sarge and i can actually drink nearly 5 cases of beer in less than 48 hours.

I learned the hard way that no matter how thick your sidewalls are, that they will lay open at will while spinning on rocks and roots at blurry speed. Who knew grapevines were so tough...


We found out that a pinion brake, combined with a very well placed steering ram, turns into an awesome mobile lathe. I guess they were really too pretty anyway...


I learned right about 8 miles outside of Harlan, that my Duramax is not near as badass as i thought it was. It now sounds like a Cummins, won't accept any throttle, won't even go into reverse. It fuct.

As a bonus to that lesson, I learned just how bad it can suck to be stuck in harlan for 6 hours. Hell not even Harlan, a one store town called Cold Iron. So small it's not even on the map, and the area goes by the name of Molus on a gps.

We learned that it will cost you $10 extra in driver tip to get a pizza delivered 2 miles past their set delivery area. And the pecker wanted more than $10, I though sarge was gonna beat his ass.

And ah yes... We learned that one nice size tow truck and get all of your junk back to your house... to the tune of roughly $600


So, we left Harlan at 9:23 yesterday morning... I walked in the door last night at 10:30... Sarge had to drive an hour more home... suck.

Good times? Yes, it's all part of it i guess.

Action shots? No, we were too busy being the action to take any.

10-26-2009, 08:13 AM
Thanks for being our tour guide for the weekend Carwash, we had a blast.:beers: Cutting all those tires sucked but I think we made up for it sat night about midnight. The 8.8 held up great.
My brothers had a great time and I think we may have converted the NYC city boy for the weekend, He wouldn't stop talking about all the rigs and how amazed he was with the places we were able to get to.
Good to meet you sarge and thanks for the well placed "firecracker". Thought I was dead.:eek:

10-26-2009, 08:25 AM
Yes... a well-placed flash bang can clear a campsite out. Half the people thought they were dead, the other half ran for their lives...

Hell I knew it was going off, and it still made me pee a little... I didn't know you were gonna put it right in my freakin back pocket you crazy bastard.

10-26-2009, 08:30 AM
I would have loved to seen the view from behind me going down the paved road with a flat 44 bogger at each corner. it felt like it was going down the road sideways.

10-26-2009, 08:32 AM
I would have loved to seen the view from behind me going down the paved road with a flat 44 bogger at each corner. it felt like it was going down the road sideways.

Oh, it was..... I loved the look on everyones face when you drove by, How many people told you you had a low tire?

10-26-2009, 08:41 AM
priceless !

We also learned that "Hot Chicks" is not a phrase known to many in Cold Iron. And I'm still trying to figure out what bubba said, over and over and over .....

10-26-2009, 08:49 AM
Yeah, every person, points and says "you know you got a flat?" I just started flipping people off... jk.

And yes, the people of Cold Iron are definitely different... few teeth. Most of them wear pajama pants, all the time, and just cruise around the quickie mart on their quads... it was a dream afternoon.

94Dodge Truggy
10-26-2009, 08:54 AM
Looks like it was a blast! Anyone do lions den or jagger?

Cummins 1, Duramax 0.

10-26-2009, 08:59 AM
and yes, odd to me that while we were stuck on the actual road, in a blind turn, hood up, pacing searching for cell signal, not one person pulling a rig even slowed down...

And this surprised the hell out of me... Only guy that stopped was a local boy. Coal miner / logger, saw we needed help, stripped down and put his coveralls on and did everything he could to try to get us back on the road again. Just kept saying "well i can't just leave you here on the road, we're gonna get you going somehows."

Did everything we knew to do, but the truck was a zero. I was super appreciative of this guys tho, truly a selfless guy. Now i didn't know any of the ****ers that blew by my at 50 mph, but still.... I wold have stopped to at least see of we needed some tools, or a cell phone, something...

10-26-2009, 09:03 AM
Kirby did it, had to winch a few times, so i decided against it, since i have no winch.

And don't be a motor fag... i think yer beyond that.

Hope Springs Hauler
10-26-2009, 09:13 AM
When you gonna find out what blew? I know a couple of diehard DMAX guys if its' not under warranty.

10-26-2009, 09:20 AM
it's under warranty, so i hope it's completely wasted...

It sounds like every valve is bent and coming out of the motor... like a cummins kinda. so it sounds kinda cool, but it's not supposed to sound that way...

10-26-2009, 09:34 AM
glad you made it back okay last night man...

The trip was a blast.

I learned that my rear 1350cv shaft is not quite up to the task when im in the driver seat

I learned that I can't stop very fast when going 40+mph going into a switchback down a greasy hill. That poor YJ almost had a big pitbull pattern on its hood :o

I learned that mom jokes are still funny, especially when carwash puts a 4" gash in his sidewall :eek:

good times.

94Dodge Truggy
10-26-2009, 09:37 AM
hoping it is just a sensor or fuel delivery problem.

10-26-2009, 09:42 AM
Yeah, we discussed possibilities for a while, (we had some free time). Decided it was probably just a bad sensor or a fuel issue... time will tell.

and Kirby, i think that rock garden at the field there was just too bad ass for your little rig. hell Timmy made it further than you in it i think...

10-26-2009, 09:43 AM
and oh yeah, i learned that Kirby's rig is not faster than mine... and that my big pig of a rig CAN catch air.

Hope Springs Hauler
10-26-2009, 09:43 AM
I'm gonna toss in my bet on this one. I'm gonna go with Fuel injectors stuck.

10-26-2009, 09:47 AM
Carwash,you might already know a place to get your boggers repaired,but if you don't,try this place...BEST ONE TIRE RECAPPING they do semi and tractor tire repair.5997 Meijer Drive,Milford Oh.513 248 8850.They charge about 36 bucks and use new rubber in the cut.No need for a tube.Sorry to hear about all the bad luck,especially sleeping in a tent with 4 drunk fags.

10-26-2009, 09:58 AM
Carwash,you might already know a place to get your boggers repaired,but if you don't,try this place...BEST ONE TIRE RECAPPING they do semi and tractor tire repair.5997 Meijer Drive,Milford Oh.513 248 8850.They charge about 36 bucks and use new rubber in the cut.No need for a tube.Sorry to hear about all the bad luck,especially sleeping in a tent with 4 drunk fags.

He's got fully warranty from 4wp. But I'm glad you mentioned that...because its only a matter of time before I gash mine, or open up the ones that are already in them.

Carwash, I was laying off the throttle a little this weekend, it was the first time wheelin for my cousin...didn't wanna scare him too bad. :)

10-26-2009, 10:16 AM
ha... ok. you can blame it on St. Louis all you like, but you couldn't leave me heading down that hill... in fact, if it were wider you would have been passed.

10-26-2009, 10:21 AM
I know...I was kidding about the throttle. In all honesty, I was nervous someone would come around a blind corner and I would run off the mountain or into them (kinda like what almost happened). I was damn surprised you were able to keep up though...your pinion brakes were NOT happy. :beers:

10-26-2009, 11:29 AM
No, those brakes were not happy, they smelled like your mom's ... ... ...

10-26-2009, 12:43 PM
we had a blast...first time i have wheeled 3 full days down there...thanks buckeyezuk for guidin all weekend and good to seem boomhauer and kargomaster...carwash we saw u at the top of whitetail...tried to catch up but yall took off before we got to the top...ill attach some pics...

10-26-2009, 12:51 PM
i forgot the old faithfull "chuck wagon" big thanks to big steve leonard for hauling all our parts, tools, food, beer, extra passengers etc and still wheeling damn good for havin all our junk in it!!!! without the chuck wagon we would but s.o.l.!!! this is one jeep that has earned its keep 4 sure!!!

10-26-2009, 12:51 PM
Sorry, didn't know it was you all, or i would have waited for ya! White Tail was a *****... that big rock in the middle is unforgiving...

10-26-2009, 01:05 PM
good meeting everyone that we did. i didn't try to run **** all weekend, too damn muddy. we tried big perm (whatever its called now) friday morning first thing, got wedged in the v notch, jeep slammed to the side and died. ended up being somehow the wires on the CPS sheared, so after about an hour of widdling with a dull knife and small hack saw on the magnet, we got enough wire exposed in it to get it back together and running, when i went to move, we discovered i had also broke an upper link, replaced with a spare bushing i had and were back on the trail. i figured with the CPS living on borrowed time now, i just wasn't going ot risk it hte rest of the weekend, i had a good time just trailriding watching everyone else tear **** up.
on saturday around noon, all my bolts on my orbital mount came loose, and my orbital fell off my steering shaft, could have been ugly had the cliff been on the other side of the curve we were going around. also have a ujoint cap in my passenger side axle about ready to pop out from being dried up. had a blast though, and cant wait to get back. it was just too damned wet again this year. i think all the real trails i ran all weekend were pinball, bigperm, railbed, lower rock garden (let my brother drive it, he's never been wheeling before), and killing time.

buckeyezuk, your zuk amazed me, as did yours humpy, carwash, your rig is badass, saw kirby fly by at about 90 on saturday, figured on your way up to white tail, damned does that thing sound mean as **** when your in teh throttle.


10-26-2009, 02:50 PM
Just warrantied my tires, it was the most painless thing i ever went through...

I send them a band of tread including the DOT numbers, that's all.

My tires shipped today and i should see them by Friday.

Now if my truck repair goes this easy, I will be surprised....

94Dodge Truggy
10-26-2009, 03:17 PM
Just warrantied my tires, it was the most painless thing i ever went through...

I send them a band of tread including the DOT numbers, that's all.

My tires shipped today and i should see them by Friday.

Now if my truck repair goes this easy, I will be surprised....

what are your plans for the rest of the 2 blown out tires? :D

10-26-2009, 03:24 PM
Sorry, didn't know it was you all, or i would have waited for ya! White Tail was a *****... that big rock in the middle is unforgiving...

yes many many people beat on whitetail...stevie (buckeyzuk) got past with some good skinny pedal use and made it out the top...quite a few people put on a good show right there...especially the guy in the HUGE power wagon based ride!!! roger i think was his name!!.. whitetail is 4 SURE a lot different than it was in april!!

10-26-2009, 04:30 PM
yeah, it was fun watching from the top...

i made a new trail coming out of it, not sure if you saw...

10-26-2009, 05:54 PM
yes many many people beat on whitetail...stevie (buckeyzuk) got past with some good skinny pedal use and made it out the top...quite a few people put on a good show right there...especially the guy in the HUGE power wagon based ride!!! roger i think was his name!!.. whitetail is 4 SURE a lot different than it was in april!!

we stayed with him all weekend, that thing is a beast, i just drooled over it every morning, the amount of beer involved in thinking and designing that thing has to be immeasurable. the hydraulic frame was sweet, he can adjust his wheelbase by 3 feet!

10-27-2009, 09:17 AM
Yeah Carwash our group saw you at the top of some hill lol We had about 12 rigs and I was the one who randomly yelled "Carwash?" at you lol You sat there spinning tires flingin mud onto whoever was behind you. Looked like you guys were having fun, then we saw you later in the day passing us while we were watching some guys run the waterfall and railbed. Kirby passed and I was like uh..he doesnt look too happy, then you passed and I saw your tires being completely flat and then saw your face and was like yeah...he's pissed lol

Your and Kirby's rigs are awesome though :beers:

10-27-2009, 09:26 AM
i forgot the old faithfull "chuck wagon" big thanks to big steve leonard for hauling all our parts, tools, food, beer, extra passengers etc and still wheeling damn good for havin all our junk in it!!!! without the chuck wagon we would but s.o.l.!!! this is one jeep that has earned its keep 4 sure!!!

Humpy.....thanks for the big thank you.Had a great time at Harlan,you and Steve did some amazing stuff.It was worth the trip just to see all the great crawlin.Can't wait to go back.