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10-29-2009, 12:09 PM

Hope Springs Hauler
10-29-2009, 12:19 PM
If he paid that for it from sarge, does anybody wanna buy a 6cyl yj?:rolleyes:

I've got the same specs except no roll cage but add a 6cyl and dont think that I would get anywhere close to that.

94Dodge Truggy
10-29-2009, 12:31 PM
I will go $11,000 with truck + jeep and he can keep the trailer. Maybe old lady said sell and he wants to keep it?

10-29-2009, 12:34 PM
no **** for that price I have a 90 YJ with 1 tons and 38's I would sale lol

10-29-2009, 01:23 PM
holy **** ! he's trying to double his money!

10-29-2009, 04:07 PM
what an assbag. hey sarge you want us to start emailing him and ask all kinds of stupid questions :evilgrin: or did you give him some of that impounded special product that made the price go up

10-29-2009, 04:29 PM
HaHaHa !

I don't even know if it's the same guy that bought it off me . It was on CL about 3 weeks ago for $6200 with no trailer. The only thing I can think of is he put a $5000.00 monster motor in it .

I think it would be funny to hear what he spent 14k on ....... e-mail on :evilgrin: just post the answers here :D :D

10-29-2009, 09:19 PM
email sent...

10-30-2009, 09:12 AM
One side of me says "if he can find some stupid smuck willing to pay that cheers to him". The other side of me chuckles at the price and description of the vehicle.

Don't get me wrong as it looks to be a fun and solid rig with decent capability........but it ain't worth anywhere close to that price.

10-30-2009, 09:16 AM

10-30-2009, 09:35 AM
"I am very interested in this Jeep. Would love to take a look at it as soon as possible. I don't want this one to get away from me, so please email me back as soon as possible. This rig is exactly what I am looking for, I have been searching for months! And your price is about as reasonable as you can get for a rig built as stout as this one. I saw one like this on CL a little bit ago, but couldn't get it quick enough, someone else snatched it up! I may be able to come up with the cash, but what kind of trades are you looking for? I have a 1988 Cavalier with spinners and a hood scoop that I would part with. It's PIMP, trust me.

Please get back to me as soon as possible.

Niles Wilson "

1994 Jeep Wrangler 2.5L 5 Speed, newer clutch(strong), 36in Iroks, true 15" Longfield Bead locks, cherokee springs in the rear, stretched 8" with a way back kit, comp cut tube fenders, full cage tied into the frame, Has a Dana 30 up front with a Ford 8.8 swapped in the rear with the tubes on the housing welded and a anti-wrap bar, rear-ends are both locked front and rear, hand throttle, 04 Grand Prix leather power seats hooked up, harnesses, Warn 8500lb winch, stinger bar, really no rust at all(some surface, very minor), street legal, cd player, new serpintene belt, good brakes, Im sure I am forgetting some stuff, but over all a pretty solid jeep for both on and off the road. JEEP IS READY FOR WINTER. just to tell you a bit more about the jeep....an 88 cavalier is the last thing i am looking for...i may take it as a partial trade???do you have pics of it???

Man, if you had put all these details in the CL listing, this thing would be sold immediately. This thing sounds like a monster truck! Why would you ever get rid of it? My buddy had a jeep like this, but he sold it, like a complete moron. This is something you hang onto and pass down through the generations of your family, like fine china or a piece of furniture. My mom deals a lot in antiques, and she says this jeep is AWESOME!

You say the jeep is stretched 8", what kind of material was used to paste into the body to make it longer? And how did you find a top or doors that fit after it was stretched. That sounds like some serious custom fab, you must be one hell of a metal fabricator! I can't even tell it was done, you should look into doing work for a limo company, you have a skill that needs to be shared!

What is a dana 30 and an Ford 8.8? Are these horsepower add ons? And do they just get added together to make a total amount? Like 38.8? That's BALLIN' power! And do you have the keys for the locks? Because I would definitely need to unlock that horsepower for the drag strip.

Do the seats have seat heaters? My boyfriend won't ride in it unless it does. If not, do you think I could add them somehow? Or maybe you could just tell him that it's not that cold in the winter in the jeep. Maybe you could install a fake button on the dash, and we could just trick him into thinking it has heaters, he's kinda naive and dumb sometimes. It's ok tho, cuz the dude is hot, and that's what it's all about.

Does it come with any CD's in the cd changer? I don't have any right now and can't afford to buy any actually. It would be nice to roll around town in this bad ass rig with some Metallica or Credence cranked up. The haters would all be hatin, thats for sure!

This thing sounds amazing, and I definitely wanna get this thing! Do you get questioned all the time when yer out tearing up the streets in this thing? That's how it is with my Cavalier. They all wanna know what kind of mods I've done to it and how much i will take for it. I turned down $9500 last week. I'm not gonna give this thing away you know. All these mods add up! I got the sweet washer nozzle lights, looks just like eyes when it comes down the road at you. It's all like "i'm gonna get yer ass!!" The system is money in it! Sweet Kenwood tape deck and 2 6x9's on the back decklid. They just sit on top right now, didn't have a chance to put them in.

We could probably make an even trade, that would be best. Trust me, you won't be let down. The chicks gush at this thing. Oh yeah, do you have any pics of yourself with the Jeep. I wanna get an idea of how cool i will look while standing next to it.

Let me know!

just to let you know...am going through my emails this morning from yesterday and i have 13,so whomever is first to come up with an offer i am selling as i need something easier to get my kids in and out of for the winter,i am in no hurry to sell though as this one is ok so i will wait for the right offer...so please be real and serious when contacting me...the cav seems cool and even fine but come with cash and ready to deal...thanks alot...and this email will go out to all the ones interested....again looking for nothing special just a ride for the kids and i ...something extra as we have tons of cars....thanks again for looking...

Oh crap, I just go this next email... I hope I'm not gonna miss out on this thing. This is my dream vehicle. Please, you have to work with me on this. How much cash should i bring? I have $875 and my cavalier. I don't have the title for the cav yet tho, but I do know a guy that can make you a fake one for like $40. He can make you a fake ID as well, and since he makes them fake, you can wear a had or bandana in your photo as well, that looks ****ing cool. I could get him to throw that in for free, if he likes you.


stay tuned....

10-30-2009, 09:42 AM
im sorry either you have the money or you dont....

Ok, I have some things i can sell... some baseball cards, Who Dey beer cans, I give plasma twice a month, etc. I could have the money in probably 90 days if you can wait. Do you want to test drive the cav? You can meet me at the drag strip, it runs like 17's, BOOOOOM!!! That's not a typo, 17's! It also has 17 inch wheels, funny coincidence, eh?

karma is gonna get me i think.

10-30-2009, 09:45 AM
Oh my god... Calm down Niles! bahahahaha

10-30-2009, 10:06 AM
that is great im still laughing. but on a side note that cavalier sounds awsome.

10-30-2009, 10:15 AM
This thread is funny ask him if he built the jeep or someone else. Also how long has he owned it.

10-30-2009, 11:35 AM
THAT is some funny **** right there!!

10-30-2009, 11:39 AM
something else that is funny is that a week or so ago it was for sale for about 5k and he is asking 11k

10-30-2009, 12:01 PM
got the popcorn in the bowl !!!!!!:beers:

10-30-2009, 12:31 PM
I like how he said he has over 14k in it. That trailer must be able to drive itself to the trail and also unload the Jeep without ever touchnig it.

10-30-2009, 12:45 PM

Funny stuff.......good way to blow off a couple minutes of work on a Friday!

10-30-2009, 01:48 PM
> On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 10:57 AM, <imfasterthanyou@zoomtown.com> wrote:
> > Very serious. Only problem is no airbags. Thats why it was totalled.
> > Repaired now and looks good.

---- Lawrenceburg Mayor <lawrenceburgmayor@gmail.com> wrote:
> you want me to trade my rock crawler that i have over 15,000 invested in and
> trade you for a totaled 98 cherokee is this some kind of joke or what...no
> wonder people put no idiot offers and stuff on here...what kind of fool do
> you take me for????give me an offer close to 11,000 for what i have dont
> send me some sort of 3thousand dollar offer....this is NOT WHERE YOU MEET A
> FOOL....really dont bother me unless you have a true offer...i have been
> offered a 2005 ford f150 4x4 and turned it down...do you think i want a
> salvage crapper???

94Dodge Truggy
10-30-2009, 02:10 PM
LOL!!! I may send him a message asking if he wanted to trade straight up for my daughters cruisin tunes barbie jeep. Good stuff CW!

10-30-2009, 05:37 PM
he says...

oh my bring it to the house today and i will trade you even...for your things you want to sell including your blood....

maybe i should let it go... no way.

10-30-2009, 07:38 PM
Niles, your the man.... Lol :D


10-30-2009, 07:52 PM
this is too funny.....

all jokes aside, how much for the cavalier??? lmao:D

10-30-2009, 09:28 PM
niles says...

I'm really confused here. Listen I know my cav is no bad ass crawler like your rig, but it's my pride and joy. I have poured countless hours into it on a lot a nice mods. I have all the interior parts painted yellow, it's called "nuts fast yellow" if i recall correctly. The brake calipers are painted yellow, except for one, it's blue. I ran out of yellow paint, so i call it the "blues wheel", you know, like the Blues Brothers. The car could use a paint job for sure, but hell that's only like $90 in cans from the ZONE!! It's all in the prep, no need to go to Maaco man!

Gimme an address, imma see if my mom can run me down there to test drive your beast. She can't wait to get muddy! Do you have some rocks that we can mess around on, or an old car we can crush? Fawking Grave Digger dude!!!


10-30-2009, 10:02 PM
Carwash you are going to make this guy crazy...
I love it....:beers:

10-30-2009, 11:11 PM
Crazy !!!! He's already crazy , if he thinks he can sell that rig in the Cincy area and say he has 14K in it ......... what a douche bag !!!!!
I what to hear who did the work on it ...... I demand it !!!!!! hehehehe

10-31-2009, 12:08 AM
He's already crazy , if he thinks he can sell that rig in the Cincy area and say he has 14K in it

why doesn't someone just email him and call him on it. :D

10-31-2009, 12:34 AM
have at it >>>>> if I had a 17 second Cavy I would call him off the porch :D

10-31-2009, 07:44 AM
Don't call him out yet.. Havin' to much fun.

Plus, Niles may get a deal..:D


10-31-2009, 08:30 AM
Questions to ask are: DONT ASK ALL AT ONCE
may think u r a flake....

more info,,,,motor. trans tires,bla, bla bla
Is it stuck? 4WD not work?
did you make the shackle reversal kit?
Do you still have the fenders.
Is the wipers broke?
Not sure i understand......Why the trailer does this Jeep not run
is this a 3500 pound trailer
What kind of gas milage?

Could spend aall day on truck
Hows the tires on truck?
Do you have the molding for the bed of the truck
Do you have a cap for truck.
Truck have the big diesel motor in it...
Truck miles
truck year

Need anything else just let me know

10-31-2009, 08:46 AM
haha that guy is crazy, yall are cracin me up!

10-31-2009, 09:16 AM
No response yet, I think he's onto me....

10-31-2009, 10:00 AM
I love this thread...

I'm thinking a chick should say something to him about buying it as a surprise for a husband's bday gift....then about the time we feel right to bust him mention having someone from the guys club to help her...

10-31-2009, 10:06 AM
why doesn't someone just email him and call him on it. :D

I did because he pissed me off. This guy bought it from the guy that Sarge sold it to.

10-31-2009, 12:56 PM
It is his prerogative to sell it for whatever he thinks he can get out of it, but apparently the guy is a supertard... and if he has $14k in it, then he is really retarded.

I wish i had a pic of a gay cav to send him...

10-31-2009, 04:49 PM
dude carwash....thats fn great!!! i cant stop laughin!!! keep him goin...

10-31-2009, 07:43 PM
some i found surfing
is a bunch more of the last one

10-31-2009, 07:57 PM
This is great!!

10-31-2009, 10:56 PM
No more responses from him...

11-01-2009, 07:59 AM
Got a reply from him !

" Are you really interested in the Jeep or are you one of the CORE guys just F'N with me ? "


11-01-2009, 09:05 AM
Damnit,He's on to ya Niles...:eek:


11-01-2009, 01:12 PM
I dont blame him for being upset....
u jeep guys broke it offn him.............lol

Buddy if your readin this....I'm on your side
cause, based on your not so detailed description
I would be hard pressed to give you 2500
for it.

But I'm sure someone has a jeep worth more than that
I just haven't seen one in a long time?

Change your ad to describe the rusted out POS.
Get rid of the f..ked up monster post or whatever the hell the description is.

Get the turd out of the freakin culvert and off the ****ty assed
trailer, detailed description and pic's
price it to sell W/O the trailer ,if you have to haul it home for them cause it wont run then offer them the trailer
It mite sell. Jeep people are truely nuts. As I am sure you allready know...lol
One of them will buy it.

11-01-2009, 02:12 PM
lol !

leave it to the RICERS to take every post and turn it in to a jeep bash !


11-01-2009, 05:22 PM
lol !

leave it to the RICERS to take every post and turn it in to a jeep bash !



11-01-2009, 05:26 PM
Wow... I think I went and started an Epic Thread. I was worried about posting the link to it at first because I did not know if it was someone from here that was trying to sell it. :D

Carwash, you my friend are hilarious. :beers:

11-01-2009, 08:36 PM
I was worried about posting the link to it at first because I did not know if it was someone from here that was trying to sell it.

Hell, it might be... You think he's gonna show his face now?



11-01-2009, 10:12 PM
See what you started "NILES"

05-21-2010, 02:32 PM

This guy called me and wanted to swap his truck for mine. Book values... mine is worth about $1000 more than his. He wanted me to give him cash too.

What a jerk. I am so tired of people like this.

His email lawrenceburgmayor@gmail.com

His phone 8125329686

05-21-2010, 03:06 PM
hahaa its the same gay again!?!!? that is pricless!

05-21-2010, 10:30 PM

This guy called me and wanted to swap his truck for mine. Book values... mine is worth about $1000 more than his. He wanted me to give him cash too.

What a jerk. I am so tired of people like this.

His email lawrenceburgmayor@gmail.com

His phone 8125329686

In his post he says he has no job but yet he says not to call him because he is at work all day... what a tard.

Hey Niles that looks like a good truck for you and your boyfriend to cruise the mall in. :D