View Full Version : 4 Wheel Parts tire warranty...
11-11-2009, 09:08 AM
So when i bought my tires, years ago, I got the road/offroad warranty. Shipping for the tires was $168, but they offered the shipping for free if you spring for the tire warranty at $100. No brainer, saved $68 on shipping and had peace of mind of the warranty.
Warranty info came in the mail. It said this:
-We will replace it at no charge during the first 50% of tire wear (pro-rated after)
-Warranty covers all failures, on and offroad
-Warranty covers all non-reapairable flats
-Warranty covers all tire defects
So finally finished the rig, as everyone knows i guess... Took it to Harlan Fall Crawl for it's first official trail run. Second day of riding, we hit Grapevine on the way back to camp and I slice open the sidewalls on 2 of my brand new 44" Boggers. Damn.
Was really bummed out about it until i remembered my tire warranty. So, got back home and started the process. Called them up, they verified my warranty and sais as long as i had more than 50% tread, i would get new tires no problem. So, as to not want to wait for me to ship my old ones, or let the rig sit on no tires for weeks, i went ahead and paid in full up front, and will be reimbursed. (hope so anyway).
They told me the process of what to do for shipping back the portion. The piece has to include the DOT number and a section of tread so that they can measure the depth. Odd to me that they don't even require that you send back the damaged section at all. What keeps dishonest people from just getting new tires when their tread gets down to about 60%?
Anyway, here's some pics of my process. I will ship these off today, and let you all know when my credit comes through. That bead is amazingly tough to get thru, what the hell kind of metal is that wire... jesus. I was amazed at how easy it was to cut thru the tread and sidewall areas tho, like butter.
Its really an odd feeling to take a saw to brand new set of tires... feels like I'm doing something wrong.
11-11-2009, 09:29 AM
So when i bought my tires, years ago, I got the road/offroad warranty. Shipping for the tires was $168, but they offered the shipping for free if you spring for the tire warranty at $100. No brainer, saved $68 on shipping and had peace of mind of the warranty.
Warranty info came in the mail. It said this:
-We will replace it at no charge during the first 50% of tire wear (pro-rated after)
-Warranty covers all failures, on and offroad
-Warranty covers all non-reapairable flats
-Warranty covers all tire defects
So finally finished the rig, as everyone knows i guess... Took it to Harlan Fall Crawl for it's first official trail run. Second day of riding, we hit Grapevine on the way back to camp and I slice open the sidewalls on 2 of my brand new 44" Boggers. Damn.
Was really bummed out about it until i remembered my tire warranty. So, got back home and started the process. Called them up, they verified my warranty and sais as long as i had more than 50% tread, i would get new tires no problem. So, as to not want to wait for me to ship my old ones, or let the rig sit on no tires for weeks, i went ahead and paid in full up front, and will be reimbursed. (hope so anyway).
They told me the process of what to do for shipping back the portion. The piece has to include the DOT number and a section of tread so that they can measure the depth. Odd to me that they don't even require that you send back the damaged section at all. What keeps dishonest people from just getting new tires when their tread gets down to about 60%?
Anyway, here's some pics of my process. I will ship these off today, and let you all know when my credit comes through. That bead is amazingly tough to get thru, what the hell kind of metal is that wire... jesus. I was amazed at how easy it was to cut thru the tread and sidewall areas tho, like butter.
Its really an odd feeling to take a saw to brand new set of tires... feels like I'm doing something wrong.
"nyles" should send those to that guy you were f'ing with so he can sell them for 600.00 or
11-11-2009, 09:32 AM
Good idea.
Or maybe brad can use them. He can mount them so that the big hole is hidden. They don't need to actually be functional anyway. hahahahah.
11-11-2009, 09:32 AM
you are gonna be alittle more upset
if they say Sorry about your luck
when those could have been fixed
sidewalls ain't much are they
11-11-2009, 09:33 AM
Well, they have assured me that I am good to go to have them fully covered. Time will tell I guess. If they don't cover them, can you fix these for me Rob?
11-11-2009, 11:10 AM
Good idea.
Or maybe brad can use them. He can mount them so that the big hole is hidden. They don't need to actually be functional anyway. hahahahah.
You MUST be talking about a different brad...
Hope this all works out the way it should... Good job remembering the warrantee... I'd have forgotten, bought the tires, let them sit for 5 years while I rebuilt, then remembered. :o
Load Range C - 6 ply sidewall... they look about right to me...
11-11-2009, 11:12 AM
5 years... keep it up assbag. You can see the build date on the tires... 19th week of 2006.
I know a good vulcanizer, you want these?
11-12-2009, 11:00 AM
5 years... keep it up assbag. You can see the build date on the tires... 19th week of 2006.
I know a good vulcanizer, you want these?
Not to sidetrack but I could use a # for someone who can volcanize a 39.5 IROK?
11-12-2009, 11:08 AM
Let me get his name and number from a buddy. I might know 2 different ones, gimme a couple days.
11-13-2009, 09:47 AM
Cool, Thanks man!
11-13-2009, 03:00 PM
i hope your 4wp warranty goes better than mine. a few years ago i bought a mile marker winch (before i knew better)from them and did the same with warranty. think it was a little more for the lifetime warranty than it would have been for shipping, but not by much. maybe 60-70 $. when it quit working 2 months down the road i called them up and found this to be the process:
1 i send them the winch- $45 shipping(me)
2 they repair it/replace it, and or ship it to manafacturer. or something like that'
3 i pay postage back to me. $ 90 shipping AND processing, now.
4 and that is my lifetime warranty. if i want another i can buy another for origional price ($60-70)
i tried to argue that had i not bought the lifetime waranty, i still have a one year warranty on it. but they told me thats only from manafacturer, and im still responsible to get it to manftere, or aurthorized repair center. i couldent believe that the warranty id bought was only good for one time. i figured lifetime meant that im covered for life.
anyway, i dont have much to say good about their warranty program. hope it works for you, though.
lss, my winch had a bad solenoid/ relay assembly, which i easily found once i dug into it. so i just bought one from a harbor freight parts catalog. chicago tool, mile marker, and a couple other winches are the same, just differant badges. the p/n's all cross reference each other and are identical. at least when i had this ordeal they did.
11-17-2009, 02:07 PM
Forgot to add how much Max liked the new tires before i mounted them...
11-17-2009, 02:14 PM
Too cute...
11-17-2009, 07:47 PM
growin like a weed
11-17-2009, 08:53 PM
Yea wish I had 44s sprouting out of my lawn too :p
Cute Kid :)
11-18-2009, 08:23 AM
I call it a $615 booster seat.
11-19-2009, 11:34 AM
Good idea.
Or maybe brad can use them. He can mount them so that the big hole is hidden. They don't need to actually be functional anyway. hahahahah.
too mf'ing funny!!!!
12-02-2009, 09:38 PM
so what is the story wit the "left overs" cuz ide like to buy them or just get them them outa your way;) they would make a nice bar base or some ****?
12-02-2009, 09:40 PM
When imma unload them I will let you know.
12-07-2009, 02:11 AM
I used to work at 4WP in Columbus and when we did a trie warranty all we did was take a "hot" knife to the number section between the two dimples keeping the complete tire intact.................not saying that SOME tires didn't end up a trail spares AFTER the warranty was fullfilled interco got the numbers they needed
12-09-2009, 10:46 AM
just to update....
Received my credit. I had them pull the handling cost ($39) and the price of a new warranty for the two new tires ($50 ea) out of the credit I was owed, but I received the rest of the credit back on the card.
The warranty you buy is only good for the one tire it's on. When you turn it in, your warranty is gone and you have to buy a new one. I think this is fine. $50 more for peace of mind is just fine in my book. I will do it every time at that price.
Here's the kicker, wasted another tire at Jellico a couple weekends ago... cut the sidewall pretty good. Able to be plugged, but definitely needs to be replaced. They are gonna think I'm scamming them at some point I'm sure. Am I actually this unlucky? Last set of boggers I had, I ran for 3 full seasons hard with no punctures. Ha.
12-09-2009, 11:02 AM
Buy some Rockers :D
12-09-2009, 11:20 AM
You buy me some, I already have $2400 in tires.
94Dodge Truggy
12-09-2009, 11:48 AM
Does the width of the vehicle seem to make it hard to avoid obstacles or is it just bad luck?
12-09-2009, 12:49 PM
It's not wider than any other 1 ton rig, by any more than 2 inches or so. I'm still thinking it's the run flats. I have 2 more to cut off.
12-09-2009, 12:58 PM
Nice to know somebody out there stands behind the warranty these days...
12-09-2009, 01:26 PM
I was surprised and relieved at how easy it was.
12-09-2009, 04:24 PM
you know, it wouldn't have been too funny to YOU, but if all they required was a photo or something simple of the tire, I bet a few of us would have been laughing about the sawed tires... it is good to know a warranty actually still works at some places.
12-09-2009, 05:23 PM
I did what they told me to. I didn't cut up the tires on my own accord thinking that's what they might be looking for...
They asked for an 8" section of tread, in the area where the DOT number was. They didn't even care where the tire injury was, or cared to even see it... odd to me, but that's what they said.
12-09-2009, 05:50 PM
I did what they told me to. I didn't cut up the tires on my own accord thinking that's what they might be looking for...
They asked for an 8" section of tread, in the area where the DOT number was. They didn't even care where the tire injury was, or cared to even see it... odd to me, but that's what they said.
WE most likely got away with it being a storefront.........they had a 3rd party come in and take all of the old tires they were just tossed in the would not surprise me if they sold them off as GOOD tires!
12-10-2009, 08:00 AM
I did what they told me to. I didn't cut up the tires on my own accord thinking that's what they might be looking for...
They asked for an 8" section of tread, in the area where the DOT number was. They didn't even care where the tire injury was, or cared to even see it... odd to me, but that's what they said.
It makes sense they would ask for this........guarantees that somebody is not trying to rip them off by getting a free set of tires when there is nothing wrong with the old ones. Regarding not caring about where the damage was, how many people out there would go to the trouble to destroy an almost new tire just for the hell of it.
12-10-2009, 08:16 AM
Well, the warranty is good for full replacement, up to 50% of tread depth remaining. So really, if you wanted new tires at half tread, you could just cut them up and send them all in and say they were all punctured.
Yes, would be a lot of work, and I would never do this, but I bet it happens. That's why i was surprised they didn't want to at least see the damaged section, etc. There is always someone out there trying to buck the system and get something for nothing.
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